What did you do on your most recent birthday?

What did you do on your most recent birthday?

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I turned 19

Turned 23, I don't celebrate it anymore. Just do my normal schedule.

slept, had a wank, played some league. dont think anyone remembered.

im am american on holiday

last birthday i turn 21 so i am legally able to drink alcohol and watch pornography, it is good

Went out with my partner


Mom brought me hamburger and fries from a restaurant I really like for lunch and I watched A Very Potter Musical. It was a nice day.

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Worked. came home, some girls sent semi nudes as a birthday present, played vidya.

""Celebrated"" with family and then sat in front of my pc monitor for 14 hours and browsed Sup Forums, watched anime, youtube videos. I don't like celebrating my birthday

I turn 21 in a couple of days. I'm not planning on doing anything, just doing a university assignment, smoking a joint and listening to sad music on my own. I think that's what I did last year too.

I bought myself a kebab

Would fug. Also, nothing. I don't celebrate my birthday.

Celebrated alone because my friends left me for pot

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I pulled 405 pounds off the floor and then drank 4 litres of milk then went to sleep hugging a pillow pretending it was a girl (female)

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you dont have friends

>American on holiday


25, went out to a bar with some friends who bought me drinks all night, uber back home and split a bottle of fancy tequila with everyone and proceeded to binge drink the next 48 hours with my friends. had the worst hangover later

Today's my birthday

feliz aniversario meu anão, um bom dia pra você e pra sua familia...

21, why would i celebrate one more year of a pointless existence?

Exactly this, I'm 23 too.

On my actual birthday I didn't do anything, but the following weekend I made a Russian honey cake.

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Went for a couple of beers with some of my friends


Burgerclap on vacation detected

Dayum,thats a thicc mama

happy birthday fren ^_^

Belize man, you went back!!!

I was in prison

My gf and I went out for a nice dinner at an Italian restaraunt which she paid for, and then we went back to mine and fucked all night. She let me facefuck her which was great.