>wake up
>you are kim jung un now
what do
Wake up
Nuke nippon
I surrender my meme country to Worst Korea, then proceed to kms.
Have a harem
imagine becoming a dictator overnight just because your grandpa got some people together and told the government to fuck off
based Korean
>steal all the food
>Shitpost on Twitter
>Go back to sleep
feed people
nuke japan, we need to stop the anime disease
Fuck all the women.
Write a book about how you are really just resisting the Jews.
Become the first country to speak out against (((them))).
Dismantle state own enterprises, open the country to foreign investment and begin reunification negotiations with South Korea.
privatize everything, sell everything in public ownership to american companies then suicide
I would kill all government, and then commit suicide.
>Dismantle state own enterprises, open the country to foreign investment
so you'd want to be coup d'etat'd is what you're saying
Fuck red velvet
nuke tokyo
>acquire pussy
>shoot some hoops with my commanding officers
>eat a lot
>play some video games
>test a missile and threaten the world to receive free rice
>sell rice on the black market instead of feeding my people
>buy weapons with the money
>eat more
>acquire more pussy
build more nuclear weapons, start sperging out and demand free gibs
Call Trump and have a laugh over the phone at how stupid people are and discuss how to politically help each other out with internal and foreign policies and strike a deal for even more free gibs on the cost of the american taxpayer
Fap and go to bed
nuke murrica, nippon and worst korea
why is short hair so common on women in NK?
Kim has exquisite taste
All dikes wear it like that.
excellent post
This is the only answer really
blast tekashi's new album on every megaphone exist in NK.
I nuke
>Exercise and get abs
>Improve relations with Russia, China, South Korea and Japan
>Invest on the statues manufacturing to gain market and improve relationships with countries
>Invest on solar and wind power, letting the population to store their own energy
>Invest on agriculture
>Create a fashion trend boosted with new music and art style
>Make a deal with Chinese manufacturers to equip the population with a phone
>Make digital wallets a thing, making it the paying standard for public transport and other kind of services
>Create Korean stores around the globe, focused on North and South Korea's merchandise and art, as a way of income and influence
>Make Korean TV transmission available on internet for everyone outside North Korea
>Let North Korean youngsters study abroad, come back and let them go if they wanted to, allow double nationality
>Publish literature from other countries and encourage North Koreans to write
>Change my own image from the supreme immortal leader to the coolest mortal leader
put the goverment open for public investors, wheile maintaining communism regimn.
the one with 47% stocks got 1 free nuke buttons.
sit back, enjoy my daily cakes. while watching surplus on national budget.
Easier to manage
Ask Putin to become Russian republic like Yakutia.
It's good to be the king
play basketball with Dennis Rodman on my private island
AND nuke Japan later, forgot to mention
get /fit/
kidnap 2000 western programmers and artists to make the ultimate korean video game, blowing the fuck out of both southern shills, j*p bastards and western imperialist pigdogs at their own game
Fucking get laid and troll Trump all day erryday
>what do
submarines, nukes, rockets, tanks, bunkers
have sex with girl so i lose virginity
Good post.