What is the easiest way to move to another country from Russia?
What is the easiest way to move to another country from Russia?
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Why move?
I can marry you if you're cute :3
What I need to do?
I can marry you if you're cute :3
Are you a cute karelian girl from Lappeenranta?
Sorry we are full
We get married and you get citizenship but I only marry you if you're cute twink
Buzz off I was here first and nobody wants to go to Singapore
No I'm a guy
I can marry you if you're cute :3
I can marry you if you're cute :3
On a tank
1. Buy a train ticket
2. Go anywhere you want
But I'll be deported back.
Of course you will, subhuman.
your price for being political "badboy"
>when a hohol tries to say something
At this point people would literally rather have subsaharan Africans than Russians in their countries.
Fucking end yourself degenerate
If you had someone Polish in your family you can apply for Polish Card
I feel sorry for your parents.
Do not. They created this disgusting thing.
Fuck off normalfags/straightfags
Nah, I'd still pick Russians desu
Kazakhstan or Ukraine
Yeah, countries where crime rating is bigger than in Russia, splendid.
Agreed. :3
>Sorry we are full
Move to America and work for the Foreign Service, assuming you would be able to get security clearance of course.
With Russia strongarming itself back into importance the need for native Russian speakers in the US will increase.
Of course you will be swearing allegiance to the US and betraying Russia but we have nicer things anyways
Does it matter when the Ukraine is a municipal republic of Russian federation?
You fuck off, mentally ill sicko
be a woman
>tfw beta slav manlet in Russia
hop over to germany and say you're syrian or iraqi
I hope you die of AIDS
Int is a gay anime board and yesterdays strawpoll thread proved that
It's not. You're sick in the head. Go spam this disgusting shit on /lgbt/ or /hm/ where it belongs. nobody wants to see it in here
How disappointed are your parents?
Get a STEM degree in a niche field
Become a best selling author
Become a famous athlete
Marry a local
Those are the /ONLY/ ways to move to another country if you cannot meet some "right of return" esque law
What is the easiest way to move to another country from Korea?
> (OP) #
I can marry you. Are you cute?
I agree. Save me pls.
I'm virgin.
Didn't answer the question I see.
Mars, because Mars is your territory
You can also substitute "best selling author" with any art form of your choice, but you have to be famous and obviously your work can't be super controversial
If you have 7+ figures in USD, you can also invest a lot in a particular country and they might let you in
If you are Jew or have Jewish ancestry, you can ask for asylum in Germany
Not even kidding
Ha, like they're gonna fall for that again
pls no
By the way, you can also move to the sun because North Korea has successfully entered the sun.
don't worry, we are /goodguys/ now
Mr. Three
Can you bring cute Russians to the Black Bus?