What's the grading system in your country?

What's the grading system in your country?

Here it goes from 2 (poor) to 6 (excellent)

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>Here it goes from 1 (Unsatisfactory) to 5 (Excellent).

0-10, 0 being the lowest and 10 the highest. I don't know why anyone would use a different system, desu

12-4 in school
A B C D E F in uni

A B C D or F
E was deemed to be too homosexual in the 60s so we did away with it.

0-4 or

>1st to 9th grade
pretty much like >10th to 12th grade and uni

Here it goes from -3 (very bad) to 12 (very good).

0 to 20 out of 20

In university
The grading systems goes from 0 to 5 with 3 being the lowest passing grade

As for school, I don't know how it is now but when I was in high school, at first the grading system was

E - (excelente. excellent)
B - (bien - good)
I - (insuficiente - insufficient)

But it later was changed to:

E - (excelente - excellent)
S - (sobresaliente - outstanding)
A - (aceptable - acceptable)
I - (insuficiente - insufficient)
D - (deficiente - deficient)

0-4.9: fail
5-5.9: pass
6-6.9: good
7-8.9: notable
9-10: excellent

A B C from first to third grade

6 or 7 to 10 from fourth to six grade

9 to 20 in middle school and high school

0 to 100 in high school examination

0 to 10 in university

1-6 with one being the worst.

in university the range is 0-30, 18 is sufficient (below 18 isn't valid and usually isn't even registered, the exam is failed)
the grade on the final thesis exam is expressed on 110 scale, 66 is the bare minimum, 99+ (99 included) is "full votes", 110 is "maximum votes" and then there's an optional "cum laude"
in elementary/middle/high school I've seen grades in the 1-10 scale (3 is often considered the lowest possible grade, whilst 9 is often considered the maximum one) and A-F grades

>1-10 scale (3 is often considered the lowest possible grade, whilst 9 is often considered the maximum one) and A-F grades
forgot to add: "6" and "C" are always "sufficient", "5" is not sufficient.

>"full votes"
*"with full marks"
>"maximum votes"
*"the highest mark"

Why the fuck would it start on 2. Give me 1 reason?
Here it's basically the same except 1 (failing) - 5 (excellent) all the way from 1st to 12th grade

dunno if they changed it, but at school it was
0~59% of accumulated points = 1 = Insuficiente = didn't pass
60~69% of accumulated points = 2 = Aceptable = passed from here on
70~79% of accumulated points = 3 = Bueno
80~89% of accumulated points = 4 = Muy Bueno
90~99% of accumulated points = 5 = Excelente
100% of accumulated points was Excelente Felicitado
at uni the minimum percentage to pass was changed to 70%, but the 1 to 5 grade was mantained

from 2 to 5.

ps: all this Excelente reminds me of pic related ajaja

Attached: images.jpg (905x415, 177K)

1 = total fucking failure and your final grade is lowered by 1 point if you do not re-take the test
2 = failure
3 = average
4 = ok
5 = good

teachers may or may not add an additional marker of 'minus' or 'plus' to give more feedback. like getting a 5+ means a result which couldn't be better whereas a 3- (or with a very long minus for extra dramatic effect) means that you barely pass the required level of knowledge, but the teacher is not heartless so you will not be given a 2 for failing.

in university we got A to F. F being the lowest of low brainlet tier who can't even get 51% of the test right.

0-100 everywhere.

0 - 10

1-9 with 9 being the highest. We have a U grade for the spastics.


1 to 6, 6 being the highest.
Funny thing, Germans have the opposite and they always think that Einstein sucked at school cause he went to school in Switzerland, that's how that rumor came about.

>3- (or with a very long minus for extra dramatic effect) means that you barely pass the required level of knowledge, but the teacher is not heartless so you will not be given a 2 for failing.
When I was in school teachers used to write two minuses after the grade, for example 3= calling it "three with tracks" to make it extra clear you're an idiot.

I don't see the need to translate percentages on a 1-5 range honestly
below "6" (aka below 60%) is "insufficient"
6 (60%) is sufficient
7 (70%) is "bueno"
8 (80%) is "muy bueno" (here it's called "ottimo" usually)
9 (90%) is "excelente" (here it's called "distinto" usually)
10 (100%) is the maximum (here it's simply "eccellente")

yep. sames. or make the minus extra bold so you REALLY get the message

1-10 in school(Very rarely a teacher gives someone 1, mostly it is 2 if the work is very poor or just empty)
0-10 in uni

when i was at schoo


>What's the grading system in your country?

Depends on the level of the education and then on the school.

if you don't have a uniform standard in grading how can a parent decide which school is better?

middle school: 1 (very good) - 6 (fail)
high school: 0 (fail) - 15 (very good)
uni: 1.0 (very good) - 5.0 (fail), where 4.0 is the worst passing grade

For GCSEs (16+) exams it used to be A*-F, but they’ve changed it to 9-1, where 9 is the highest, 4 is a pass and 1 is obviously the lowest.
A Levels (18+/uni entrance exams) remain the same, though it’s A*-U. E is a pass grade, and U is a fail.

School: from 1 (worst) to 6 (excellent) where at least 2 is required to pass and 6 means that your knowledge from that subject is beyond school stuff

there's often some confusion between "distinto" and "ottimo", and according to wikipedia
"ottimo" is higher than "distinto"
also this
>Nella scuola, giudizio sintetico superiore a buono e inferiore a ottimo
but I'm 100% sure that "distinto" was higher than "ottimo" and only "eccellente" (10) was higher
you'll find similar experiences from other Italians too
maybe it was a regional thing

side note: a "+" or "-" means usually + 0,25
a "/" means +0,75
a "-" means -0,15
example: 7+ = 7,25 ("sette più")
6/7 = 6,75 ("dal sei al sette")
8- = 7,85 ("otto meno")

0 to 20

A: 90-100%
F:59% or lower

This system is pretty standard even all the way through college.

0,0 - 10

1-5 with 1 being pretty much F and 5 being A all the way through
percentages from the mature exam you have to take at the end of high school
subjects taken at intermediate level:
80-100% -5
60-79% - 4
40-59% - 3
25-39% -2
0-24% - 1
at advanced level :
60-100% - 5
47-59% - 4
33-46% - 3
25-32% - 2
0-24% - 1

There are several places in Brazil where it's 1-30 for two parts of the year, then 40 for the last one, totaling 100.

how old are you


1 best
6 you retarded faggot gave me an empty sheet

Grammar school: 0-15
with 0 you retarded faggot gave me an empty sheet
and 15 perfect

this plus on uni is from 2 to 5, 2 means that you didn't pass

with + -
A very well above and beyond
B pretty much want they tell you to do
C close enough
D fail
E you literally put effort into being this wrong


Below 50 you fail (if I recall correctly, graduated 9 years ago)

1 being the best and 5 being the worst
4 is enough to pass

1.0 to 7.0
You fail with 1.0~3.9 and approve with a 4.0~7.0

I'm 30.

It goes from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and and 10 the highest. In schools, you pass with a 6 or 7, which usually is between 50 and 70% of the test done well. For make up exams in secondary school and all exams in university and tertiary school, the minimum score to pass is a 4, which represents a 50% of the exam done well.

Also, when I was a kid in primary school, we also had the weird scoring that went, if I remember correctly:
-ANS, aún no satisfactorio (not yet satisfactory)
-PS, poco satisfactorio (barely satisfactory)
-S, satisfactorio (satisfactory)
-MS, muy satisfactorio (very satisfactory)

In school:

Sobresaliente (10)
Sobresaliente muy bueno (9.5)
Muy bueno sobresaliente (9)
Muy bueno (8.5)
Muy bueno bueno (8)
Bueno muy bueno (7.5)
Bueno (7)
Bueno regular (6)
Regular bueno (5)
Regular (4)
Regular deficiente (3)
Deficiente regular (2)
Deficiente (1)

In highschool it goes 1 to 12 (6 being the lowest passing grade).

yeah school grading is fucking retarded

Depends where you are

1(good) - 6(bad)

15(good) - 0(bad)

60 or less is fail

we have the same system here in middle- and high school.

University is A-F, A being highest, F a fail. E passing grade.

High school:
Not Achieved

It's a fucking stupid system that makes little sense. There are questions in the examinations that are hiddenly marked as (Achieved,Merit or Excellence). You need a certain combination of all three to get the highest grade.

University makes more sense:
A+, A, A-, etc etc based on percentiles

Some colleges and universities do 1-5 and 0-100

1 = Excellent / 15-13 Points
2 = Good / 12-10 Points
3 = Ok / 9-7 Points
4 = Well..... / 6-4 Points
5 = Loser / 3-1 Points
6 = Kill yourself / 0 Points

>1 (worst)
>4 (pass)
>6 (best)
Calculation is: [your score] / [score cap] * 5 + 1

1 is you got nothing right.
10 is you got everything correct.

5 future thug
6 future clerk
7 future clerk
8 future clerk
9 future bureaucrat
10 future bureaucrat

literally subhuman if it's not just a percentage
why would you have anything else. just a meme
10 point systems are acceptable

– A+

You needed to make ~80% of the process to get a 2, at least in my school.

they changed it then, i see. thanks

A- = 80-89
A = 90-94
A+ = 95+

Don't remember the other ones.

0-10. 7 being the lowest possible passing grade