
The End of /Balt/

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fucking kill yourselves

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>any Roman Emperor that isn't Nero
How does it feel to have a shit taste?

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reddit tier thread

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>everything that I do not like is bait

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>eva is reddit
>posts darring in the franxx
Boggles the mind

It better fucking rain soon, this dusty-ass country is doing a number on my lungs

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>eva is good
>he probably thinks that "christian" symbolism is there because its totally made cause they love Christianity

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>he's too dumb to decipher the incredibly intellectual and deep symbolism of eva
>only has the attention span to comprehend the ntr references in darring
I'd rather not have to deal with mud

muesli is nice

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Have you tried adding garlic to it?
More of a porridge man myself

Lol youtube.com/watch?v=n_kguhJGT0o

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just stick to paved roads lol?

Good one

>muesli not as cereal
>buy muesli with chocolate bits
why yes I am eating healthy

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lol dumb funny video

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looks amazing

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>1.5 year since kejio been aired

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*has aired

We also used mikasa balls back in school, wtf?!

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>falling for that, that easily

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>not detecting the reverse bait

?????? I said the video is dumb not her
>We also used mikasa balls back in school, wtf?!
yes? so? they are popular they probably have like a monopoly on volley ball

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>8% battery left

Oh, okay
Good that you know that Hanabi is smart
>pretends to know a lot about volleyballs
Lol, okay, I believe you

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I'm going to Estonia for two month in May/June near Pärnu for school related work, any tips?
I don't speak a word of Estonian and I'm starting to worry

>Good that you know that Hanabi is smart
yeah its good that I do
>Lol, okay, I believe you
I actually don't know almost anything about it

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>nintendo sk has the best opening song out of all games
My picture...
Oh, okay, good that you admitted that

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hope they start demolishing churches soon and build offices and skyscrapers instead of them
fuck christians

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lol link to it please?????
>Oh, okay, good that you admitted that
yeah its good that I did

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Oh shit, you're still here?
Would you prefer constant rain, darkness and endless mud? Shit taste for weather, lad.

poor little christians they are cucked so much to the core they can't even realize that church is a business from medieval times

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Link to what? Pic or op?
>if you deleted a game on psp, you still would have the save file from it left so that you wouldn't have to start from the very beginning if you download it again
>vita can't do this unless you pay for ps+ or copy THE ENTIRE GAME on your pc since your save file will be deleted if you delete the game
>however psp games save files on vita still don't get deleted if you delete the game
Ugh, dumb idiots...

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>if you deleted a game on psp, you still would have the save file from it left so that you wouldn't have to start from the very beginning if you download it again
>vita can't do this unless you pay for ps+ or copy THE ENTIRE GAME on your pc since your save file will be deleted if you delete the game
>however psp games save files on vita still don't get deleted if you delete the game
>Ugh, dumb idiots...

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Ugh, shut up, OR ELSE....

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hope we can demolish the monuments to thousands of Lithuanians being killed because they were pagan and one day we will replace the "books" of those christian losers that they teach in schools about that were written by the same opressors with modern non believers
Fukoku kyōhei

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wow is that from the newest game?
and yes the OP is nice too...

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Dumb Saber
YES, WANTED to broadcast it to you but you REFUSED
Yes.... :-)

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what a slut......
good saber*
lol......... can't anymore lol

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gonna play a game now desu

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That's you lmao
Tch... Shut up
Wow, okay, what game though?

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not me lol
very pure virgin
no you....
you wouldn't like it dummy

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what do you think, did Eastern Galindians exist?

glad that they got genocided

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nice maid

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Cute image lol
Oh, okay (((don't))) care then

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no but now everything is dry and dead from being buried under snow for a month
fucking dust everywhere
just a few days is all i'm asking

good taste
saber is a virgin yes she is
yes you don't

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a lithuanian culture without cucktholism has yet to be born
we have no culture until then

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>introduced the latin script (so people could write and read books)
>monks preserved historical records and works on such fields as biology, astronomy, medicine
>stimulated urbanisation (towns and villages started springing up around churches and monastic schools)

>gave birth to identity politics at american universities

really activates the almonds

the right must change it self shouldn't surround itself with uneducated people and should drop the anti science cult that it has should also stop believing in Gods that do not exist at that point we will take over
National socialism was like that and it worked and people elected hitler

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nice fanfiction

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in short:
We WILL takeover once again

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being redpilled is comprehending that the jews had it coming

>right wing
In your deluded fantasies, you filthy degenerate

yeah it's especially ironic when he calls other people soyboys lol

Hello my baltic breddas, lat boi in germany here. Hope all is well for all of ja.

nazi and degenerate goes hand in hand

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>nazis hated fun
>falling for allied propaganda that easily

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for real though, your nazi apologism is retarded af

Speaking of nazis, the germans are way more racist then i thought before i came to live here.

>t. communist jew

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not racist
superiority complex
it's a difference

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>slavs are the biggest criminals
>slavs are on the top of every statistic that is bad
>slavs are on the bottom fo every statistic that is good
its almost as if hitler was right

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Tbh, that gave me hope that the degeneracy of multiculturalism will not be here forever :)


I think you mean blacks and sandies

>the pole and the latvian russian in germany start defending their own
cause of course you would

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do you know which eu country tops german crime statistics?

Have a couple russians here that i work with. Way better then most of the turks that live here.
Are you calling me a russian >:[

turks are bro tier though

you're all pretty retarded by the way
everyone walking around with a spruce branch today like they're on a special ed field trip

i'm hungry

One practicant from germany asked if i was russian cuz she thaught i look like one. I was fuggen pissed.

>be pooland
>have wars with soviets,Lithuanians and destroy ukranians cause they wanted their own country after ww1
>ohh no ebil germans trying to save eastern europe from soviets and the pooles

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She ignoorin muh baltik heretig

maybe you do look like a slav

should i get jurgis ir drakons pizza?
i heard that it has a pretty good reputation

>try to take land from czechs
>ohh no germans want danzig full of germans they are totally evil unlike us we dindu nuffin

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Wtvd. Drinking a bear at a public park created out of a huge abandoned factory.


this again
they started it in 1919 and invaded

This part of germany is fullof industry and ugly as fuk desu

yeah drinking in public is pretty fun
especially when you're doing it next to some lake or river and it's summer

Why the fuck did my autocorrect correct desu to desu?!

>occupy vilnius
>stage a coup in kaunas and fail
>kill ukranians who wanted their own country and help establish soviet union in a way being doing that
>take lands from czechs
>kill native germans in danzig
ohh wow poles dindu nuffin unlike the evil germans

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its okay though I understand that winners write history

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Da fuk? Is it chan thats doing it?
Not realy a big bear drinker. After i moved here i stoped smoking weed. I mis weed :(

>>kill native germans in danzig
only event that has sources confirming it was "bloody sunday" in which german militias as polish civilians got killed
and that happened after the invasion started lol
rest is goebbels' machine and you're a retard for falling for it

>anglos took all the grain from india only so they'd starve then
>americans put japanese in camps
could go on and on

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holodomor ect....

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nips deserved it though for their barbaric practices
did you know that there was a concentration camp run by jews after the war? pretty funny huh
