Japanese girl here
ask me anything
Japanese girl here
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you like living in Japan?
Show bob
What do you think about the Mariana Trench
can you dance like this???
Do you prefer UK or France ?
Which is stronger between Franec and Germany according to you ?
Hi dear I am single from London and U Dear
wtf I love japan now
オッサン 出てこいよ
did you use your mum's passport for this photo?
Yeah actually I'm just back from a shit country and I've realized how clean and safe Japan is
There are no beggers or junkies even in big cities like Tokyo...how nice, isn't it!?
Who cares!?
Hey I'm not weeby English teacher shit living in Japan and bitching about Japan on Sup Forums with Japan flag
I like both countries but I detest Paris
I got Paris syndrome when I visited Paris so I don't wanna go to France again
And obviously Germany is much stronger than France
Hon hon hon
I wanna meet my mom tho
Will you come visit Malta?
Suckee suckee one dorrah?
>obviously Germany is much stronger than France
Troll. I drop this thread
I'm beta af so I don't like beach resorts
>There are no beggers or junkies even in big cities like Tokyo...how nice, isn't it!?
But the homeless are everywhere in Tokyo.
That's very true but they never beg for money, right?
The situation might be slightly different from Osaka desukedone~
Before you ask, I'd like to explain the reason why I started browsing Sup Forums even though I'm not otaku. It is just because I wanted to learn '"生きた英語" (Could anyone please translate it into English?)
I've been here for like 2 years and my engrish has been improved. Thanks anons!
Post a selfie :)
Why do you live?
What is the meaning of life?
If F'(x) equals to f(x), and let f(x) be (e^ix+e^-ix)/2, then how F(x) would be?
What foreign accents do you like the most?
>still no timestamp
post your tits with a timestamp or gtfo
Can I breed you?
Good. We at least helped someone
Do you wear BAPE?
this post reeks of womanly passive aggression
You mean English or Japanese?
I like American accent because we learn American English in school but British accent is easier to pronounce for Japanese, no idea how Irish English sounds though... sorry
Oh fuck I missed "foreign" part
Btw, Which Japanese acctents do you like? I heard you guys find Hakata-ben attractive.
First time ever.
Did you win the lottery?
Get out, you roastie
Why do you hate Korea?
How big is your feminine penis?
Why are Japanese girls so arrogant? Chinese are much friendlier and approachable.
How you know that?
Well I'm not big fan of any accent because I'm from Tokyo and many girls take advantage of using accent/dialect to be attractive. Btw I love the way korean people speak Japanese. You guys are almost perfect but shit at some specific words like za zi zu ze zo that's cute af
He's my currently favorite (zainichi?) youtuber and his mom and friend are typical Japanese speakers with korean accent!
Sorry netouyo guys lol
You're right, unfortunately.
From my experience chinese are the best amible people I think it's because they are not polluted by confucianism
Lived in China before and met Japanese girls before too, they were snobbish jerks.
It's true I've been to both countries and chinese girls are a lot more down to earth and less gold digging.
What's it like working for the ministry of foreign affairs? Is it a good job?
Nah It's not my occupation
It just says "this passport was published by ministry of foreign affairs"
How hard is to get a job in a major city for a filthy gaijin like me?
are you a cute grill?
Would you date a NEET?
dear Japanese girl,
I am a french college boy and I would like to visit Japan. I admire the history of your country, which I've studied the recent past (I especially enjoy the late WWII politics), and it is my wish to visit your country. However I find myself at loss because I do not speak the local language and am a bit autistic about transportation.
So, dear Japanese girl, would you agree to be my guide/penpal during my visit to Japan? I will go to whichever city you live in. I just need a guide, and a friend, to tell me about the country and visit with him/her. I plan to visit within the next three years of this decade, the exact time remains to be determined.
In return, I will oblige myself to become a guide for you should you ever visit France (I live in a lovely place called the south-west). Given we both speak english, I think we might be able to become good friends!
-a french college boy
(the cute animal is a token of my good will)
Do you want her to make you drink sexual fluids?
Chinese are more sociable for sure, but they are 100% “polluted by confucianism” lmao.
I prefer confucian women to non-confucian. Women who are immature and incapable trigger me.
>Sorry netouyo guys lol
t. Zainich (A Korean who lives in Japan)
Wtf is that creature and why is it leashed?
You can be a Spanish teacher at uni
I have had date a NEET before
Go tinder
Triggered lol
Probably she is a Korean.
Did you accept KARA BOĞA as your lord and saviour and submit yourself to the Black men?
How do you compete with Anime girls?
Hi! Korean man.
What's up?
Do you eat Kimich?
Is your vagina pixelated?
Your english is definitely pretty good.
Being real, I assume
But good question
>Go tinder
But there are only bad kinds of women there, futhermore I cannot request a guide on tinder :/
Is your vagina sideway?
Excellent banter.
The ?s we all should be asking
>Who cares!?
Real question
Why are there so many Japanese exchange students? Do 20-30% of upper-class Japanese study abroad at some point in their lives? Have you studied abroad?
Would you date gaijin?
takes one to know one, leaf
Do Japanese people really hate Koreans?
answer him
I can answer this
Most dislike Koreans, almost all older people dislike them. A substantial portion of the young do not, but another substantial portion went the opposite way and hate Koreans.
A similar dynamic is happening in China and Korea. It’s like the polarization effect strengthened.
what's your opinion on beards
What's this you've said to me, my good friend? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in conflict resolution, and Ive been involved in numerous friendly discussions, and I have over 300 confirmed friends. I am trained in polite discussions and I'm the top mediator in the entire neighborhood. You are worth more to me than just another target. I hope we will come to have a friendship never before seen on this Earth. Don't you think you might be hurting someone's feelings saying that over the internet? Think about it, my friend. As we speak I am contacting my good friends across the USA and your P.O. box is being traced right now so you better prepare for the greeting cards, friend. The greeting cards that help you with your hate. You should look forward to it, friend. I can be anywhere, anytime for you, and I can calm you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my chess set. Not only am I extensively trained in conflict resolution, but I have access to the entire group of my friends and I will use them to their full extent to start our new friendship. If only you could have known what kindness and love your little comment was about to bring you, maybe you would have reached out sooner. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now we get to start a new friendship, you unique person. I will give you gifts and you might have a hard time keeping up. You're finally living, friend.
>t. Narbonnoïde
Never. My family was poor
Only if he can correct my engrish
Most people don't give a fuck about neighbor countries and so do I
How do we stop the asian menace??
>so do I
Fuck my engrish
*neither do I
Follow up question for the dutch guy
Why do Jap women love little boys?
[ Fact ]
Japanese hate Koreans enough to require measures against discrimination.
Currently, there are many diplomatic problems occurring in Japan and Korea.
Japanese Embassy in Korea has been attacked by Koreans many times.
They never go back to Korea, even if Japanese tell that they must go back to Korea to them many times.
Why are netouyo sub human??
>about neighbor countries
Your country
And here they come to derail another thread
>Why do Jap women love little boys?
He is a Japanese? lol
Get out of my thread you netouyo cunt
在 日 く ん w
why the fuck your passport is fully in english?
Because English is the language of imperialists
There are a lot of holes on the passport, because it is an expired passport.
Whose is that passport?
I'll be in Tokyo next week. Wanna get drunk and pass out in front of a Konbini together?
You are property of the Anglo man. Know your place.
Post feet or hands for proofs (preferably feet)
Do you want to go with him? :DDDDDD
Whats the level of slutness of the Japanese women?
is your vagina a chicken sandwich?