Citilink edition
Also, press F to pay respects to Uber
Citilink edition
Also, press F to pay respects to Uber
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Weeb genocide when?
Najbol fb page when?
Arr look da same.
At least no more traitor Aguinaldo in the coins. Also Bonifacio finally gets the recognition he deserves.
I think they phase out the use of cooper and bronze in coins because its intrinsic value more than the actual coin itself.
never, anime is eternal sweetie.
Should have worked with grabbike.
Soon Grab will crush gojek too.
>anime is eternal
>Dragon ball is over
Its only a matter of time before anime dies once One Piece ends.
Really? I just read that Gojek (which I just learned about today) is doing well in Indonesia and is even planning to enter the Philippine market.
Also, is Angkas still dead? Their Twitter posted a meme earlier today.
I think gojek will be fine.
Google is investing on them, so they'll have another income source by selling their data.
how's your wife's son doing, blake?
nice to hear that, blake.
Boracay today, Baguio tomorrow.
i am not blake, i've been saying this for like a year now
no one will give me the full story on blake
now if only baizuo will also get kill.
>Philippine economy good under Aquino
>people hate him
>Philippine economy bad under Duterte
>people love him
I don't get it. Is Duterte the Chavez of SEA?
Aguinaldo is the only one who won his battles tho
>Uber SEA dies on Kirino's birthday
What did Grab mean by this?
He was a sell-out though. Also he masterminded the killing of Bonifacio, when Bonifacio did nothing wrong™.
No we dont hate him
Just look at the internet or talk to people. Yes his survey ratings were still high, but anti-Aquino sentiment is far greater and far more vocal than anti-Duterte sentiment, even among non-shills.
Bisayans are just superior than the retarded half chink autist.
His failure will forever haunt him.
Quick someone post the Dutdut version of this
captcha: Select all images with
where's blake? has anyone seen blake?
I'm not sure siding with the Americans or the Spaniards for all of 400 years doesn't count as being a traitor either.
If you're working with foreign interests—and clearly at the expense of your people in many cases—aren't you automatically a collaborator? Why do Western countries get a free pass?
I mean, Aguinaldo himself tried to side with the Americans (and huge benefits he got under them, too). No one castigates him for that act today; if people are criticising him it's because of his trapo instincts
Lmao @ yellow shills.
Did you get your 50cents per post salary today?
I think people (rightly) hate him less for selling out to the Americans but more because of the Bonifacio thing.
There are so many which one
And within just two years
This perhaps
pinoy LB gf says people from Thailand are ignorant and indonesians are arrogant.
Has she visit both places or just the usual pinoy pride.
I'm fine, Blake. How is it going with your wife's son?
>500 a day shills
Hahaha. Stupid LB.
She’s the one who is ignorant.
She is just good for nothing slum dwelling pagpag eating tagalogs.
Just look at her slum house.
Tell what I said to her ignorant arrogant puta face.
>Only extraflags here
Why is /asean/ behind the times? We use regionals now, it's 2018
A handsome aussie lad who married to indon woman.
I'm not surprised at all
Nah DKI Jakarta's cities are basically East Jakarta, West Jakarta, South Jakarta, etc. So it's rather redundant.
Hahaha. Stupid LB.
She’s the one who is ignorant.
She is just good for nothing slum dwelling pagpag eating bisayans.
Just look at her slum house.
Tell what I said to her ignorant arrogant puta face.
wew, these fucking typos on businesses always bother me
he's our local meme-man
I'm on mobile so I don't know how to :)
Just wanted to know if you guys are bitch ass niggers.
Who's in the wrong? Futoshi or Kokoro?
>wanting to profile even anonymous posters
heh... nice try
literally whos
she is not bisaya btw.
Im starying to notice if Sexpat gets btfo with his dutdut worship he targets manila and tagalogs
Speaking of traitors
Are ASEAN flags even supported?
Who the fuck are they?
You guys are fucking liars. I know most of /asean/ visits Sup Forums. Fuck you.
Are you referring to Kokoro from Franxx?
Had one, but it feels slowing my browser down so i took it off.
But most slum dwellers and pagpag eaters are together with illocanos
Then its unfunded as well
Both are wrong, but both are right. It's normal thing that happen in real life. That's why you must avoid relationship and be a wizard.
Tagalogs putas have no shame
the CIA doesn't pay me enough to deal with this
of course
it's so lightweight that it shouldn't make any measurable difference, all it's doing is displaying tiny little flags that are only a few bytes
Then fuck you. Kokoro is the one that's wrong. You're a bitch ass nigger.
Gib link I want to see Batangas or Manila.
Speaking of no shame
Bisayan putas are the best
Dumb and slutty
Shit, no one really uses extraflag here.
Time to drop the flag.
>that pantyshot
Thats why I dont believe in surveys even with dutduts approval even leni
>wanting to further deanonymize yourself
Something-something kill yourself.
Alot of these are just seals and not real flags
Last edition there was a guy with South Sumatra, people do use them here but it isn't as frequent as it once was
blame your government, the official flags are usually just the seal on a solid color
Most of our provincial and city flags are just the seals on cloth anyway. Only a few of our cities and provinces have legit flags (can't remember which ones, one of them looked like a rip-off Irish flag).
Now your gf (male) will not see you again.
No thanks No extra flag for me.
I dont want to identify myself as slum dwelling tagalog.
And it's basically de-anonymous'd you if there are only some people who use it.
No thanks No extra flag for me.
I dont want to identify myself as slum dwelling pagapag eating, white cum guzzling bisayan(slave) or dumb cuck illocano
you can turn it on and off when you want
We should be using our resoective state flags when we federalized.
Dont want to associate myself anymore with filfy tagalogs and their pagpag eating ways.
We are the majority of dumb bisayan pagpag eaters lmfao
Kokoro, fuck that bitch
pertalite naik gaes, asik
Are you keling?
>mfw in 100 years time,Martial Law will be Philippines own version of Nanking
she's someone i play with online, guess her race
Stop lying Chang. But if I have to guess, she's either a jap or a mix breed.
Hmmm, yes... a male Homo Sapient of Mongoloid admixture.
Paids shills will be like?
>martial law never happened
This is a soon-to-retire Japanese voice actress and singer.
Say something nice to her.
nope, she's burmese
We already tried the parliamentary system before under Marcos and it didn't turn out well.
Close enough
human race :)
As a Malaysian, you are obligated to cut off ties with her. Unless she herself hate how Myanmar is doing, then she's fine.