>tfw not ethnic enough for norwegian girls
>tfw too ethnic for ethnic girls
feels bad to be a race mix
Tfw not ethnic enough for norwegian girls
Don't feel too bad. Soon everyone will be mixed race
What are you a racemixed of? I am 1/64 sami and probably have some english islands in there
>Too Northern European for Southern Europeans
>Too Southern European for Northern Europeans
Just go to Brazil, lol.
go for central europeans then
how many reindeers you got?
I have none because evil wh*toids took my culture away
tu dois cesser de trouver toujours ces choses que tu blames pour tes propres problèmes pêh
>feels bad to be a race mix
>1/64 sami
Take the vargpill and go to north Norway and establish a homeless shack Sami tribe with an autistic waifu?
what sami girl will have my childs when I have never seen a reindeer outside of a zoo and cant speak a word of sami
Yes I know, I am la creatures
>tfw mom is brit
i coudlve been full french bull but dad had to marry a bong
I am white but just a shitty person.
> mom is brit
Top kek how does it feel to have a beta dad
mommy is the one who got frenched though
>too brown for asian girls
>not brown enough for blondes
kill me
>tfw 100% Anglo
>tfw still 6'3 and still have good teeth
British women are the least attractive white women on the planet. It's like going to Asia and marrying a filipino woman LMAO
> 100% anglo
> 6'3
> good teeth
Are we going to tell him lads or?
My superior Anglo genes already claimed 6 wombs via sperm donation
i should have never shared my life story on here stupid annoying leaves i hate them
They're not people so you shouldn't concern yourself with them. Then again, neither are the French.
Have you heard of this place called Switzerland?
>english fucktoy for a 1000 years in charge of saying whos human
Take the Bavariapill, user
>still in the commonwealth
Try again, leaf.
Youre also a leaf you know
A shamrock is a spring with leaves, not a leaf.
Its literally called a four-LEAF clover
My dad and his brothers are the picture definition of tall, dark and handsome. But my dad gave in to his fetish and knocked up a short redheaded woman so I'm an average height pale skinned ginger. Never sully your genes.
My goal is marry an Asian. Not out of some yellow fever, but because I want my hapa sons to feel my pain. Or maybe make gorgeous hapa daughters I can marry into rich families through.
Because it is a spring with four leaves, as opposed to being a leaf. In any case, our symbol is the shamrock with three leaves, not a four-leafed anything.
>leaf education
It's too late for you leaf. Either my sons will become the edgelords to end all edgelords or my redheaded half Asian daughters will be the next Kardashians. When I'm at the top of the world you'll be at the top of my list.
>My goal is marry an Asian. Not out of some yellow fever, but because I want my hapa sons to feel my pain.
>actively wanting your kids to have it bad
never breed disgusting scum
>redheaded half Asian daughters
You're going to breed a bunch of Asukas?
This. What an edgelord.
So instead of ONE leaf, you have FOUR. You are FOUR times A FUCKING LEAF than we are.
>a leaf getting this desperate
My flag doesn't have a leaf on it, pal. Checkmate.
>not wanting your kids to grow up tough in the most natural way possible