>wake up
>a coup d'etat has taken place over night, and your country is now under military rule
wat do?
>wake up
>a coup d'etat has taken place over night, and your country is now under military rule
wat do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Whose military?
>holy shit a decent rule
Join the Army
enjoy the show
Thank (((America))) for ridding us of those commies
move to germany
Attack the american embassy and kill as many americans as possible.
Not again
Put my uniform on and go apply for a position in the government
t. retired officer with relatives on high-ranking positions
work towards restoring the republic
Make sure that i'm not Ukrainian citizen
I'll try to kill the puppets of the CIA as much as possible, CIA puppets like:
Pinochet, Chicago boys, and others.
Yankee go home(am*rikka)
/innawoods/ time
it depends, if it is a leftist coup i try to kill most of them, but if it's a right-wing one, i just do my normal rutine
Watch anime, fap to hentai
Volunteer to help military anyway I can
Unless it's Smetona back from his grave I couldn't care less.
I'm military, why wasn't I informed?
i dont own any investment or jobs.
went back to shitposting ofc.
I for one welcome our renewed redcoat overlords
>Here you go Mr soldier, this is a list of all the commies I know.
Film it then make youtube muni
join the ra as usual
post on Sup Forums
god damn it not for the third time
We call that monday here
Our military is corrupt as fuck, it wouldn't last a month.
Run to Costa Rica.
What the guaranĂ said
What military is even going to launch a coup? Noriega back from the dead?
>zombie Noriega takes control of the channel
That would never happen in the UK thanks to the Queen.
if right wing, stay. Else, fuck off to the nearest decent country
>wat do?
What the fuck am I supposed to do? If the whole country was under a military rule, just what the actual fuck am I supposed to do? I would just keep on wageslaving and hope they don't decide to genocide (((my people)))
Doesn't matter, I live above the arctic circle up in Lapland.
Unless you know exactly where I live the chances of anyone finding my house is very low.
That wont work. The monarchy is too popular.
demolish the nearest mosque
Leg it to portugal first thing in the morning before they start purging independentists
Watch anime maybe make some noodles
Military rule is retard rule. I'd just keep on with my life and wait out their inevitable collapse.
>wat do?
Stay home and don't get in trouble. Seen enough such things, no point to involve.
t. chicano visiting the motherland
i'd go to vegas and open a gay brothel
well i'm in the army so
Act surprised.
What the fuck am I supposed to do now?
the only correct answer
Kill bolsominions