We live in a world that tells ugly men the reason they're virgins is because of their personalities...

We live in a world that tells ugly men the reason they're virgins is because of their personalities. Do you think this will create or prevent more Elliot Rodgers?

Attached: elliotrodger.jpg (992x744, 87K)

They are virgins because of their personalities.

No girl is interested in a spoiled entitled immature retard with a narcissistic personality disorder.

Unless he looks like this.

Attached: jeremy meeks.jpg (480x588, 44K)

And you just managed to confirm literally everything I said with a single post.

can confirm

elliot looks better than jeremy

t. hapa

>He looks like me.............

Attached: 1505638039705s.jpg (247x249, 7K)

I'm 5'5"

Are you a virgin?


Not a virgin but forever alone. I’m partly same person about what he described

are you a hapa

aaand your example is a genuinely insane person that isn't even ugly?

Elliot wasn't even ugly to begin with, he was just bullied too much and had no real friends which pushed him to the edge. All he needed was some friends.

I am a virgin because of my personality AMA

straight white men have been left behind by society because they're "playing life on easy mode" so now wh*Toids are lashing out like the animals they are.

you're the worst poster on this board

>all he needed was a girlfriend



>just have the right personality, BRO

Attached: chad thundercock.jpg (640x640, 74K)


Which he couldn't get because he was an insufferable bastard.

He was bullied because he deserved it.
>not bad looking
>complete douchebag

If you go read on some stories and watch his videos you get a picture of the sort of guy he was.

He was better-looking than average, his problem was being an insane narcissist.

Was he bullied in school??

reminder that even if you're chad most women won't approach you expecially very good looking ones
women who approach guys are ugly because they know they can't get a good looking bf so they go for the shy and good looking ones and threat them as a piece of meat to show off their jelly friends

But what are the chances he became this way because he got bullied and had no friends? A lot of the incels that browse /r9k/ think in the same way he does, they develop a victim complex.

Go make a fake Tinder with his picture. You won't get a single match. Normies have no idea who he is so don't say "it's because he's famous".

He was a cunt from the start.

I've been on the bus before and I've seen these potheads with messy hair and torn up clothing just sit there and girls walk up to them "hi my friend thinks you're cute what's your number?"

It's because American girls of all races don't like his Asiatic look.

He was fucking hilarious, honestly. This is from My Twisted World.
>On one of the days in July, when I was roaming around Girsh Park, a group of popular college kids arrived to play kickball in the fields. They all looked like typical fraternity jocks, tall and muscular. The kind of guys I’ve hated and envied all my life. With them came a flock of beautiful blonde girls, and they looked like they were having so much fun playing together. One of the girls did a handstand in the grass, and her sexy bare stomach showed as her shirt hung down. All of the girls were scantily clad. Rage boiled inside me as I watched those people who thought they were better than me enjoying their pleasurable little lives together. The rage was so intense that I couldn’t take it. I was insulted too much. I couldn’t leave them without getting some form of revenge, so I drove to the nearby K-mart, bought a super-soaker, filled it up with orange juice that I bought at the same store, and drove back to the park. They were still there, having the time of their lives, and I wanted to ruin it for them. I wanted to ruin their fun just like they ruined mine, as they would never accept me among them. I screamed at them. with rage as I sprayed them with my super soaker. When the boys started to yell and chase after me, I quickly got into my car and drove away. I was giddy with ecstatic, hate-fueled excitement. I wished I could spray boiling oil at the foul beasts. They deserved to die horrible, painful deaths just for the crime of enjoying a better life than me.

Is there any country where his look would be considered attractive?

well move to italy then
girls don't approach men here

I'm a virgin and have both ugly looks and personality

I'm objectively uglier than him and I can get tinder matches. If I can, then I'm pretty sure he could too. He wasn't so irredeemably ugly, he just had such an awful personality that it repelled anyone who tried to socialise with him. Imagine the average Sup Forums shitposter who posts here, except he talks the same way in real life as he shitposts here.


Attached: AFA03451-9641-43C4-B322-03D999360813.png (945x716, 1.19M)

>I screamed at them. with rage as I sprayed them with my super soaker.

Attached: 1476418563988.png (359x405, 195K)

I don't think you know what "ugly" means. Eliot Rodger didn't even look human.

Pic related.

You're trying too hard to grasp at straws dude. So what if this isn't his most flattering picture ever, he's still better looking than average. He also looks good in that picture compared to the fat goblin standing next to him, but he was just paranoid and antisocial. You can see it in his eyes, all crazy people have this same tense, paranoid look in their eyes.

Attached: 1280-rodgers.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

You're the one grasping at straws trying to protect the "personality meme" society pretends to espouse.

He is neither attractive nor ugly

if you're on this website there's a high chance your personality is a problem

I'd like to see you try to make friends or have a girlfriend solely based on your good looks, while being an asshole to all of them. Let's see how long any of your relationships will last.


@ me next time

It’s not a one or other condition. Some women are attracted to personalities and some are only attracted on looks. There are enough women out there and enough variation to find a match. People need to lower their standards if they want to find someone to be in a relationship with. People need to stop thinking it’s all one way or the other.

Got called ugly a lot by girls when I was in middle school. Never trust someone who calls me handsome or attractive after that. Either they try being nice or mock me just because they're more attractive than me.

>when I was in middle school

Why didn't he just take roids, hit the gym and bang the sloots?

I think you have a point in that ugly dudes are caricaturized by normies as creeps who only ever want sex and don't have real feelings which makes it easier to brush them off.
This ostracism is what makes some of them snap at then end, not the lack of attention from girls.

But personality contributes a lot to this. I see a bunch of ugly manlets getting 5/10 gfs. Even a friend of mine who's a solid 7/10 has an ugly manlet bf and he's not even rich. We were all wondering but when I met and talked to the guy, he's actually really nice, friendly, and easy going. They've been together for over 5 years now.

Having good looks helps but at the end of the day it's the personality. Also, if you already know that you're ugly, try compensating it with better personality.

Elliot was average looking at worst. He was insane, though, so yes, it's a personality thing.

Childhood trauma is really shaping your adult life, user.