General reminder edition
Other urls found in this thread:
being better off is not "surrogate morality"
wanting the best for you and your countrymen is a good thing
8 years of opposition, and you could only gain 4 more seats than Labour under Gordon Brown in 2010. muh red surge : ))
i have never seen a vagina in the flesh and as such can't be completely convinced that they even exist
Well was all good until the mother part
>implying i like posh twats
>implying i like the working classes
>when rorke wants a yank healthcare system in the UK
Most vaginas look disgusting anyway
ignore that retard
ignore all the other suggestions
visit Bath, York and Oxford
Wealthy parts of London like Kensington, Highgate
Sorry I'll include a NEET for you next time
Really? It looks like everyone is agreeing with me, senpai.
me want guns
me want private insurance-based healthcare because uhhh ITS BETTER!!!
me want to drive big truck
me want to be masculine
uhhh uk is too nannystatey uhhghgh me no likey
don't care if you're a tory or a labourite or whatever
the whole political system has completely failed if we're unironically living under such conditions.
post the original, mong
It's a shame that places like this will probably not be around for much longer. Replaced with a generic coffee shop.
ah yes, shaun white
Wonder if being kicked in the vagina hurts. Probably not desu.
>Quotes all the posts that agree with him, ignoring all the ones that disagree
>Haha looks like everyone agrees with me!
Cheek of this fucking paki
clearly they shouldn't have been late then
britain should not make room for tardiness
t. rorke
there'll always be people who'll want it, then in a few years it'll be retro cool again
to be honest everyone in /brit/ hates tarquins and there are no such working class people who wear peak caps and stuff anymore.
they've all become deanos, another despised enemy of /brit/
I am going to get british proxy and post VERY gay things and everyone gonna think that britain is gay
and there's nothing you can do about it xaxaxaxax
The Government that governs least, governs best.
Nothing wrong with a private healthcare system. Lots of disinformation spread by leftypol about it. It's a superior system though. Instead of taxes coming out every month to pay for Tyrone's 4th crack relapse in Hackney, you pay for yourself in a monthly plan
Then, when you get sick, you utilise that build up you've been paying towards in that plan. And in return, you get the best medical treatment, not some soviet era hacksaw to chop off your leg
>This butthurt Rorke still thinks I support labour
>He's still trying to bait me with things I don't give a fuck about
Jeremy Corbyn is an antisemite he MUST go
brit is full of benders anyway
benzos have made my life so much better holy shit
love how this simple drawing riles up leftymongs to no end. really fucking funny
why are russians so obsessed with homosexuality?
is the whole country gone prison gay?
somali's government governs fuck all.
The majority of NHS nurses vote Conservative
I'm sorry Hans, I couldn't find any that disagreed with me, other than that one bitter little runt.
ah right yes so people pay more to a private plan to help the private companies make more money
you're a genuine cuck
stop it
it's not healthy
Don't you get sick of talking about the same bollocks everyday? Give it a rest. Christ.
Where's my 1953?
thought that was self-evident by his consistent open alliance with muzzies, who share nothing in common with Labour values.
Noted! Thank you.
arachnophobia eh? that must mean you secretly want to have sex with spiders
ah yes this sounds like a viewpoint based on thorough research and a solid understanding of health care economics
to be honest, restaurants should be places where i can buy shit i can't just make in a microwave at home.
fuck off paki bastard
health insurance is like a fiver a month
>Then, when you get sick, you utilise that build up you've been paying towards in that plan. And in return, you get the best medical treatment, not some soviet era hacksaw to chop off your leg
If you can afford it. If not, you get nothing.
That's the ultimate failing of a solely private healthcare system.
So your only opposition to this, is the fact you're angry that private companies exist, regardless of what the system does? I think you're a spastic mate.
love taylor shes well good
> And in return, you get the best medical treatment, not some soviet era hacksaw to chop off your leg
Ah yes, because countries with public healthcare such as Japan, Germany, Korea and Belgium are renowned for bad medicine
is this why practically every yank who doesn't work for a multinational can't afford health insurance?
brutal blackpill: the Chinese are a bioweapon developed by ancient Aryans
What is the biggest and most popular film of all time that you lads haven't seen?
I'm not responsible for the health care of others, mohammed. And I'm not paying for you
lads my mustache/beard has started doing a funny thing
it grows along my top lip but then sorts of stops growing, it doesn't connect to my beard but it fucking overhangs(?) past the edges of my lips
should I sort that shit out
Sounds right for upper working class women of mediocre intelligence.
need to remind myself to book off the Monday after the clocks go forward every year
When you take that stance you end up with a shitty society
I look at expensive furniture that I can't afford, doesn't mean I DESERVE it
Healthcare is not a basic right leftypol, get a job
no it isn't
everyone should be entitled to free at point of use healthcare and you're not british if you're against such a system
you're welcome to fuck off to america if you don't want that
it means you secretly ARE a spider
well then suggest someone elses bollocks to discuss
id be ok with fading captcha if it DIDNT TAKE 6 FUCKING HOURS FOR EACH PICTURE TO FADE
>Falling for the ancap meme
Wrote "jews did 9/11" on the wall of the toilet stall at work and now it's covered in conspiracy theories.
>He can't afford £100 a month to come out of his salary for when he gets sick
Are you just irresponsible with your money, mongs? Keeping in mind your salary will be higher because there's no tax of healthcare, so really your argument is invalid here
scarface or avatar
>cant afford
99% of Americans pay for a mobile phone every month. Thats more expensive than most health care plans. I'd argue that health is more imporant than a phone so maybe peoples priorities are skewed rather than not being able to afford things.
Will it be £100 higher?
have never seen lord of the rings
Alan Sugars
ok its £9 a month. i pay more than that a month in national insurance. which i dont get a choice in.
what happens after sex?
What if we created some kind of system where the 'public' are made to pay a certain amount towards 'healthcare' for their own betterment and that of others
drank too much alcohol in the morning and puked while waiting for the bus home
em fokkin tories r tryin to murder the poor, fuckin bastards, me nan's in the Enn Hayche Ess and their tryin to privatise the whole fokkin thing with bloody austerity, gazza an me are votin for labour to get rid of em tory cunts and the paki twats too
even if your assertion was correct they're not comparable things
Indiana Jones 3 - never seen the whole thing anyway
There's literally no reason to have the NHS. You're just getting all teary eyed because the BBC shows slow motion sad footage of hospitals with piano music playing, that's how cucked you are to emotion.
Pay monthly, for your own healthcare, then when you get sick, you get the best treatment, for yourself.
reckon lana del ray looks a bit like a duck
yes they are. its called budgeting. intelligent people prioritise.
Phone are essential to modern life, especially if you're trying to find a job.
You can look online for a job, you call people about jobs. One of the first things people on unemployment benefits are told to do is get a phone.
what about dental insurance
post fucking machines
the NHS keeps subhumans alive
How the fuck does Corbyn get away with being so bloody anti-semitic
Don't you have grouse to shoot, Tarq?
good fucking post, good lad
Who the fuck riled up Tarquin on a Sunday afternoon?
The Matrix and The Godfather 1&2
no they aren't mong
this might be hard for your BTEC-educated mind but phone contracts and insurance are different things
she's kinda cute
What do you think the people who suddenly can't afford healthcare are going to do? They'll learn to 'be better and richer' so that 100% of society can afford healthcare?
>Sunday afternoon
>Still in bed
>Still got work to do
imagine sex with the 6,8
we're discussing price, not the things themselves. keep up, idiot.