This is a family of Syrian refugees in Canada.
Notice anything in particular about them?
This is a family of Syrian refugees in Canada.
Notice anything in particular about them?
i notice they dont look syrian.
>tfw no redhairedSyrian bf
You can take them all in if you are so obssesed with whiteness.
>the leader of the muslim brotherhood
Do I detect some jealousy, perhaps?
They’re too white!!!!!!
Syrian guy who's a direct descendant of Muhammad
They have to go back
>Irishmen pretending to be Syrian to cheat the immigration system
Fucking potatoes
>taking gingers into your country
I'd rather have Arabs desu
Just saying, You could import a few of them and make canada white again. There are tons of them waiting in the greek beaches.
they are extra ugly
>eyy ese they are ugly hombree
Ah yes, the attractive goblinos
Mulatto gingers > Arab gingers
yes, so i can recognize pure raw ugliness when i see it
Sell them potatoes.
I dont think there is anything wrong about Syrians except for their religion (if they are muslims)
Syrians and Lebanese who came here integrated perfectly and mixed the rest of the population
But then, it was a different time, late 1800s early 1900s
Why are gingers ugly across ethnicities?
>american flag
they look very levantine, just redhaired
There's no wife WTF
Was going to post
>those flags defending Arabs
But then I realized I'm a CHI kek
Further proof that being wh*te is literally just a genetic mutation
Half-Syria - half-Finnish = Looks like a French.
too wh*te to be french
If you read the history of the middle east, a lot of the royals in the middle east took in white women from Europe as mistresses.
ding dong diddly based
Not everyone was royal and the gene must washed nowadays.
Honestly it looks like the middle-kid and the one of the right (my right) looked like they dyed their hair to get a better chance of entry.
Some Syrians have that ancient Scythian blood from some of my researching.