Britain cries out for National Socialism edition
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is she? Oh well, don't care I'm perfect for the role anyway and would be moderately surprised if I didn't get it.
what the job?
Fascist UK WHEN?
Britain is divided and no progress has been made in years but the Jude has pulled out all the plugs to limit our expression, the British people yearn for Nazism but cannot express it in words
this post would probably get you arrested here
[haha not sure I'm even joking]
>tfw national 420ist
good. will start the next thread at 240 to get my shit memes in the OP
why do foreigners think they're entitled to come to /brit/ and start wanging on about American politics and boring shite like history and wars and that just because they speak a bit of English?
no upstanding English bloke would think twice about your foreign generals, if you even have them, so what's the fucking point? is it a jealousy thing? do you seek our approval?
you're fucking foreign, below us, just FUCK OFF
SS = Super Sluts.
German women love immigrant dick.
>the British people yearn for Nazism
no they don't
>da joos
lads rate me
Britain cries out for Strasserism
Yes they do. Go away Rabbi.
Okay let's see here, WITHOUT using any benefits
>rent(small shit place in shit neighbourhood, northern england) - £400~(including council tax)
>bills - £50-70 for electric, gas, water and house insurance
>Transport - £70-100~/month(bus and/or train, more if you need a car to get to toil)
>Food/other goods - £100~/month(eating rice and kidney beans every meal)
>Social life/Misc expenses(shit breaking etc) - £100-200/month
And then some extra, you're BARELY scraping by, some major expense like a car failing it's MOT or something would put you in to debt
There's no arguing here mate, £12,000 is NOT enough to live on
Never. All fascism grows out of militarism and the military class. The UK is and always has been fundamentally anti-militaristic.
/brit/ cries out for one good thread today
How many years of prison in UK would that be? 2? 3?
poles getting put in concentration camps was the best event of the 20th century
Laissez-faire is gay
Britain cries out for a racist planned economy
The rich man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.
so this is the mental state of extreme bigotry behind the horrors of colonialism....
the 'fu
>The UK is and always has been fundamentally anti-militaristic
cool, tall and dangerous
molecular biologist doing DNA analysis for some sort of forensic lab
Swedes are subhumans.
I'm not jewish
Fascism is the benevolent mans political platform
Rent/£400- agreeable probably a bit more
Transport/Invest in a car mong
Food and other goods £100/stop buying avacodas
social life £200, stop getting pissed every other day degenerate
end yourself
V important scientific poll to measure brits normie levels
>yfw most /brit/ posters are literal normies with good jobs but keep shitting on toil and normalizing being a neet to get rid of the competition in the market place
can't survive in london on £30k
I'm English pavel
lunch time
*puts a macaroni pie in the oven*
/brit/ is full of commies who've never toiled a day in their lives
left or right, lads
you're baiting now, there's misc expenses to be paid every month, you can't plan to the penny mate
You'll have no savings and your car needs £400 of work done, whoops you're in debt now
dumb foreign crossposter
I spend £750/mo on rent because I refuse to share my living space with other humans who I'm not shagging
Shhh no tears only Fascism now
The four horsemen of the apocalypse
>Starbucks in Yosemite national park
left duh shit
This, when will /brit/ wake up?
brit is becoming a global general, and there is nothing you can do about it.
sure, a certain class of uneducated rural white brits will lose out, but the rest of us will win
Actually walked out of work lads
they probably think I'm on lunch for now but shan't be returning
the toilberg fears the NEET
up boated :^)
>not having savings
>The four horsemen of the apocalypse
HughHHhh iz day the bad guuz
had too much Sainsbury's Blue Bolt®
this but half as much
>The black triangle was a badge used in Nazi concentration camps to mark prisoners as "asocial" or "arbeitsscheu" (work-shy)
Autists will be in the camps as well
once left work to go to the cinema and came back at the end of the day and no one had noticed I was gone
Might reform /Anglo/, it was much better then
where do you live? Impossible to find a flat that isn't literally third world for less than 680/mo where I am
Do you learn about Mosley in British schools?
Or is it like US Nazi Party, where it isn't even mentioned because so irrelevant?
have a good meme in mind but no artistic ability
good suggestion
*nazi/commie propaganda poster*
This is how the world is SUPPOSED to be.
Can you fuck off and LARP somewhere else please?
the irish people are the only group in Europe to achieve nothing of political or revolutionary or otherwise deemed significance, they were bought out of the dark age by Britain and still managed to be irrelevant subhumans, truly lower than blaks
that would be the finns
>tfw American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Irish and South African flags all over this thread
>tfw colonising the fatherland
no I first learned about him from TV
you're a mong with low financial responsibility pal dunno why you're arguing
no fuck off kike bastard
Reminder that America is better than Britain in every single way apart from public transport, architecture, history, comedy and music
In everything else, America is better
fair enough
I'd probably live there too if I had the mental capability to exist in such a place without killing myself
who /oralfixation/ here? LITERALLY can't stop chewing on pens lads.
*Pays to hold your own child*
>wanking to some tart getting a right rogering
>camera cuts to her noshing him off
>she looks like the aussie shitposter
still finished like but ffs
you forgot healthcare
you forgot to mention that it's chockfull of fucking AMERICANS
He's never mentioned
ah yes, pen*s
that's what it's called?
america is the world leader in school shootings. truly at the bleeding edge
you forgot culture
sports, strong building structures, freedom to gamble and pay for sex