This is an average house in Sweden. What's an average house in your country?
This is an average house in Sweden. What's an average house in your country?
same design but with bricks instead
check this out
You need to post it
Looks pretty much like a standard Finnish suburb. Commieblocks in middle of forests are also typical form of living.
Here's a qt French succubus showing a typical student apartment.
why so few balconies
commie blocks and tacky villas without exterior plaster
Pretty much this.
>wooden and plastic house
literally burger tier
got something against wooden houses?
Now post yours, macaroni
Those wooden houses are not plastic and they are not the plywood houses you typically see in us. These are very well insulated and strong, solid wood. You can live in a house like that with -40 outside and not having to wear more than your boxer shorts
Comfy winter.
where I used to live
1- fire
2- maintenance
3- frigging insects
4- after 20 years its old and you wasted all of your money
5- can't resist strong winds
6- romanians breaking in more easily
7- being associated with amerimutts
That looks so comfy
all wrong
>after 20 years its old
Not at all.
t. lives in a 120 year old wooden house, still in its prime!
Nevermind ignorant italians. Apparently they know nothing about wooden houses and they even think its the same as the cheap plywood houses in the usa
But I hope the italian can post a comfy italian house soon instead of harassing our comfy wooden houses.
Not even close, the traditional wooden houses here in Sweden will stand strong for 200 years plus.
> I live in one
I already replied to OP
you didnt tell me why my points are not true though
I'm not the same norwegian who wrote that.
However, I can point out some flaws.
Can't argue that it's more flamable, but it's not a common issue if that's what you think.
Eh, yes you will have to maintain it, but you have to maintain brick houses too and I doubt there is much of a difference in maintainence costs. I might be wrong.
>20 year = old
>strong winds
Like the swede said, you're probably thinking about the plywood houses in the usa that will get ruined by their hurricanes. Our wooden houses here are quite solid however. USA got stronger winds than we do here, but when we do get strong winds, like the 300-year storm in 1992 our wooden houses smiled back at it with no issues. It was not very far from the Katrina in strenght, albeit it was weaker. But Katrina winds aren't an issue anyway.
>romanians breaking in
Why would this be more of an issue? They're not breaking in through the wall of a house are they? And the wall is quite thick with lots of layers, good luck. No, they'll break in through windows or through doors.
Besides, we don't have a lot of crime like that here, it's a non-issue. We have alarm systems too.
>being associated with burgers
Only those who don't know the difference between their paper houses, and our solid wooden houses would associate us with them.
Sorry for all the spaces.
They probably have termites and such in their country.
>Can't argue that it's more flamable
Can't argue against*
Yes maybe.
>be dane
>build with bricks
this is probably the most common type of house you will find in country regions and areas which are not densely populated. usually passed down the family line or bought by people who want to build a summer home outside the city
typical danish house
That looks like a fairytale house
It does?
What's the point of that giant 6 when it can't be seen from the road? They even need a smaller one on the wooden fence
It's a graphic from the website that had this house out for sale. The number 6 is the house number or something.
And it's not there IRL.
why are euro houses so fuckin comfy and our houses so shit rEEEEE
Post house
please don't tell me you actually believe this meme
that could quite easily be the UK
>he doesnt live in a house made with granite
>Swedes build cardboard homes
Truly the yanks of Europe.
pic related is a typical new single storey house
Why so many of these threads lately? This is like the third or fourth I've seen this week.
Not that I'm complaining, I like these threads.
Is it not true that you use a lot of plywood on a wooden "skeleton" structure?
Agreed. I love comfy threads like these. Maybe because not long ago I became a house owner myself. I just really enjoy houses and discussions about them. I spent a lot of time looking at houses before I bought.
I don't think there is an "average" house type here in Sweden.
There is the classic red style, more modern ones etc etc.
I live in the archipelago and pic related is super common out here in different shapes and sizes.
why are the windows all over the place
In the South-East like this
in the Alps it's different
and new houses are often modernistic too ofc
i wish we had a cool style
such a wog house lol
Beats me.
Anyways here's what typical houses in south Portugal look like.
look up federation architecture
>wood is cardboard
and you're not the one to talk shit about anyones homes, you live in the fucking UK
Also, this photo's i made today.
the superior container house
that didn't last anywhere near long enough
the majority of our population came in during the 20th century when these monstrosities were built
The houses in Sweden looks so small.
Disgusting, desu.
>cant even fit a table and a few chairs on the patio
what's the point
well it still exists
They are pretty small.
There's a reason for that, smaller houses are cheaper to heat up.
shame they only exist in uber rich suburbs and the inner city but most people live in the suburban fringes
we fucked ourselves hard
it's cheap and good, this houses will be everywhere in a few years
no need to be pissy about it lad
>Let's build commieblocks
>Will be
Make a photo of street now.
am i not allowed to complain about the fact that instead of building a haussmann tier paris, we built a sea of ugly brick shit shacks that is ruining us socio-economically?
no :p
like these 3
There are balconies they just imbedded in the blocks for aesthetic reasons so you don't see them
it's actually expensive
not here, not compared with a traditional house
I almost do not believe that you have many of these houses, it would be nice to see the photo.
>this picture
Please, don't do this
Larger houses than this are still average or normal for families many places in this country, partcularly in western Norway where I live, but I'm gonna post these houses as a very good example.
>decently sized front lawn
these look very comfy but kinda small
scandianons are only posting middle class houses itt, ill post some lower class ones
>tfw no courtyard
>tfw will never have a courtyard
just END my fucking LIFE
Show me your shit, if you have it at all. We have this until May.
absolutely disgusting
is it where the niggers and muzzies live?
Still better then my.
Precisely! Well done for working that out.
>living in houses
>not living in aesthetic commieblocks
as you wish mummy