Gun grabber logic:
>Putting armed guards in schools is a dystopian nightmare
>Starting a second Civil War because you want to repeal the Bill of Rights is an act of love
Gun grabber logic:
>Putting armed guards in schools is a dystopian nightmare
>Starting a second Civil War because you want to repeal the Bill of Rights is an act of love
Gun owner logic:
>There is no correlation between 46 million guns and mass shootings
Ameritards love to talk a big game about sharting some sort of uprising "if the gubmint comes to take muh guns", but in reality, most of them would just cower out and hand in their guns in shame.
No Cletus, most people aren't mentally insane. 99 times out of 100 they will chose life without "muh guns" over "le uprising".
yes so let's kill everyone to end shootings. that is a very good and tolerant plan my friend.
>liberal logic
>terrorist attacks are overhyped, cars kill more people, where is all the new about car deaths
>who cares cars kill more people than guns bang gun REEEEEEEEEEEEE RACISTTT
This is it, isn't it? The American people are going to lose their Second Amendment rights, and meanwhile we have militarized police patrolling the streets in every city. The globalists won, we're going to be a dystopian police state.
Everyones to fat to fight the government anyway
Hmm, forgot liberals' plan is to literally kill everyone. Funny that.
Well, not everyone. Just millions of legal gun owners. That's okay though, wh*toid lives don't matter.
im for the 2nd amendment, but cars are a necessity for many peoples daily life, while guns aren't (unless you include people who need ccw in their areas)
bigger problem is their disregard for facts, and them not wanting to even learn how different guns work, and why some of them are more """""""""""""dangerous"""""""""""""""" than others
>suggests mental illness check
We all know Cletus and Co. would fail any sort of exam, so they get uppity regarding any sort of regulation.
damn pederasts start young these days
wait- do i have a reading impediment?
>Sch*ol supporter logic
>there is no correlation between 37000 high schools with 50.7 million students and mass shootings
Yeah, it's a good thing France has strict gun laws and things like that can never happen there :)
I never got the whole gun thing
>Someone tries to remove access to guns for people who have no use for them other than recreational shooting or wanting to defend themselves from other people mostly out of paranoia
>Someone tries to limit gun ownership
>It's an act so horrible than immediately after they start planning their fantasies of violent uprising and murder of everyone who wanted gun control
Why do people think it's morally acceptable? I bet there wouldn't be so much backlash against not letting people drive manual cars on public roads. It's not even like shooting a gun is interesting. All you ever gonna do is put bullets in harmless animals and your wife, put bullets in a sheet of paper on the range, or very rarely put some bullets into a criminal or some Japanese kid that looked like danger. Is it just because Americans are fat fucks and can't handle real sports and competition?
I know you never passed high school and all, but you're retarded argument falls apart when compared to countries/groups of countries with much higher populations and still signifcantly less/no mass shootings.
Jesus christ, that's the average pepe poster
The militarized police has been brought on by yourselves
>br*ather logic
>there's no correlation between 7 billion people and 30000 diseases
There's also no correlation to murder and gun ownership worldwide.
Shitty communities yield violence, who'd have thought.
Our whole country is a shitty community. Thank you for proving that we should ban guns.
>Well, not everyone. Just millions of legal gun owners. That's okay though, wh*toid lives don't matter.
>school supporter
>this is considered an "insult" by retarded hicks
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
That's a disingenuous lie though, you know EXACTLY what communities are good and which are bad
>pretending that Detroit or Baltimore or St Louis is the same as small town Vermont
All mass-shootings are staged events on behalf of world jewry and their plans for world domination as outlined in the protocols of the learned elders of zion.
>small town in Vermont
>implying it's not full of racist wh*toids
support some level of added gun control, especially with efficiency and effectiveness background checks but giving in now to the current political climate would be absolutely cancerous and only embolden a group that shouldn't be emboldened
>is literally from /r/le_donald
>telling others to go back
>Sup Forums was left wing and progressive before 2016!
>support some level of added gun control, especially with efficiency and effectiveness background checks but giving in now to the current political climate would be absolutely cancerous and only embolden a group that shouldn't be emboldened
rangeban NA when?
>doesn't even deny it
Yep. You're definitely going back.
I have never been to Reddit, as far as I'm concerned, leftists like you only arrived here after 2016
>I have never been to Reddit, as far as I'm concerned, leftists like you only arrived here after 2016
>Meanwhile the hundreds of thousands of schools on Europe and Canada have another a shooting free year
I was just wondering: Is there another country that considers having armed guards in school?
We absolutely have seen studies that show a correlation between gun ownership rates and homicides, but no researcher worth a damn is going to boil it down to a single factor. And it turns out a lot of other socioeconomic factors have stronger correlation.
The Relationship Between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide Rates in the United States, 1981–2010
>that flag
Gee... I really wonder who could be behind this post...
>in the United States
Try by country, where you can observe actual striking differences in society and laws
>Conclusions. We observed a robust correlation between higher levels of gun ownership and higher firearm homicide rates. Although we could not determine causation, we found that states with higher rates of gun ownership had disproportionately large numbers of deaths from firearm-related homicides.
Firearm-related homicides =/= overall homicides
Death by screwdriver leaves someone just as dead as a bullet
Yes, but mass homicides (the only kind middle class America actually cares about) by melee weapons require outstanding cardio, and that's not in high supply in our country these days.
Mass shootings are statistical anomalies that attract lots of attention, but by no means are a real danger to society at laws.
If you care more about the one-time instance of a school shooting over the bloodbath that is the black ghettos (many, many more deaths), you're an emotion-led brainlet.
*society at large
I disagree. I think it's just self interest.
Middle America left the inner cities a while ago. They only care about the violence that actually reaches out and touches them in their suburbs and gated communities. Why would they bother to spend time and money reducing violence in a neighborhood they have no intention of ever returning to?
But middle-class America isn't affected by blacks shooting each other over crack or whatever, so they don't care.
It's only when some edgelord goes full DAY OF RETRIBUTION that we start hearing the whining about DA CHILDRUNZ and MUH COMMON SENSE GUN LAWS.
Soccer moms are emotional and illogical
They should not be heeded to
Let's just ban gu-
Shut up, Cletus. Other people can't behave themselves so that means you have to give up your guns. If you don't like it, then get ready for the military to blow your inbred head off you stupid asshole.
I don't even support gun control but I wish people would stop using this dumb fucking argument.
No gun control advocate is saying that gun regulations will get rid of ALL mass violence.
Exactly! We only want to lower gun deaths because being shot is a very dangerous way to die. Over in Europe mass murders are carried out by Muslims with bombs or motor vehicles, which is a much safer way to be killed.
If everybody had a gun there wouldn't be any shootings anymore. It's so easy.
France has lax gun laws. But nobody takes and uses a gun in an indoor concert.
>Is it just because Americans are fat fucks and can't handle real sports and competition.
I think you have a handle on it. Now you get a gold star for both your intelligence and your moral superiority.
Considering there is a bill in the House to take away most semi automatic weapons... yes. The conspiracy theories are in the rearview.
daily reminder you don't need a self loading firearm for the purpose of self defense or hunting
Make me Billy Yank I'll Jack Hinston your ass
Oh yes I do.
Niggers run in packs.
You know, I wouldn't want gun laws to get any less strict here in my relatively densely populated cunt, but if I lived in a middle of some American desert with the nearest police station being far away from my house then I'd definitely want to keep a gun. Laws should be adapted to conditions of living, not arbitrary principles.
Nobody should have guns, period. Only the government can be trusted with that kind of power.
>he actually trusts his government
>c-compared to third world s-shitholes we aren’t violent! l-libtards b-btfo!
>government can be trusted
All the anti gun posters on Sup Forums rn are samefagging
Obvious mutt proxy
Literally yes. Is the idea that less shitty societies have less shitty crime shocking to you?
>12yr pede
Oh shit, we Limewire now.
Funny meme friendo
Why do so many Americans only care about the right to own guns while all of your other rights have been steadily eroding yet no one cares?
I don't get the militia point when half of the militia people are like 50, obese, and retarded.
It is worth pointing out that the likes of the NRA over the decades have ensured that it is illegal to spend government money on research towards gun violence in America. In fact, digital records related to firearms all over the country have to undergo expensive and pointless tampering to obfuscate them since such a database goes against legislation.
Yes, that's how fucked your corporate controlled wasteland is.
>b-but my rambo fantasy
moan all you want, but know this: I will still own guns while you don't
stay mad
The NRA is a terrorist group and its members should be thrown in concentration camps.
>kids are getting shot by their own classmates
>fuck them I got my gun
peak amerishart
G*n owners should be executed by the military.
my rights don't change because you don't like them
face it, school shootings are overly reported in the media to scare people into giving away their guns. hell, moat people dont even undersand how these weapons work or the differences between them. there is an obvious agenda here
All those guns have been really helpful stopping the American government making stupid decisions all these years.
Exactly. They're not helping, so take them away and kill anyone who resists.
>my rights don't change
They're not your rights, they apply to everyone
>because you don't like them
If those rights are allowing mentally unstable 19 year olds to get a gun and kill their classmates, wew lad, they need to change
>school shootings are overly reported
They should be even more reported because it's not normal for kids to die when in school, maybe in your postapocalypse society it is, idk
>there is an obvious agenda here
Yes the agenda of not wanting more simply avoidable deaths
Why can't we just murder the Republican scum so reasonable people can implement common sense policies, like the end of so-called "constitutional freedoms"?
even with the terror attacks into account, france is a safer country than the united sharts of amerimutt.
>trying this hard to elicit a reaction
They are my rights, as explicitly stated in the constitution and confirmed by the supreme court.
>they need to change
go ahead then, submit an amendment, good luck getting it to pass then
>postapocalyptic society
a car anywhere is much more likely to kill someone than a gun in America, so should they be banned?
yes the agenda of a more compliant, less self reliant populace. this is the real apocalypse here, a Brave New World where the all powerful (and totally not corrupt) government takes care of your every need
*grabs your guns*
>he doesn't want the government to provide everything he needs
You're fat.
you're trying way too hard to get replies here
leave the shitposting to someone better
>Sup Forums didn't support Israel before 2016!
fixed 4u