Why does this game make Europeans so angry? Are they still upset that some SJW chicanos made a better game than the best devs and gane engines europe has to offer?
Why does this game make Europeans so angry...
>check flag
>as expected
>Why does this game make Europeans so angry?
literally what? i love this game
no idea what you talking about, subnautica is a great game.
>being mad at charlie cleveland and his team
>not enjoying the great games these guys have made
>natural selection
>natural selection 2
>being a fucking buttfrustrated leaf on 4chin trying to force a maymay
he does not look like a Chicano
The creatura meme has spread to Sup Forums through this game.
I played Subnautica before it was cool (and finished)
the endgame was missing, you could not finish it, nigger.
Eutangutan pol faggots spam every thread with that shitty meme from here. Like calm down you guys don't have to ruin every thread with your asshurt.
>implying it's a bad thing
What even is that
That's what I implied, nigger.
>pol faggots
except Sup Forums hates this meme
taking a second look, the has the soyboy grin
Yeah pol are the paragons of race mixing and would never spam an anti race mixing meme in threads about a SJW game. Please grow up.
Comfiest music and setting, I found it nice to even go to the unfinished parts back then (also died a lot when trying to salvage spare modules)
I literally have no idea what the fuck is the Leaf about though
game is great, but a bit too easy for my taste. sometimes it feels like it was made for 12year old.
also no weapons like a spear gun
It's literally impossible to talk about this game on Sup Forums and you would know that if you ever left your european circlejerk board.
>I literally have no idea what the fuck is the Leaf about though
That's what you look like
>this game is SJW propaganda because the main guy isnt while
looks like i'm not the only one who needs to grow up
dios mio
Why would Sup Forums be a single person, have a single opinon or adjust to whatever strawman you put to them? You guys are obsessed with that board.
>why would /pol2/ hate /pol1/
I played that game it was pretty good.
>why would /pol2/
Did you have alchohol coma or something?
Sup Forums was born after Sup Forums
Looks like an average shart.
The game is from Shartia so I don't see why they shouldn't make themselves into the Mainchar.
>You guys are obsessed with that board.
No shit. Virtually all imageboards have built a cargo-cult around it. To the point where retards use racist memes against race-mixed people while actually believing it's an effective strategy to fight neo-nazis on anonymous anime online forums.
And how long ago was /n/ created? These boards have been around in many forms for over a decade now.
>one of the themes is "you don't have guns so you have to learn to coexist with nature"
>everything still tries to kill you
Explain this.
>an effective strategy
It's a joke.Only retards like you think there's some kind of propaganda behind it
Neo edgy virgins you mean
You don't need guns to defend yourself under water?
>It's a joke.Only retards like you think there's some kind of propaganda behind it
The same shit was said of merchant memes back in the day, dumbass. And now plenty of groups claim it as propaganda manufactured by them. It doesn't matter what you think, some people legitimetely use it thinking it's propaganda so that's what it becomes.
That's the tryhard's problem.A few years ago every racis, homophobic was ironic as well.
I won't stop using a meme that triggers people that take it seriously.
That's the fucking intention
>A few years ago every racis, homophobic was ironic
How naive are you?
>I won't stop using a meme that triggers people that take it seriously.
Who's telling you to stop doing anything? I just commented on how politically motivated groups mirror edgy Sup Forums culture even when attempting to mock it. It's more or less where Sup Forums was 12 years ago.
Sound designer got fired for putting some memes into the game like some sampling of Trump saying China
>fight neo-nazis on anonymous anime online forums
>Neo edgy virgins you mean
I have around a 100 hours into the game and I really enjoyed it. Only thing that annoys me is how incredible faggoys some of the devs are. Since they have kept their politics seperated from their games, as all game devs should, I think they deserve alll the succes the game gets.
I don't know exactly what he was trying to say, but a few years ago racism and "homophobia" on Sup Forums wasn't as real as it is now. I don't know if I would say it was ironic, maybe it was just done for the shock value, not really ironically but it wasn't serious. Most people on this site were libertarian back, it was pretty misanthropic. Now days it seems like people just want to force others to bend to their will.
The only SJW thing about this game is one of the devs talking about how the regrets not making the protagonist female because muh feminism, etc. And their stance against adding guns to the game, arguably.
>Most people on this site were libertarian
No they weren't. Even at the height of the Ron Paul days it wasn't dominant, especially on Sup Forumsnew/n/, even if it was more popular. The site was less outwardly political several years ago, sure, but then again so was everywhere else. Although I do remember some harsh political discussion and racism even 10+ years ago. What really got the ball rolling was the militant atheist movement back then, along with chanology and fighting scientology.