How the fuck don't Americans use kettles? This honestly weirds me out more than your dystopian healthcare

How the fuck don't Americans use kettles? This honestly weirds me out more than your dystopian healthcare.

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What would they use it for? They ingest more sodas than actual water

Didn't Australia lose a war to birds once?

Boil a coke then? I dunno

Americans don't need it. Rest of the world uses kettles to boil eggs but Americans got a separate microwave for that.

Not very many Burgoids drink tea so there was never a big market and most people never found out about them. The tea drinkers either kept using stovetop kettles or started using the microwave

>haha jokes on you i read on the internet that some australia soldiers spent an afternoon shooting birds with a machine gun

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I use one every day but the majority of people here definitely don't

lmao metal kettles are better in fire
Look at pic related plastic is not for burning, how can you even use plastic kettles? You can only boil water using dedicated microwave and set it to more than 2 longer microwave time or use real steel kettles on fire

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I'll do it i swear to god

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How do Americans make instant coffee?

With a coffee machine

dont do it it creates mustard gas

You just boil the fucking water on the stove is that really so hard? I also make coffee by boiling the water, pouring it over a filter myself instead of having a coffee machine, it's not a big deal.

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Hahahahahaha memes! Hhhhahaha!

what the fuck

I just throw mine on a hotplate that came with it mate.

>responding to a meme with another meme

Why does the thought of microwaving water trigger the fuck out of Euros? Is it the fact that microwaving is a more efficient method of achieving the same outcome without using a pretentious meme tool?

All of my family uses one but I am CHI

it's happening

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that's so 19th century

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>microwave water
>it loses all its flavor

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You mean the lead flavour?

>the Australian redditor

We boil/microwave the water, and then add the instant coffee, you fucking retards.

However, instant coffee is not popular here. There is no point in drinking that trash when everyone has a drip coffee maker.

Just radiate my water senpai

what the FUCK is that

A pot from drip coffe maker