>Yankoids will literally throw a fit over this sign, despite their weekly gun massacres
Yankoids will literally throw a fit over this sign, despite their weekly gun massacres
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please stop drawing attention to britain. any moment now they'll start posting the child rapes and state of our police. we're really not in a position to shit talk
Freedom ain't free
drop the proxy yank
have a feeling you are the yank
Sure we are. The paedo gangs are blown way out of proportion. I guarantee the US have exactly the same as us, and gun massacres on top of that.
yes that definitely makes sense you utter spack
not even trying are you
lol holy shit
this is embarrassing
gun massacres account for a very small percentage of gun murders
most gun murders are unironically blacks killing each other with handguns in places with the strictest gun laws like chicago
mate you're projecting
Make no mistake, we WILL prevail.
Lol, when you 100% European white and you love America because at least we have a constitution to protect us from mutts and reards taking over. (U.K.) (GERMANY) (FRANCE)
i would fucking shoot that dumb ass traitor bitch. Say it with me
Shall NOT be infringed
A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state
If Chicago had border checks with the rest of the US, then its gun laws might function as intended.
But it doesn't, so it can't, so it doesn't prove anything about the effectiveness of strict gun control laws.
>white knights for sharters in a very, VERY sharty fashion
>gets very touchy when accused of being a proxy
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes real head scratcher this one
>that tummy
I would buy 500-1000 bucks to hatefuck and choke her
so then why aren't the states they're getting their weapons from experiencing similar murder rates?
why are brits here now anti usa? Stopped posting here since some time.
Because they're not Chicago? Because they're far less densely populated.
Because Chicago's strict gun laws came about because it had immense amounts of gun crime, not the other way around?
you're baiting on a proxy
Keep in mind, those state will still have far, far higher rates of gun crime than Japan, or the UK.
>citing city gun regulations as being anyway meaningful
Yeah it's totally not like someone can just drive a couple hours and purchase a firearm and bring it into the city. Just like they have higher rates of all other types of crimes.
>Because Chicago's strict gun laws came about because it had immense amounts of gun crime, not the other way around?
hmmm its almost like bad guys don't follow gun laws
guns literally don't exist in the uk. how about acid attacks and rape gangs and incest via small gene pool?
worked well enough against you cunts
>hmmm its almost like bad guys don't follow gun laws
Yeah, when they can easily import guns in from places with lax gun laws
>guns literally don't exist in the uk. how about acid attacks and rape gangs and incest via small gene pool?
Violent crime in general is far, far less prevalent in those countries too. In Japan, even individual murders make national news.
and yet the lax gun law places are nowhere near in crime rates
No it didn't.
Most of the battle of the rebellion ended with "and then the continental army was able to escape".
You won because you had the French navy helping you.
Because the surround area isn't one of the largest cities in the country, and even then they still have far higher crime rates than comparable areas in countries with sufficient gun control laws.
>blaming frogs
the state of britards
irrelevant, not a violent crime
>acid attacks and rape gangs
massively overblown by media, particularly right-leaning outlets, murder rate is still wayyy lower
>sufficient gun control laws.
define sufficient gun control laws, and tell me why a place with a bigger population and more lax gun laws like Houston has lower murder rates
>is freedom more important than safety
That's a very British question
>define sufficient gun control laws
Laws that actually succeed in controlling access to guns.
>tell me why a place with a bigger population and more lax gun laws like Houston has lower murder rates
Easy. Houston has a population density of 3,660/sq mi. Chicago has a population density of 11,898.29/sq mi.
And actually Houston has about half a million less people than Chicago so...?
I understand you yanks hold your founding fathers in an almost religious awe, but you have to understand the rest of us really don't give a shit what they have to say.
>some sperglord shoots up a school a billion miles away from you
>I'm supposed to care
I'm so sick of foreigners failing to understand how decentralized the US is. If a shooting occurs somewhere, it is a failure of the laws and regulations of firearms in THAT STATE. It's not a federal issue and none of us in the 49 other states can do anything about it. I can't believe Brits of all people are unable to understand the concept of home rule.
We understand, we just think it's a stupid idea in this instance.
>I don't care about renowned historical figures
>you're supposed to care about my opinion of your laws though!
Yeah. He's been dead for, what, 200 years now? Why on earth should we take the word of anyone who's been dead that long as gospel for how to run our country in the modern day? They could not have begun to imagine the problems we face.
The idea that the US will lose its security because you're not allowed to have AR-15s anymore is moronic.
and who the fuck are you, exactly? Terry the Corbynite from the Weatherspoons on the high street? Fuck off.
The thing you have to realise with Americans is that they took parts of common law wildly out of context and built this sort of eccentric set of principles out of them, and now so much time has passed since that it's all become very cargo cult. It's a bit like dropping a crate of Harry Potter books onto an uncontacted island of tribesfolk only to come back a few hundred years later and find they're all swinging sticks about and casting spells at one another. Sure, it's a marvel that they could do it but it doesn't mean you have to take their behaviour seriously on its own merits.
They should get angry over it. The United States is a huge country and these shootings are statistically irrelevant
>muh chicago
Maybe if we didn't border Dixiana we wouldn't be able to import guns so easily.
>UK driving hard to get out of EU.
>Scotland driving hard to get out of the UK.
Yeah, but guns.
this, but unironically.
>the last bastion of western civilization is 56%
we're fucked
they honestly deserve it desu
Everyone that supports guns should get shot desu. See if they like guns then
I’d imagine most of the people that would be frothing at the mouth over that sign are functionally illiterate. The quotes around “freedom” is meant to mock the “brize of freedom :DD :D” statement.
>here are some insults I heard on le_donald
He knows more about how to run and build a country that some random shitposter on Sup Forums. And the way the people and the government interact hasn't changed that much so the quote remains relevant.
>non-Americans (aka proxies) defending american gun laws
Extremly cringey to think that a dumb hick thought a foreign flag would make him more credible.
>And the way the people and the government interact hasn't changed that much so the quote remains relevant.
>So what if they fought a war and won against the world's biggest power and wrote a constitution that has sustained the world's oldest republic?
>It's le current year!!!
Linked wrong post.
Please explain how the threat of government oppression in 1776 has changed in 2016.
>took parts of common law wildly out of context
Yeah, they really missed that part where free speech didn't include offending Muslims.
>literally making an emotion-based argument
This is some 1984 shit..
Our founding fathers could solve any governmental crises of the modern era.
What they faced was harder than what we face now.
You CHIs should be ashamed.
It’s fake and you’re a pathetic samefag replying to his own posts
>we need gun control now!
Freedom is more important than safety. Absolutely! These liberals are snakes, they're followers of a system, a government - a fanatical mob that wanted to vote in a candidate solely because she had a vagina and nothing else. People keep saying Gen Z will be conservative, but this is not likely at all. These are the perfect consumers for neoliberal corporations because they were raised by social media - they will obey, they will consume when told to - which has rotting their brain of critical thinking and how to handle their emotions. These kids who have jumped into the folly are nothing more than the handlers of the rotten boomer generation.
>unironically thinking we gained independence fr any reason other than France
You could at least try to make it a little less obvious, Cletus.
>literally “whiter than you Muhammad”
You’re not even trying.
Which Facebook page did you get this rant from?
>American insults Islam or Judaism
>nothing happens
>Brit insults Islam or Judaism
Yeah, they really have a shaky understanding of the common law.
>unironically thinking we gained independence fr any reason other than France
>and sustained the world's oldest republic
Did France write the constitution as well? When's the last time you actually won a war against a colony, by the way?
t. shill
Never mind, I thought anyone posting the tripe you posted would be under a Union Flag. You must be from California.
Your visa is expiring soon, Cletus.
Éireannach atá ionam, a chara.
Would a well regulated militia arm lunatics and morons?
No, Cletus, you are not Irish.
No, Cletus, Ireland is not your homeland.
No, Cletus, learning Irish does not make you Irish.
No, Cletus, you will never be Irish.
I don't even care about the gun issue but I'm honestly happy to see youngins engaged with politics and trying to be a part of civil society. Better than passive apathy.
Nothings going to happen
Why don't they just shoot the constitution?
Hahaha, holy fuck are you brainwashed. Please don't post opinions you've heard in fucking class here.