/v4/ + frens

never trust a gipsy edition

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Breaking my fast tommorow with pizza and kebab. If I die know that I will die happy.
Remember me as hero that I´m

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we'll remember you as the retard who was too retarded to eat

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Argentina was a mistake.

Spen pay reparations for wat u have done

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how can i make money online

I wanna wrestle her :$

How crowded is it on Balaton during summer?


not at all


eating is easy.Literally retard could do it.Fasting takes willpower

me too

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You're just asking for it now.

How's balaton tho
I was there when i was 3 years old and i can't remember anything

If I pretend to not be drunk while being drunk do I have enough willpower to fast?

Uhhhhhh guys /kurva anyátok/ is dying
Come cheer them up with a few nice posts.

It's a big lake. The southern shores have sandy beaches. The north has deeper water, and wineries.
Pretty nice place. Be advised, that in some places, German is more valuable than English.

why should I trust a poster with swiss flag

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Let it not be said you did not ask for it.

Cancer deserves to die

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you cant drink alcohol while fasting so idk

>Pretty nice place.
Well,i remeber that.
And even then it was full of germans

Is it ok for camping for a few days? I'm planning to spend there some time during summer

I wish I was polish

well that's pretty gay then


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Who would win in a war poland or russia


It's still full of Germans, they still sell lángos and cooked corn. Besides some modernisation, nothing has changed. The weather is as good as ever in the summer nowdays.

You can camp, no problem.

I wish you'd stop saying that.



>Using Daylight Savings


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Israel and Soros

oh well, thanks for info

guess her nationality

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Does it make any sense to put a merchant on a trade node thats steering only in one direction?

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whitest argentinian

>needs people to derail their threads so it doesn't die

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I wish you were as cute as ottoni

she looks like a narcoman from Pargue suburbs.

good night anons

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Russia. Don't be a fool.

Autism simulator posting?
Autism simulator posting!

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I’ve been reading Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation through the Intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones (Tibetean Boom of The Dead)
>every chapter ends with "...not achieving buddhahood at this point is impossible!"
>every chapter except the first starts with "However some people..."
>there are over twenty points at which you can achieve buddhahood
>final chapter just tells you to try not to be reborn as an animal, a hungry ghost or in hell

What a strange religion.

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9/11 was an inside job
Americans are stupid enough to have believed the lies of the bush administration and bullshit that was forced down their throats after they demolished the world trade centre complex.

The world we're living in and all the wrong that is happening now is the collective fault of the stupidity of the US public.

If you want to know how the future will be read the "Project for the New American Century"

All the american terrorist shilling started as soon as that document was compleated.
Culminating in 9/11 and later led to what we have seen in the last years in the middle east ect.

America was a mistake and is fundamentally evil.

A strong & independent China is the way for peace and prosperity in this world.

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nighty night

sleep tight lad

argie?she should eat a kebab :DDDDDD

what should I play?

>Dungeons 2
>Total War Warhammer 2

Warhammer 2 as best race, so skavens.

Me gustaría ser argentino


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pretty sure gonna get killed soon 2bh

call the police?

I kinda want to play as Skavens after murdering them in Vermintide desu.

But Tomb Kangz first because I didnt play them yet

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Buddism is whore of a relgion
t. Koneczny

what did you do to make bydlo mad litvin?, confess

Not really. Only put merchants on trade nodes that end in your territory. Otherwise, you ain't gonna earn much.

not even gonna help as they havent "done anything" yet, that's how police works here

nothing, some weekends when they gather to drink together in hallway they just like to start kicking people's doors randomly, smoke, shit up walls

Dont be a soyboy, just beat them to pulp

good luck then litvin, i am going to bed
good night lads

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Buy a gun, or some funky easy to use self defense thing like a mace or a flail.

good night user

not gonna help 2bh there's like 5 of them there, gun is too much trouble and im a poorfag anyway


Shitstorm over an american embassy

>Race crime
>Working hard
>Muy bien
Argentinians confirmed for muslims

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>Trump bans muslims from the USA
>They're supprised they get kicked out of their embassies
>Get upset

Im howling

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Stab them with a knife then


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You can get old used pistols for as low as 100€ and old side by side shotguns for 50€, decent old ZH over under for 130€. Or head over to /k/ and learn how to make a slamfire shotgun. But I thing as long as you hit the biggest one with a flail and crack his head open they will scatter.

this is what i want to say

NO you are not done, I know that fell with WT, I hate the game and devs with burning passion yet I still play it for a lack of better things to do

what's this video about?, I won't lose 8 mins on this

I have many other games to play and the devs here arent bad they are good its the things i stated that i fucking hate and want all of them gutted especially the muriork players

Oh I saw admins and thought you mean all the devs, I see then come and play warthunder friend it's good and balanced))))))))))))))))) game

About argentinians shitting up london

It says so in its name dummy

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Why are asian "men" so pathetic?

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no i wont play shit tier games. This game is amazing i had amazing expiriences but latley the amount of scumbag subhuman players just kill it for me

>hating on hungarian men
but seriously we all have our pathethic failures and theres more and more of them

I though it was remotely related with my country, but I guess it's just polskiaussie making shit up as always

everything's going to shit lads

it wasnt so bad a decade ago

no, just play new vegas and everything will be alright.

I wish we could go back to the early 2000s

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>this video
lmao watch it fucking arabs

>tfw remember listening to kazetta and having a nokia with snake


>beta army


All that awaits you is getting old, wrinkled your vagina falling out, seeing kids reminding you about you getting older, illnesses, suffering, pain and death.
You're a cunt yet you dont capitalise on having a twat, there is no hope for you lol

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Istavan is that you?


cuck - testing

interesting, it filters cuck into kek on /adv/ now lmao


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Saturday najt and nobody's here? :DDDD ebin :D :D :--DDDDD don't say you have a life JEJ :DD

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I'm here

Sorry, I was watching a movie.

Im in my bed, still sick D:
I jerked off at least 5 times today

watching a series

Doing anything interesting?

I'm going to jerk off now then go sleep probably

I wanted to watch something but didn't know what desu, nothing caught my interest

im here i just btfod a juli army 3:1 as gayreeks

I was the same until recently, watching a series about napoleon
I think I'm becoming a napoleonboo tbqh (which doesn't mean in any way I'll stop being a poleboo)

I went out to the centre to buy a kebap cause i hate this country and want more arabs to live here and show these rancid polacks their place, ran into one of my exes, she's gotten ugly.

Win - Win.
The kebap im eating right now tastes like heaven

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