
Things that drive Y*nkoids mental edition

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I've noticed that every person who argues with me on /brit/ comes out looking a complete fool - it doesn't even matter what subject it's on. Even stuff I've never heard of. I can literally google something for the 1st time, skim read it and still come out on top. Never realised just how dumb most of you posters are. Just stop. Seriously.


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hmmm...*strokes chin*

americans are fat...and stupid

gun ownership is a leftist ideal

There's an "island", 3 times the size of France, that's made entirely out of rubbish. Not sure why we can't just shoot the rubbish out into space. Or get the Yanks to shoot it with their AR-15s.


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Like I said leaf white Americans tie with Japan and that’s including rural retards. Also minorities get trillions and we let them cheat on test. Also Canada is 85% White or Chinese

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yanks will never understand British culture

You're a leftist ideal.


This is the general dedicated to the discussion of British culture

reckon that no one actually demanded that that kid's policy proposals be taken seriously

>grug need big firestick to protect grugs cave from brown grug

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>This is the general dedicated to the discussion of British culture

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Elon Musk will sort it out.

frothing at this

I’ve said it before but if you have knowledge on a topic you notice that half the posters on Sup Forums are talking out their arse.
its especially obvious on boards like /his/

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>my race obsessed ass is on fire

Reminder that the trolley problem is basically asking "would you have dropped the bomb on Hiroshima?"
Lever pullers = Jap nukers
Lever leavers = Jap victims

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wtf I hate krauts now

leftists say we should listen to kids opinions because nobody else believes their shite
its really that simple

/his/ should re-introduce flags so yanks pop out and ignored easily

>proves point with objective truth
>hurr durr your race obessed

>may be 3x than france
>may be exponentially growing
doesn't seem very scientific

Cool it with the oxymorons

It doesn't matter whether or not kids agree with it, gun control is still a fundamentally sensible idea.

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just because asians dont allow their children to have social lives in pursuit of academics doesn't mean that performance issues in american students are due to demographics. its a socioeconomic issue, not a racial one

don't see the problem here
kill as many black people as i can in one go

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your police arrested men trying to get their daugthers back from paki rape gangs yet you think the state will responsibly protect you?

But only Negroes under preform severely and poor white people still do better then your “average American.” Also would like to visit East Sussex

what does gun control in yankistan even entail?
how do they deal with the millions of guns already out there illegally

"Gun control" is codeword for totalitarian police state.

Who are you trying to convince? Niggers are retards and that's 13% of the American population

IQ is 75-80% heritable
>socioeconomic issue
citation needed


Haha, yeah, about that.

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They don’t it’s posturing. In every city in American you can’t have any gun unless your a democrat politician then you get your very own 357. Suburban and rural retards own all the guns literally

love Roman memes, me

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Surely you more than anyone should understand why paramilitaries are a bad thing, Seamus.

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and retards can make it through highschool with the proper support networks. their schools are shit and the discipline isnt there due to the breakdown of the society and economy

>muh iq charts
ahh yes...

>clean it you lazy cunt

jesus christ

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i thinks that there are lots of fecal items i could potentially store within my colon

Imagine focusing exclusively on academics, only to discover that you are in the 99.9% of people who are brainlets. Glad I became a NEET and left all the difficult shit to smart people and those who think hard work matters.

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I don’t like myself

Their schools are shit because they are shit, they have no discipline because they romanticize gangs and prison and they are subhuman apes

Need mommy to dress me

Very very gradually.

You focus on limiting access to the most unnecessary/dangerous weapons, like AR 15s, and once you've got that under control you move on to the next most dangerous.

Like even we still have double barrel shotguns and bolt action hunting rifles, no one really needs to worry about those so long as they aren't literally being should off the shelf in Walmart.

>the police are racist, incompetent, and abusive of their power
>also the police should be the only ones allowed to have weapons

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if the irish population was armed the unionists never would have been so bold

don't like these because i don't get them

It might as well be permanent then. Most Non White infants are born as anchor babies or born to welfare rats. Non White Americans with US citizenship are very liberal and have considerably lower birth rates then White Americans or even Euros for that matter. Compared to Huwhites who are being born mostly into Suburban families

Wow the UK is beyond fucked.

post bangers

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>indoctrinating kids with your political beliefs

why is this so prelevant in yankland? Kids should be kept strictly away from politics until they're old enough to form their own views

>Kids should be kept strictly away from politics until they're old enough to form their own views

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But they were armed, Seamus.

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1. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is not
Germany. The Federal Republic of Germany leads till
today the Nazi colony and the „III. Third Reich“of
Adolf Hitler with the agreement of the “state”.
2. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) lost its
legitimacy under international law because of the
statelessness of the Germans and illegal privatization
of the State. All national and international contracts
are now broken and therefore invalid. (Reprimand
international company register upik.de)
3. World War II. continues till today. The restore of the
world-peace necessary peace treaties with more than
54 nations are to this day denied by the Federal
Republic of Germany (FRG).
4. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is now the
financial, political and economic engine of Fascism
and Nazism in Europe and the world.
5. A sovereign Germany is impossible without Russia,
because Russia * SHAEF - SMAD is responsible for
the liberation of Germany from the FRG Nazi-colony.
(Liberation article 139 „Basic Law“ or „GG Grundgesetz“
for the Nazi colony Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
continued validity of *SHAEF and SMAD)
Everlasting german russian and amerika brother alliance =
home and world peace - the future for all nations.

voting greens

AR15s are literally less dangerous than a luger which are whats used in the majority of shootings

my province is 85%~ white and has a terrible problem with male dropouts especially in rural areas, some school boards have drop out rates at 50%

Seems just as common in Europe to me, no?

there have been plenty of programs (head start, perry preschool program, milwaukee program) that have given blacks a change to participate in highly stimulating educational curricula: no gains in intelligence (believe or not, intelligence is statistically a very important factor in tilling yourself a good life).
besides, you don't get to assume the null hypothesis: if we assume a genetic intelligence gap between whites and blacks, you'd assume to see underperforming, violent black schools in that scenario as well

Is this why you think niggers are humans because you're surrounded by white people and think Blacks must be just like them? They are not.

latest unitoil predicament. wish I was an arts student sometimes.

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read up on the start of the troubles lad
unionists burned down a load of catholic houses and try to do the same in another area a few weeks later till some IRA men start shooting at the crowd which dispersed them

are canadians the only people that live under the rule of queen elizabeth that can own AR-15s?

>kids can't form their own political views
>If a 14-17 year old expresses a political view, it's because they've been indoctrinated by their parents
>Why yes, I watch Sargon and Molyneux

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> male dropouts especially in rural areas

So you're from Manitoba or Saskatchewan and are forgetting about the natives which are just as bad.

ASMR 65% degenerate finds 6-month NHS clinical research grant

>Lose two World Wars
>Still control Europe anyway

Hehe nothin personnel Anglos

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Well then focus on that first.

Or both, since they're both semi-automatic rifles, yes?

woaaah, greek letters

I was just wondering: Is there another country in the world that needs armed guards in school?

umm try again sweetie ;)

no im not westcuck


if a person expresses a political view, it's because they've been indoctrinated

that's in south africa dumb leaf

There will be no gun control. Niggers & Spics for the lulz is all I’m going to say

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post the last song you listened to

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And then the Troubles escalated from some minor civil unrest into a full on dirty war because everyone had guns.


prepare to have the best afternoon in a while la


fug thought it said "can't" DDD:

plenty of them that could use them. indian girls are given quite a hard time in school by male pajeets, for example, i hear

Wrong fucking picture

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So you live in the lilly white maritimes and you're sheltered from shitskins but you think they are civilized. Shocker.


>>Still control Europe
>this is what Germans actually believe

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make my kid watch richard spencer and sargon, keeps him entertained, he's only 7 and he's already debating me about the viability of a white ethnostate

He's going far this one

la creatura bonita con el culo magnifica...

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i love with anna from west midlands esu

i was indoctrinated to hate on on multinationals who bring their toxic products here and use us as guineapigs