
Throwback edition

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Subhuman weebs deserve to be genocided

Why we don't start our own rempit gang?

please no

Fuck off

t. city boy who thinks mat rempit is chad

I saw a Lamborghini along EDSA earlier today.

But they are chad!

If rempits aren't chads, who is?

new liver and kidney, yeah

MKL and Ariff


thank you for nice box to store things but what should I do with subhuman inside?

>If rempits aren't chads, who is?

Our emperor for live, prime minister of asean, Lord of all kingdom, master of whites, Najib Razak

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Najib is at least 10 tiers above chads, he is that alpha.

>not Dutdut

If you are a girl, do you think you can get a bf based on how you look?

baru aja mau keluar cari makan malah ujan
malezzzz deh

> Najib Razak

You forgot to mention his loyal comrade, zahid hamidi.

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if i were a girl, i wouldn't want a bf like me

Is anime the final solution to the radical Islam problem?


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>Is anime the final solution to the radical Islam problem?

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But anime is haram according to some imams, so no.

if only...
>mfw my autism keeps cockblocking me since i don't get hints
only yesterday i realized a few months back my friend was flirting with me, saying shit like how i'd be a good husband

i already look like a high-test dyke


See? Fucking Chad AF.

Why not?

post face

“Happy Birthday, user! We hoped you like your present.”

Love, Mama & Papa

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>throw those flower
>throw the whore
>use the box for IMAGINATION

Why would you fuck a corpse?

thanks mama and papa. Now i don't have to use fake pussy anymore

i throw the whore user, who want to fuck dead hoe

Are ghosts or supernatural things real? Have you any of you guys or girls personally experienced any? Maybe your friends or family have?

Not sure if SEAs believe in that sort of thing.

shit internet rn but eventually someone will post

i am actually a ghost in Sup Forums

me and my brother saw aswang when we were a child.

neet doesn't count as a ghost user

yes they are true.crush is ghosting me

The fuck is an ass-wang? Like a dickbutt?


Be gone wh*te ghost

ssshh that's peruano girlfriend(male)


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>tfw no anime where aswang qt stalks MC like a yandere
Maybe Japan should do a monster girl anime based on SEA

The whole supernatural phenomenon is an imperfect attempt by human mind to rationalize an event which occurs beyond their scientific understanding. As a matter of fact, ghost doesn't exist on any conceivable realms, neither does your almighty unicorn in the sky.

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this imagine wewe gombel/hantu tetek as anime girl

C-can't we please not talk about pocong, and kuntilanak and suzana here.
I'm sleeping alone tonight.

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no pontianak pls.
that thing made me dislike boobies and turn me gay.

non-sense,only a higher being could ever design you qt

that's the name of west borneo capital city

/Spooky Asean/

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More like sampah masyarakat


talking about this reverse boobies banshees.

I think I once saw a ghost (shadowy figure) when I was on the road to the underground river in Palawan years ago.

Is that fucking garlic? Why are they cut in half? So many questions here.

That's gay.

What about aliens? Not the illegal ones south of the USA either. Very intelligent post though, you must have high IQ.

Why are you afraid? What are those things?

An underground river sounds cool but also spoopy

i know, indonesian use scary ghost name for capital city of west borneo, while capital city of borneo are balikpapan(under the gravestone/board)

>That's gay.
he is gay/bi

>reverse boobies banshees

aswangs are our version of vampires which prey on pregnant women. Garlic and salt are said to be used to repel them just like in europe.

capital city of east borneo

Someone cosplayed as Jesus yesterday. Thoughts?

I was a horny kid back then. Used to collect sex tabloids.
After my sisters pranked me about pontianak. I disliked women and turn my attention to dudes.
My parents should blame them if I didn't get to pass our spanish surname.

>What about aliens?
What, do you want me to quote Fermi's Paradox? I would not get ahead of myself and proclaim the probability about the existence of extraterrestrial life without any credible proof.

Did your sister show her reverse boobies?

Please stop with the spooky story.

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no. they read aloud a dead website to me.

yes. the ghost of my past.

Aswang is a funny name in English. Thank you for the explanation though, I know how to keep those thots away now at least.

>reverse titty banshees

You are not horny anymore? How did your sisters prank you so hard that you turned gay? Like WTF?

What's your surname?

Shit, I read that entire thing

Okay smart guy tell me the Paradox

Hey that's my president (former)

More spooks pls

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what do we think of drugs?

this one is quite scary

lack of evidence and the apparent "high probability" of life possibly existing elsewhere

I firmly believe in this theory
though if there ARE currently advanced beings out there, they're damn good at cloaking/hiding themselves

contradiction between*

>You are not horny anymore? How did your sisters prank you so hard that you turned gay? Like WTF?

>What's your surname?
Somewhat close to Marquee

>admitting that he's your president

btfo libtard that nigger is the worst president , emperor trump plis build the wall REEEEE

Should be taxed to death
Should also be taxed to death except cooking wines
Good for my insomia
degenerate drugs.

or the universe is young and the earth is the first in the universe to have life

Perhaps. Or maybe our primitive technology isn't sufficient to track their presence. Or they are extinct and now only remnants of their civilizations exist. Or they are nothing more than single cell creatures. Or they have transcended into higher energy beings. Who knows?

nigga that is the Ferni paradox

I've been thinking
What if we colonise a planet and we leave them there.
And since time is different between Planet A and B,they'd go through the same stages of Humanity that we all went through
How would they react if we revisit them and see them living their own version of 2018 while we are somewhere in 2XXX

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praise spacenoid, death to earth federation

I saw something like this one during my childhood

There are unknown phenomenon that you can't explain here, like something something humanoid doll from Borneo which shrinks every year and its hair grows every year too. Also Dayak-tier black magic which can put out your pee pee from original place and hang it on tree (and you can get it back).

very lewd

it would be much easier to study indigenous tribes like the Sentinelese. it's pretty much the same scenario

Shit like this is why I wish I could live forever, I just want to see what happens next.

if I wanted a way to look at the primitive way of life I would just look at bisayans X^D

That's a mananagal
Ban alcohol and cigarrettes as well
Those two actually directly affects me more and cause nusiance than the drug users on a daily basis

But Sentinelese will never develop more advanced technology than what they have now on their tiny islands.

Its also called tiktik or wakwak

>no more memory on phone to store porn
feels bad man

>put out your pee pee from original place and hang it on tree (and you can get it back)
Sounds like a hentai scenario.

200gb microsd are cheap now.

walawey ye lah
thanks senpai

>I wish to live forever

Hantu time?

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when I was a kid my mom told me don't play with mirror. Mirror can transport us to another realm. Our reflection in mirror can become real.

> 200gb Microsd
> Not 8 tb NAS with vpn to stream from outside house.