Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
No offense but you guys are losers...
Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
>Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
>Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
FUCK i screwed up my cool original funny thread that was gonna get so many (You)s and now it's all gonna be people making fun of me
listen up you assholes let me tell you in advance im not stupid i just made a little mistake in wording
>>Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
so this is the power of Swiss education
It's not the worst but it's pretty fucking low thanks to generals and a huge overlap with Sup Forums
Are you autistic? I'm being serious, are you?
atleast my family isn't being butchered by herds of marauding niggers
Right but are you autistic?
atleast my country wasn't under the rule of north african mudslimes for almost a milennia
Right, but are you autistic?
refer to
It's probably a Portuguese immigrant that eats canned tuna all year so he can act all pretentious in August when he comes back on holiday. At least that's how I imagine every swiss poster.
Yeah, but are you autistic?
You had to say that happened because you got infected by Sup Forums stupidity
atleast I'm not an 85 iq south american monkey-resembling mutt who runs the risk of getting brutally murdered everytime he steps out of his shack and into his favela hellhole to buy some monkeys for his soup
Medkit's got jokes, it's shame he can't form a simple sentence
a swiss nigger gets upset and starts throwing frogs at people xDDDDD
nice job op
It's a Sup Forums tries to invade Sup Forums episode
yank tier posts m8
Excellent thread
VERY nice thread
It's a Russian; like father like son.
kc is worst
>when you fuck up before the thread even started so you get asshurt and try to turn the tide with smug posts
why are the swiss always so annoying and autistic? is this what happens when your country is too peaceful and prosperous?
It wasn't like that years ago bastard
>Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
>barmaiden: what can i get for you op?
>op: J-J--J-JUST close all tabs now
Are european always this dumb?
good thread, keep posting swiss friend
hahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaha dumb donkey!
the absolute state of european hours
Jokes on you faggot, we hunt monkeys instead of buying them.
Best board
> least normies and neets, perfect blend
> good-spirited bants
> learning new things
> best amerimutts posters
> few Sup Forums tier edgylords but a fairly non-censored political atmosphere
it would be the best board if it weren't for shitty mods, anime faggots (atleast they cooled down) and the Sup Forums aussie and leaf
Great thread, OP
the autistic medpack strikes again
>No offense but you guys are losers...
thnx :)
Stop culture appropriating yank culture reeeeeeeeeeeee