concentration camps for white males edition

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Other urls found in this thread:



ah yes
the tories the tories the bankers the bonuses the tories it's the governments fault
*taps pen on my desk repeatedly*


who keeps letting this retard make the editions?

stop with the retarded subjects

what did you just say about my country you pathetic anglo?

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Why won't you answer me, you clog-wearing cunt?

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was she ok

Everyone not taking part in the early thread arms race to get their shitty OP in.

If someone makes a real /brit/ now people will abandon this thread and use that since this isn’t technically a proper thread. But people are lazy. Me included.

i said russia will cease to exist as a state

My body is ready for the shittest World Cup

looks like it the blue wave turned out to be brown-green aha

>poley is a tranny now and he's still a virgin


don't you live in fucking manchester
go to the gay village you mong

Clear out my fucking face or I'll twist your neck so fast you'll be seeing sputnik mate

Bit of an over-reaction

>being this autistic

I love black people


Notice how most of the crowd are women. Women are destroying the west.


Don’t engage me unless you have something worthwhile to say (you don’t).

just heard this new song called "Man's not hot"

hahah, da ting goes SKRAAAAAAAAAA!!

If Michael McIntyre stormed into your bedroom whilst you were asleep, what would you do to him?


americans should be gassed

*strum strum*
virgin freak
*strum strum*
qu'est-ce que c'est

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no she died
yeah a bit

you're the autistic fag who keeps making 40 posts early threads

do you feel in charge?

fuck off dave

/britfeel/ and /britpol/ are virgin freak generals, if you're a KHV incel, please leave

/brit/ is for failed normies, so you may have had a relationship, or even lost your virginity at some point, but you still aren't normal

If you ARE a normie(i.e have sex and go out regularly), you're a normie and should vacate immediately to facebook

I've been with women from all over Europe/ Asia. Keep arguing with your hole.


That kid needs an ass whooping, beating on a woman like that.




gay =/= trans

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gf is medically incapable of drinking for the next 6 months


ascended brain: browsing all of those things simultaneously

>gay =/= trans

Normie posters are worse than the 6.8 poster

>ascended brain


worthless cretins

>if you're a KHV incel, please leave

doing a poo. might be my last. fingers crossed

Knife the cunt and claim self-defence

why is everyone in Dunkirk a prettyboy
is Christopher Nolan a gay

get caught drink driving?

WW2 killed off all the good looking people

Nobody wants to look at ugly people


fuck off

why has micheal macintyre turned into a chinaman

genetic stomach(?) condition is flaring up

knocked up

reading Lord of the Rings again

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This but unironically. Literally a generation of KHV incels left working the factories whilst all the chads went off to die


virgin freak

It's raining, lads. Going to treat myself to a nice, guilt-free shower.

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think I should have got some stella tinnies instead of vodka

ex texted me lods, first reply is how i tell her to fuck off

literal nonce

put /brit/ as the subject so people can actually search for it in the catalogue

>that ONE random black soldier on the beach

least he didn't go full quota and have every second soldier being some miscellaneous 'ethnic'

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post willy

um sweaty black people have always been in britain xxx

>some shitty meme by the cute ears retard


in cape town?

no they weren't

You do realize there's other ways of locating the thread?

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they caught king nonce lads

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The black fella was probably French. I think there were a couple of Indian divisions on the beach as well.

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so you're saying the bbc lied?

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there were black tudors

They can't they're impartial

irish people are just pale africans

business idea: allow black immigration but only the women

yeah that's right you heard me virign freak

NEED more black in britain, there's not enough

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arrested for having killer cheekbones

>virgin freak
don't like this new gimmick
it's mean

>Dave is crying about virgins

reminder this is the REAL thread

Will you fuck off

mum just gave me a facemask, spent the last few minutes applying it

difficult to stop my hair getting stuck

now this i can get behind

just want to be on benzos 24/7

not addicted but being sober is boring and shite

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id like to get behind a few things if you know what i mean ;o

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you're meant to tie your hair back you dipshit

>sweaty black people
Is that why they smell bad?

nothing i hate more than COWARDS who copypaste their posts into both threads


This team was full of talent

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cmon lads move to the other thread, this one has no searchable title

probably due to nerves, poor girl

this is the real thread

any 6ix9ine man in?

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Fuck off, you stupid fat nigger.