Scotland should just secede from the UK and join the EU

Scotland should just secede from the UK and join the EU.

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please take them

we want them, hey seem like nice people

I support this just to piss on the pathetic Spain-flagging angloshits.

why do europeens always want their country to be divided into a hundred little irrelevant pieces?

I think they're going to do it?
Didn't they vote to remain in the last time only because they were promised Brexit wouldn't happen?


We don't want Scots and we don't really care if they leave. Same with NI.

Because small, culturally homogenous states in a federal Europe would be the perfect countries to live in

This is a smart spaghetti.

They can if they want to.

I don't want my country to be divided, I just have a burning hatred for the Anglo.

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can someone post map of former English colonies and territories

Scotland needs there own IRA call it the SRA

You wouldn't understand


I don't know what that's meant to mean, if you're under the impression England wants to hold the union together you're sorely mistaken.

Scottish independence is %100 a meme and is not in any way legitimate like the Irish independence movement was. It's literally just leftists scots trying to blame 'le tooories and le weestminster' for all their problems in their wank welfare state.

It's a disgrace btw that the EU didn't order for Scotland to be independent after Brexit.

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>northern ireland being one massive blob
who the fuck made this

Curb your anger, Juncker will make sure that brexiteer suffering ends soon.

You mean like the right wing english and welsh people trying to blame all of their problems on the EU?

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This is why using constituency maps is fucking retarded for referendums. It's literally direct democracy these maps don't mean shit and are misleading as fuck

This, but unironically.

>I dont understand that the independence of Scotland would provoke a domino effect that would completely balkanize our country.

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I wasn't ironic

Yeah you could say that. Difference is that Scots are literally were fundamental in the formation of the UK - it was James I back in the early 1600s who became King of England and Scotland who proposed the idea of Great Britain in the first place. The idea of 'le english opressors :DDDDDD' is stupid

Brush your teeth

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We should aim to destroy the EU. Not making it stronger by taking in more nations

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Nah, too much trouble, if we're being serious.
Because if we don't Americans start going "REEEEE muh globalists!!"

>t. pathetic spain-flagging angloshit

We voted to stay, fuck you.

I hope you'll get whatever you want.
Greetings from Veere

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Scotland is culturally and politically very different from England.They should definitely leave, i want to see how Britain gets slipped and become even smaller than it is now.

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>Scotland is culturally and politically very different from England

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>Scotland is not culturally and politically very different from England

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Moronic memes for little kids do not constitute a reasonable argument in the adult world.

Scotland is very socialistic while England is VERY conservative country. There is barely anything they agree on politically speaking, and culturally speaking, anyone can see the difference by just speaking with people from both countries.

>let me tell you about your country from two thousand miles away
i hate imageboards

not an argument sweetie

>ideology makes people not belong in the same country and means they're culturally different
t. retard

This argument is invalid because it's the same argument as saying - ''I don't want you to treat my cancer because you've never had cancer before''.

I watch news and i inform myself. I know that Scottish leaders advocate free schools, free tuition, free medicate, free everything, and they are very open to immigration. The policies they advocate for is what we call ''socialism'', while the policies England advocates for is what we call conservatism, i may also add ''nationalistic conservatism''. I have also talked with people from both countries, so i have a direct experiment with the culture. You are not the same.

This is a post so stupid even a yank wouldn't make it

They are culturally different.

>You are not the same
i fucking live here you mental spack
by this same inane line of argument half the labour strongholds in england should leave the country

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Either provide arguments or shut up.

No, because Scotland is a nation with its own history, and they are culturally and politically different. Just because there are some people in England that are more socialist-oriented does not mean those communities should leave, they don't want to leave in the first place. You are comparing apples to oranges here.

Your mom should just secede from my big fat cock.

We should annex them if they chose to leave.

why are you defending anglos when they took las islas maldivas from you?

tfw voted remain in a leave majority area

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>Scotland is very socialistic while England is VERY conservative country. There is barely anything they agree on politically speaking, and culturally speaking, anyone can see the difference by just speaking with people from both countries.
this is wrong

>culturally speaking, anyone can see the difference by just speaking with people from both countries.
same can be said of any region of Britain

scotland is not special, they speak english and they're culturally identical to england in virtually every way. scottish nationalism is really no different to something like wessex or kentish nationalism, i.e. it's pure larp.

Same lol

Scottish nationalism is based on the love for their country, while English nationalism is based on the hate for others.

You can delude yourself all you want, anyone can see the difference. Culturally speaking Scottish people are very different, they are much more nice and genuine, while English people are double-faced hypocritical sociopaths who lie to your face and can't wait for you to turn your back so they can talk shit behind you. Scottish people are socialist, while English are conservatives, even nationalists, as indicated by my troubled friend above who advocated for England to annex Scotland.

There are regional differences between South and North England, but both regions have the same culture and political orientation. Stop kidding yourself already. England has always viewed Scotland as a weak puppet they can boss around and be used for their interests.

>Scottish people are very different, they are much more nice and genuine, while English people are double-faced hypocritical sociopaths who lie to your face and can't wait for you to turn your back so they can talk shit behind you. Scottish people are socialist, while English are conservatives, even nationalists, as indicated by my troubled friend above who advocated for England to annex Scotland.

never mind lads, he's obviously baiting

LOL fuck off mate you have no idea what you're going on about

Wonderful post

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but you realize that only your personal space matters. You could say the same for your city or your state. A federal Europe wouldn't contain your countries anymore, it would consist of the states of Europe eg. Bavaria, Saxony, Bretagne, Florence, Milan etc.