What do you think will happen to Russia once Putin dies?
What do you think will happen to Russia once Putin dies?
fuck off pooftah
Some high-ranking member of United Russia replaces him. I hope it's a Jew or Muslim just to watch all the Sup Forums tears.
>letting the entire world get fucked to own a bunch of guys online
civil war and it will be beautiful
They'll find a new dictator to worship
Hopefully reinstallment of the Russian Soviet Republic
Nothing since was a bag-carrier for the St. Pete's mayor. He's a puppet. You niggas know nothing about the KGB. We do and that's why we know all what they do.
Hopefully Russia will follow
It takes a completely ruthless madman to compete in the top echelons of Russia's political life. There are a bunch of likely candidates, and almost all of them are nasty. Putin looks like a Gandhi in comparison to most of them.
with no more reason to exist the dead man's switch will be triggered and his system of orbital weather satellites will switch on, sending russia into a catastrohpic winter through which no living thing could possibly survive. The frozen corpse of Russia will stand forever, an eternally visible punishment for failing him.
Obviously they're still going to follow the party line. They don't want to get disappeared.
a power vacuum leading to closed curtains owning between oligarchs and former kgb officers not seen by the public and emergence of an hero who will make russia nr.1 again. no idea who that unwanted hero will be tho since he aint gonna kick the bucket any time soon and now there's really no one who looks like he'll take the emperors seat
Total fucking chaos, disintegration, collapse, probably nuclear war and apocalypse
cannot FUGGING :D wait
Oligarchs and FSB will create a CGI Putin. Putin's biography will be distorted so no one is sure when he was born. This fake Putin will "rule" for centuries.
love the allures to fake dmitry :DD
Zhirinovsky takes power
In general, politics is "Us vs Them", nobody wants their side to lose no matter how bad their side is. This is why political parties are a shit idea and people should be voted in based on their ideals, not their allegence
this man
I flee to murica because of power struggle and balkanisation and ask there for gibs.
There is no alternative to Putin. Russia will cease to exist.