What are her thoughts ?

What are her thoughts ?

Attached: lol.jpg (1582x896, 174K)

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hitler did nothing wrong ?

Koreans are robots. they don't think.

>tfw no big white cock to suck

desu, wouldn't surprise me if all koreans are actually robots running on android


shes an island chink


Attached: Swedishmale.jpg (640x640, 72K)

She is a Taiwanese tho

fuck sweden

>everyday we stray further from god

She was hoping to see some nordick

She doesn't seem disgusted or angry or confused at all. I don't know what you dumb Sup Forums idiots keep harping on about. She looks like she's just watching the video. The stereotype that Asians are all racists is very untrue.

2 of them look quite surprised in the webm

>that expression of disgust


Attached: 253457943623623.jpg (922x827, 160K)

"Wrong number?"

lets spam japan and korea with niggers. i tell you its going to be great! i mean look at their faces

something like "ewwww"

>”I wish I was riding KARA BOGA right about now and not talking to these monkeys”

Holy shit that forced smile.

Attached: harold.jpg (2500x1667, 264K)

Jesus Christ Sweden stop embarrassing Europe abroad

Attached: 1507611290954.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Their minds run on instinct like insects, they don't regard it.

Its like showing it to a spider and asking what are its thoughts.

i'm loosing my shit/. this is so hallorious.
>black anime girls
>their fucking reactions
this is the best video i've seen in a long time

Meanwhile skin-whitening cream and blonde hair dye is all the rage in gookland

Kill yourself

>God wanted Sweden to be milky white


She can't even hide the despise ahahahaha. Why Asians are so racist?

think that French immigrant.

>can't even hide the despise
what about you? can you?

Attached: t_mgfOlleF8.jpg (576x1024, 177K)

I wanna beat the shit out of her

Attached: 1521479597213.jpg (785x757, 19K)

go fuck youself

>all those butthurt shitskins ITT


Attached: 1521379064249.png (600x400, 147K)

Why is she so perfect?
And she is all natural too.

Truly perfect Japanese genes.

I have nothing against blacks.

Attached: Disgust.jpg (620x400, 29K)

thats korean

ikr. i love mongolian girls too


Attached: Nay5N6A833k.jpg (576x1024, 172K)

She's Japanese.

When it comes yo asians or blacks you will always wsnt to fuck one with a black plastic bag on your head either way.At least black woman have a big ass and don't moan like a retard.

>White cock

Pick one

she is a japanese member

my sides, she is good at hiding her surprise but it's still noticeable

she was doing pretty well at hiding her disappointment before she takes that breath

my fucking sides every time

that's some good shit, unironically gonna be using these for years to come

Attached: DWMG8pcUMAAtrXu.jpg (1200x1200, 112K)

What is this expression trying to convey?

Attached: 1491936679683.webm (1920x1080, 1.22M)

>Sweden was in africa?

link full vid ?

Hi /kpg/

"Niggas iffy uh Blicky got the stiffy uh"

>island chink
rude!! call it "Taiwan"!!



Attached: 1522022838378.webm (1244x700, 2.74M)

>Korean group
>the best looking ones are both japanese

objectively speaking, tzuyu is the best looking on average

I believe you are wrong

Attached: DWY5K_dVMAAjTKj.jpg (1200x800, 133K)

lol no

She was admiring his masculinity



Attached: 1512588764707.webm (1080x604, 2.91M)

her nose looks retarded

Only TWICE and WONDER GIRLS are good (RIP WG)

It's hard to deny. Shes boring though.


Attached: 1520723800997.jpg (543x542, 110K)


Based seulgi poster


whites don't deserve this #000000qt

>chink men and women don't realize not every country is homogeneous like theirs

well color be black so i can rape you white wife

post the entire webm

Why do you guys project your racism onto her? It's quite cringy.

Most Asians are quite uncomfortable around blacks, seeing her face it's safe to assume that she felt that way too.

are there more east asians reacting to 'groids webms?

ah fucking hell nothing more cringe than westerners trying to act "cute" on korean shows like this

hard underrated

She's thirsty. Her mouth are dry.


Attached: tzuyu.png (1095x769, 1.11M)

watch Empire of Dust