Why don't Irish people start speaking their language again? It's pretty fucking sad that it's dying

Why don't Irish people start speaking their language again? It's pretty fucking sad that it's dying.

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It's very hard to learn and bascially completly useless.

can't they at least study it in school? I mean Latin is not spoken anywhere but widely studied in europe

The english language has been bastardized a bit by the americans and the internationalization, but there is no reason to say it's dying

Hebrew is a way more difficult, yet the Jews manage to speak it in a daily basis though.

It's obligatory in the school there already.

I thought it wasn't being thaught anymore. wew. I had wrong info.

>Hebrew is a way more difficult
No it isn't. It's kinda pretty primitive in comparison.

cute dogger

because of english imperialism.

Difficulty means jackshit for native speakers

i believe in the celtic powerhouse

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I promise you that you can learn hebrew on a level that will allow you to talk to your average Israeli and understand him in 3 month.

The language isn't high art.

What does that have to do with natives speaking the language?


there are only a very few native speakers.
It can only be revived through people learning it.

our government does not care about Irish culture in the slightest. They are neoliberals to the core and want this country to be a place of business, nothing more

this is fucking sad, dude :(

It's a language. Why do you need a government to speak it?

yes and the only party who cares at all about irish culture is marxist lol

because the only way it will ever be properly revived is if they started teaching it well in schools which could be easily done, but they don't want english to become a second language because its better for international business if its our main language

>blaming the government when it's clearly the people's fault for generally not caring about the language (or at least not caring enough to consider it a pressing issue)

>the only party who cares at all about irish culture is marxist
Hardly surprising. Marxists have always been strong proponents of the liberation of Ireland, going back to Marx himself.

The Irish are just British people in a heroic state of denial.

True, but that's basically the case everywhere. People tend to not care about things like that in a stable country, they are usually enforced from the top down.

no, they are chatolic. I'll defend my catholic bros from your shitty a*glican church anytime

This, sadly.

Aren't Irish in general better off than Anglos?

They are.
Anglos are a more boring and poorer version of Germans, also more redneckish

Irish are bros


>Anglos are a more boring and poorer version of Germans
Are you omplying we are related with anglos?
What did roast your brain in Brazil?

well socialists were a very small minority of the republican movement, the ICA being about 300 members while the IRA numbered in the thousands and was lead by staunch catholics and nationalists, not marxists

also marxism back then didn't involve supporting the inviting of immigrants to ireland and the promotion of multiculturalism

Even when the country was in the midst of revolution, hardly anybody cared beyond tokenism. The primary reason for this was that the powers that be successfully put Catholicism at the forefront of Irish identity over Gaelic culture.

most people are too lazy to do anything without coaxing


>Why don't Irish people start speaking their language again? It's pretty fucking sad that it's dying.
Based on the amount who come here with Br*Tish surnames, It could be argue many are speaking their language. Also, all the famine Irish apparently came from the Gaelic regions.

>Two groups that haven't existed for centuries
Oh hey. Isn't that a strong argument, huh.

Yes, yes you are, just look at any admixture relatedness map.

>muh haplo groop
Haplo groups don't show shit.
I am a strong Nigerian Kara Boga after Haplo groups.

>I talk about admixture
>You talk about haploshits
Do you even know what I am talking about? Haplogroups are limited to sex chromosomes, admixtures take all of the DNA into account and sort out relatedness based on the presences of certain markers of all the chromosomes.

Basically autosomal testing is the complete way to determine how closely 2 individuals or ethnicities are related to one another.

Yes I agree with you, also God created the World in six days. On the Seventh day he created Irish Whiskey, because God did not want the Irish to take over the World...