Daily reminder these are the people that ruin this board

daily reminder these are the people that ruin this board

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>no balt
filthy weebposting pidor

Completely agree, but doesn't Japanese thread actually serve a purpose?

>Sup Forums
You're part of the problem mate

The reason generals are better for posting in is because it isn’t a constant shit fest of gay porn threads, BLACKED threads, ___ has cutest girls threads, and “I hate America and I’ll tell you why” threads

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>Sup Forums tab
opinion discarded

>generals are bad!! :((
how come? they make it easier. if I want to find poles and tell them that they should pay for crimes against jewish people I just open /polska/ instead of looking for random thread with large amount of polish flags

Yeah we should all just post in english instead which is totally not what the anfloa wants us to do XD

then make a new thread with a picture of polish flag

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/brit/ unironically deserves to be in /trash/ or /bant/

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>Filtering the Swedish cancer
Based, after seeing those faggots faking sadness in the /sci/ sticky I have no respect for them.

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>Sup Forums

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Imagine being this much of a virgin freak

6 years ago Poland had maybe 1 general once a week, there were no Danish generals at all, and suddenly everyone gets a general 24/7, what happend ????????????

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we battled the eternal anglo and won

Is there a way to filter all the gay weeaboo trash? Maybe filter Finland?

what i said is true
you take a look at any /trash/ thread and its the same level of shitposting
english-speakers ruin everything they touch because they are mostly normies

Denmark doesn't have it's own forum to post in Danish?

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>Sup Forums

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>Sup Forums user

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not anonymously, no

I wholeheartedly agree. Sup Forums would've been a much better place if all of you manchildren fucked off back to redbit.

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You are angry because you are not a normie

im not angry

>remove all generals
>still mostly shit
This board has no salvation.