why is my dick so tiny
Why is my dick so tiny
mine is 5 in
mine is 6 inches but very tiny
it's bigger than mine :(
>tfw 8x6 inch penis
will never put it in anyone though, but it feels powerful when i wank, so there's that
Why are you guys using barbarian measures?
Anyway, 15cm long, 12cm around reporting in.
I can confirm muh dik works if u need reference.
>12cm around
lmao my dick is 12.7 and looks tiny af
u are a pencildick
girth > length
t. just under 6" but thicc
The wider part gets to 12.3 when measured accurately, 12 on the rest.
Have you put yours in any girls? I can assure you it works.
You are not going to use it, who the fuck cares?
Also, are you sure of what you're saying? Next time you have a full erection, place some object besides your dick, it could be your cell phone, and take a closer look.
There's no way 12.7cm is tiny, if you're talking about your perspective when seeing from above, you vision will always be distorted. Try looking at it sideways touching a mirror.
16cm long 14cm around. :(
focus your blood towards it and it'll grow
Because you and I weren't meant to breed.
t. fellow dicklet
>ywn surprise a smol qt with your big ass schlong
Travel to Japan
Post benis plxx
In centimeters
Of course the countries with the most African blood are bigger on average
Emigrate to a foreign country
If that was in mm that is literally a 50 caliber dick.