Alfred Rosenberg edition
wish i had a gun so i could end my existence
frankfurt will never be the hub of anything
Want to arse fuck her
love cats
so daft and cute
to protect ourselves from a potentially tyrannical government
genuinely none of your business talking about our gun control stuff
Very creepy, lad. Someone, last night, suggested I read The Myth of the Twentieth Century.
Lavrentiy Beria subedition
frankfurt circa 2030
horrid little freak
Brisket smells absolutely divine in the oven right now
Wish I had someone to share it with x
>dabs into the netherworld
it already is a finance hub for europe. it's certain to get london jobs
you're arguing something completely different now
Our state was indeed smaller, a lot smaller, just before WW1
no I don't think all gun laws should be repealed, precisely because we have pakis now. Before we had pakis, we had less regulations. Not saying the regulations came in place because of the pakis, but because they're here now the regulations won't go away
My gripe against people desiring bigger government comes mostly from people wanting to ban and regulate every little thing with government action, it's a total betrayal of the classic British desire for liberty and personal responsibility
From sugar taxes to smoking bans and hate crimes, we're gradually getting more statist, when in the past we had nearly as much, (and in some regards more), freedom than America
Is this the 6.8/10?
Little help lads?
Isn't funny how the political left hated the EU with a passion in 2015 during the Greek crisis and the troika imposing austerity on thise countries, then suddenly a year later when we vote to leave the EU, the left uphold the EU as a paragon of truth and progression and liberal values
It's almost like a well-oiled propaganda machine has funnelled money into The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The BBC, ITV, Labour MPs, Lib Dems, Tory MPs and websites running ads. hmmmm
*kicks down your front door and waddles over to your dining table*
*plops myself down on a chair and starts banging my knife and fork on the table*
How could any woman take a 29 year old virgin seriously. I'm done. It's OVER. 8 years ago I was already a freakishly old virgin
already seen the video but what's the backstory? wasn't it some Indian off Sup Forums?
How about me? I'm fuckin starvin
howling at that pic
Won't be ready for a few hours yet x
lads there is a skeleton inside of you right now
just shag a prostitute you retard
it'll fix your brain and then you'll start getting female attention
Am a 19 year old virgin
>it already is a finance hub for europe
"a" is not "the"
people who think london just randomly chanced into the role don't understand how finance works
*stares at you*
she's more like a 7
I'm really looking into a heroin or speedball overdose. I have about 15k in the bank so I can quit toil and just binge on drugs for my final few months, might as well.
>it'll fix your brain
it doesn't
the state of neuro typicals like this guy I have quoted, as if paying for sex suddenly stops you being ugly short and autistic etc
you've been saying this for ages. just fucking do it
not true
I thought you were better than that, brit natsocs :'(
arab-americano from /r9k/
the full video is pretty brutal
I am fat, ugly, horrible acne that never disappeared, I have an awful personality, I drink, I smoke, binge eat and I'm rude and aggressive. Yet at 25, I've had 5 girl friends and had sex enough times to stop counting
*cutlery banging intensifies*
Out of all the suicide videos I've seen, this one was the hardest to watch for some reason. Fucking hell.
Yes women will be queuing up for a guy who lost his virginity to a prostitute at age 29
> Rosenberg is considered one of the main authors of key National Socialist ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to degenerate modern art
>Born Alfred Ernst Rosenberg 12 January 1893 Reval, Governorate of Estonia, Russian Empire
lekka snaaks ne
where is it?
A person commits an offence under section 2 of the Suicide Act 1961 if he or she does an act capable of encouraging or assisting the suicide or attempted suicide of another person, and that act was intended to encourage or assist suicide or an attempt at suicide.
am a virgin but very confident handsome and charismatic
women are a game, and i've always been very good at games
it does
it fixes your brain
it makes your mindset better
it is true you dumb yank
try it and find out you dumb virgin-cunt
what's the secret
people who think the single market and eu doesn't matter for london don't understand how finance or politics works
it's much more likely to go to germany than france 2bqhwy
washing clothes in me sink
what am i like
Just wanna go to some rural land with as little government control as possible and live the American Dream
losing your virginity doesn't suddenly make you more attractive
it's especially untrue when you lose your virginity to a fucking prostitute. have some fucking respect for yourself
might ask the 19 y/o out
where should I take her
ugly women
>I am fat, ugly, horrible acne that never disappeared,
I just got into the right groups, pretended I was normal and didn't think much about how much I was pretending, because that's the problem lots of people have. Instead I blurred the lines between what I like and what I don't like and fused them together so I stopped worrying every time something wrong happened
he was a good baltic boi who dindu nuffin
estonia much rejoin the reich
yeah hilarious mate, creasing at that one
*goes behind you and points my thumb at you with a confused face to people standing in front of you*
>one of the main authors of key National Socialist ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to degenerate modern art
>a baltic jew
how can you think jews are good with money if he's desperate for a near worthless penny
>19 y/o out
something very grown up
the 'ol switcharoo innit
One does not simply change the oven clock
being attractive ultimately doesn't matter you dingus, just make sure you're well-groomed, after that, all the really matters if charisma and confidence
once you've had sex, your brain stops being a puddled unconfident virgin mess, and you can easily get girls
just shag a prostitute and it'll sort you out
le boromir face
how do tankies feel about stalin calling him "our himmler"
no that's shit and expensive
where do 19 y/os take each other out? cinema? bit shit innit
his retarded "friends" mumbling in the background were pretty anger inducing, but his mum screaming was hard to listen to
Wie die fok is jy?
Almost every source you listed is not on the left or if it is is only on the soft left, the indepedent is the only "lefitst" you mentioned even the guardian is only centre left even if it is moving further to the left. The far left have always hated the EU see corbyn etc
opinions are weak
i prefer to call them convictions
ek is jou ma se poes
mate of mine keeps on sending me [s4s] memes but i don't think he knows where they're from
interesting how when white people racemix they instantly lose sexual market value
white guys who are seen around with Asian girlfriends instantly become less attractive to white women, same thing happens to white women with black guys
>i prefer to call them convictions
what is actually wrong with you? how can someone as neurotypical and deluded as you even find Sup Forums this place is surely the binary opposite of what you are
He wasn't Jewish
Amazing how /brit/ posters get more pussy than the rest of this pathetic virgin board combined.
How do I actually find out whether she has a bf or not without directly asking? Don't have a Facebook either
>etc at the end of sentences
Why are people doing this?
she must be jewish right
fucking delusional
This, even feeling the warm embrace from a woman, kissing will make you feel 10x better, don't know how benders manage
hate social media
perfect manipulative propaganda machine