Indonesia - 261,890,900

Indonesia - 261,890,900
Pakistan 211,004,000
Nigeria 193,392,500
Bangladesh 164,209,000
Russia 146,877,088

Still can't realize that my country has so few people. It's literally Mexico tier (130 mil.) WTF man. Why are we so few? We need to import white blonde people with blue eyes (or you need to be hardworking Asian) to save our race. Please welcome and start work.

Attached: nedosmotreli-v-sevastopolskom-roddome-mladenec-upal-na-pol-110513.jpg (700x466, 67K)

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The proportion of babies and kids is way higher in those countries compared to Russia, even Mexico for that matter.

forget russia it's finished

have you tried NEW ZEALAND?
pls com here

w/o having cheap or affordable houses/apartments there will be no population growth.
People are migrating from Rural areas to cities and that renders all of the uses in the rural areas useless. That also works against population growth.

You don't have tigers and leopards. What will we do in NZ? It's boring.

Russians needs to extinguish tbqh

Just let tatars breed

Notice anything about the countries you've mentioned?

Pro-tip: they're all shit. Bigger population doesn't result in a better country.

>bangladesh has 164 million people on a tiny fucking island

jesus christ

this, especially in country with huge territory like indonesia and mexico.


Attached: 1512357297550.jpg (618x597, 144K)

High populations are third world. A declining population is good. In a few decades, maybe just under a century, drones and automation will be able to do all the shit far more efficiently than a human. If your country has too many brainlets by then you're gonna be fucked. Just let your population decline to more agreeable levels.

>A declining population is good
Not really, especially when you're the size of Russia.

If they gave up and started sucking American cock like everyone else I guarantee you Russia would be first world within 50 years.

>automation will be producing for the benefit of the working class/majority pop.

Attached: 1512218452574.jpg (645x773, 56K)

Your idea didn't work out very well for Ukraine, did it?

Emigration killed our chances at becoming Brazil tier. In one hand it killed any future we could have had as rich developed country, but in the other we have dollar remittances, which are pretty nice.

>Indonesia - 261,890,900
wtf why aren't there many Indonesians on here.


You still do what Canada is doing in bring good quality workers from Asia and Eastern Europe.


That's exactly why a declining population is good, less workers. I never claimed the rich would just give up their power. Importing high birthrates is retarded in the long run, what the fuck are we gonna do in a few decades with millions unemployed? IQ won't just increase, the working class won't suddenly get smarter and become engineers.

It's still early lad, give it a few more decades to iron out corruption and the like and they'll catch up.

>from Asia and Eastern Europe
what's good about having dollar remittances
t. not a knower

Many people complains it's too cold to live there. Most people here prefers weather like Southern USA (rather stable for all around year)

Cold weather hasn't stopped the most powerpul race in world (aka pillipinos) or vietnamese from coming here.

Nuke bolan and take in the refugees. I am not going to a shithole.


>blonde people with blue eyes
someone already tried in the 1940s to fill it with blonde hair and blue eyes. you all didn't want it.

We had enough Volga Germans then

Viatnemese and Philippines are rather far from equatorial zone. Our country is basically in equator line.

Take all the Eastern Ukrainian refugees.

Russia also has the GDP of Texas so let that one sink in too

we took not only the eastern Ukrainians, but also many Ukrainians in general

Stop drinking vodka. It kills sperm good.

Didn't work for LatAm

>wanting wh*Teoids

>africa gets aid from the west to feed their people
>instead of sustaining their existing kids they decide to have more

Wtf is wrong with niggers

How many children do you have?


Attached: Trend-of-total-fertility-rate-by-world-region-1950-2050.png (850x628, 58K)

zero (0).I have neither a brother nor a sister.

Reasons of the almost irreversible decline of population in Russia:

1.Collapse of the USSR and the following chaos
2. Smart people left
3. Death of the villages, which always are the main source of population growth
4. The spread of contagious american consumerist values

I once asked the same thing did and they told me it was because your girls leave your country to get foreign men.

And then there's the Stalin thing.

you realize our country is almost as big as europe?

bruh your neighboor adapt alphabet already.. do eet than gonna gib visa.

only chinks leave indonesia, simply because they're greedy and doesn't understand the concept of nationalism

where i should started.
cencorship, too damn stupid to adapt foreign cultures, dumb in general, sucker of anything, whoring of prestige, 30% poverty, investment haram lets stick with commodities.

they're like on 2nd or 3rd bigmouth twitter users but 90% of them didn't even realized that reddit is exist.

Lol, why would white people willingly want to move to Russia en masse?

Attached: 1465935495253.gif (500x348, 478K)

i would grandpa, if only it's that easy to split your brain just to understand their alphabet.

I said white people, inlander.

Poles ARE white.

screw you both

cringe, kys

fuck off newfag

Soviet Union used to have 300+ millions

Attached: IMG_4978.jpg (2939x2289, 1.01M)

>Why are we so few?
Awful government for the entirety of your existence

If they did that Russia wouldn't exist as we understand it you fucking imbecile, they would be chopped in various parts so they don't control the pivot area of the heartland, just like they (and the British Empire before) have been trying for two centuries already. Is there a British poster on Sup Forums who is not a mentally retarded Pakistani?

>Russia wouldn't exist as we understand it
Which would be a good thing, even for Russians.

>That's exactly why a declining population is good,

You'll have a smaller taxbase which means more taxes will be needed to sustain your standard of living.

>It's still early lad, give it a few more decades to iron out corruption and the like and they'll catch up.
It's hard to catch up if you're trying to do give a blow job to both EU and US at the same time.

cheer for a rugby team that doesn't lose to spain on home turf