Are Portuguese really white?
Are Portuguese really white?
whiter than you, takashi yamamoto
La creatura...
yeah, some of them do look like sandniggers, though
Yes, for the last time: We're really really really really really really really really really white. Stop asking, Japan user.
t. la creatura
the OP is Polish
real japanese do not care about whiteness of Poland nor Portugal
Never gonna stop tryin' to get it
Never turn my back on my city
Spain is white
Never let the money fuck with me
I love his expression. It's like he's saying "YEAH. SEE? IN YOUR FACE BITCH"
Nice cherry picking.
There's tons of them here and i can assure you that they aren't.
It's cherrypicking when it not fits your pre-established notions.
why the portuguese and iberian are different? why not spaniard
Iberian sounds better
Hey, kid! Want a free redpills? White people are merely golems created by the jews of old.
But Portuguese and Italians aren't even white. It's a fact. I live around them and you could mistake them of some kind of middle-eastern/spic hybrid. I assume you're also a mednigger?
We assume you're a fucking arab/indian who larps as a mediterranean.
Don't try to drag us down sandnigger
Whiter than you, Muhammad.
Paki or poo?
But it would also include the Portuguese.
Chinese actually.
retarded chink 0% white
lol nope