is Switzerland pretty much the best country in the world?
no france is
Ya I love going to Romandie for vacation
Yes but the people are complete assholes so I would never want to live there
only subhumans write yes
a bit boring though
I don't know
>the people are complete assholes
What's wrong with mountain jews?
Complete elitests
Switzerland is just a worse Liechtenstein
Hard not to when your country is above others
No but it's still pretty nice
what place is better then?
How can landlock even compete
All Brazilian corrupt socialists want to live there, so no.
Austria, because people from Switzerland suck + it is unaffordable
it's great but no sea...
ehm .. ISRAEL #1
their economy isn't based on natural resources, for one.
I do agree Norway is pretty much perfect though.
with all of the sandnigs surrounding you?
I don't think so.
If Israel was in Europe, maybe.
None of you still said why Swiss people suck. You just said they do.
Well, it's unfair comparing anywhere to Japan which is why I didn't even consider it.
>None of you still said why Swiss people suck. You just said they do.
Not very easy to explain. Kinda sheltered in a autistic way, very reclusive/ tribal, low key arrogant and definetely happy merchants. Bit like the homeschooled rich kid down the road.
I think a lot of European countries are really nice to live in. But Australia and New Zealand are high up there as well. If you live outside the city in my country you can live a very comfy peacefull live.
imagine germans, but even more arrogant and xenophobic
>imagine germans, but even more arrogant and xenophobic
Even more xenophobic than publicly promoting the new Germans in fear of "deutsche die in inzucht degenerieren"?
Wow, these Suiss people must like deport serial rapists or murderers or something...what a bunch of crypto fascists.
Btw, hi Ahmed.
>If you live outside the city in my country you can live a very comfy peacefull live.
but are there jobs?
I've been to Germany twice and didn't think germans were xenophobic.
Maybe it's different if you live there? I was only there as a tourist.
I see.
>he doesn't know about Sachsen or McPomm
>I've been to Germany twice and didn't think germans were xenophobic.
>Maybe it's different if you live there? I was only there as a tourist.
Don't listen to him, he is a butthurt Muslim.
I'm with this bong 100%.
Apparently these two states compromise all of Germany now?
Even then Sachsen is probably not more xenophobic than 90% of other countries in Europe, meaning some look at you bewildered if you can't speak their language and don't kiss your ass for being a foreigner, but it's not like you get lynched on the streets on a regular basis.
what percentage of the country is albanians at this point?
Why did you use ugly pics in this edit?
fucking weebs, kys
I don't think they are ugly?
What makes you think so
You'd miss the rapes and cuckery Hans, but walking through the lamp shade light lit alleys of Kyoto in the middle of the night without a care in the world of being mugged or jumped on is a truely relaxing experience.
I left my fucking wallet with 120 Euro in it in front of a main entrance for 4 hours, not a cent was stolen.
Some user from /norgetråden/ made that collage along with a bunch of other countries.
But this user here has edited out some of the nice images with ugly ones for some reason.
>I left my fucking wallet with 120 Euro in it in front of a main entrance for 4 hours, not a cent was stolen.
desu that happens in Taiwan too.
the best country in the world is unironically france
>using pics from all of Norway
are you okay user?
In a lot of ways. They have a real democracy and civic engagement and a beautiful country. Probably the most beautiful in the whole of Europe. But a lot of (((spooky))) shit goes on there too. So it's either the best or most evil, take your pick.
We have lots of weirdos in this cunt who thinks their local shithole is representive for the whole cunt. Like for example the artic asses who thinks -40c is normal temperature
Mener bare du kunne brukt fine bilder istedenfor stygge bilder.
Looks pretty average for Yurop, I've seen that sort of thing in the UK too.
maybe it's because I'm from a jungle shithole but I think the arctic pictures look beautiful.
Yes you know except for the horrible weather, low population density and depressed people it's great
seen what?
>But a lot of (((spooky))) shit goes on there too.
Like what?
>and depressed people
>low population density
That's a good thing.
>horrible weather
For you.
It's terrible, stay where you are
Off the top of my head: Basel, CERN, Gottard
Lots of /xpol/-tier stuff happens there. For a neutral/isolationist, tiny country they seem to be very important and overrepresented in the world.
Switzerland is "Isolationist"
Probably the first and still one of the most globalised countries
thanks for the shekels
god no
Yes. Because this country is so small you can even travel to the big city and back.
>fuck off we are full, no immigrants from Europe allowed!
>gets absolutely riced by Chinese immigrants
Kiwis are not very bright.
You do realise how many Brits migrate there right?
Get gud (points for migration)
>Horrible weather
Hahaha I went to Italy once and it was 32 degrees every day. Hell on earth.