Thoughts on school uniforms?

Thoughts on school uniforms?

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for angloid countries


Burn them.


Literally retarded

Positive. Without it poorer kids would just get bullied for wearing the same shit everyday

They're not very common here, but some schools do have them. I think we should have them in more schools.

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One of the greatest invention on the earth.

Are there people over 18 at all?


Usually requiring a uniform in any sort of situation would usually imply it fills a function, like safety goggles and lab coats in a lab to protect the body from harmful chemicals, or a vest and helmet in a construction site to protect you from getting hurt.
What do school uniforms really, you know, do? Why would they need them? It's not like them all dressing the same would help academic performance, or raise productivity, or lower bullying, or encourage physical activity or something.
It's purely a control thing, fills no purpose.
Communists OUT

only some elementary schools have them here

i dont blame those pakis
i wouldnt be able to control myself around this either

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Keeps students less focused on what they're wearing and more what they're learning

this, it teaches people to accept random demands for conformity with no reason stated

>It's not like them all dressing the same would help academic performance, or raise productivity, or lower bullying, or encourage physical activity or something.

It does all of these things.

i mean the uk is as obsessed about class as the us is about race. so uniforms are a way to prevent poor people having shitty clothes and rich ones wearing brand shit. i mean you can still tell by how ugly dumb and dirty poor people are but still

good, should be extended for all the jobs

>yoga pants
>tight t shirt
I like ours desu


Fucking conformist!

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It's amazing. When I went in GB in an English high school the uniforms were so hot.


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They suck.

Serious answer: I find the idea really great because uniforms are classy, esthetic and it would avoid the trash wearings and behaviors related to them.

Uniforms are shit because it makes schools even more expensive for the poor, also it doesn't help end the poor vs rich class divide because the rich will still have better shit and will still make it obvious that they are rich

They're gay, stupid, dumb and I hate them.

The issue here would be more about "poor" (shitskins) who wear like trash willingly

I like school uniforms.

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What a simpleton. A uniform isn't that much moe expensive than a regular set of clothes. And even if it won't completely end class divide, it will certainly reduce it by a lot. If someone has a more expensive phone doesn't really matter when everyone is dressed the same.


No one cares if you're rich here. It's more of an 'oh, cool' thing. People care more if you flaunt your wealth, are disrespectful to others and if you're a paki (although pakis normally flaunt their wealth and act disrespectful).

made so perverts can look at girl panties

only people who never wore a school uniform like them. they're awful in practice


stfu cracker

To be honest I don't mind them when they look nice. But my shitty suburb I grew up in had the worst uniform ever. Red, yellow or blue short sleeve polos with khaki or black slacks. It was so boring and everyone looked like shit.

I miss it desu. It takes so many needless decisions and comparisons out the way and makes everyone look smarter too. Also it's a good way to separate your work mindset from your home mindset.