
it hurts edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: jap.webm (1192x720, 1.36M)

its fucking over for me, im hideous

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>Extremely bright x-rays “photographed” the event at 150 billion frames per second
And here you nerds are playing computer games at 120 frames per second. Get a grip on reality people.

Attached: BASED.jpg (962x616, 159K)

which is the best city in the UK to wank in?

I'm so happy I'm not an uggo

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even your phone provider is mocking you lol


console peasants arent

warwick in the pizza express


>150 billion frames per second

Someone really needs to stop Peter Jackson

Attached: 14676527_649986528516194_8835973283905011712_n.jpg (631x631, 68K)

>good looking


two nazi posters here
someone need to bomb germany again


Attached: 1508853916093.jpg (1674x942, 127K)

so lonely
so alone


is melvin here?

>be a barber
>have a JUST haircut


Attached: 907.png (431x426, 323K)

does anyone have the image hashes for the yank nonce


>She still hasn't messaged me back

what app is this?

been studying chinese since the start of the year and suddenly realised i have no use for this ugly godawful language

wasted 200+ hours, unironically would have rather spent it learning welsh

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Attached: PIRATESBTFO.jpg (310x688, 111K)

Sorry lad ill be done with her in a min x

been at the full sugar coca cola have we?

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in english please gypo

england, explain yourselves

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dumb pirate frogposter

Post stuff to make my willy tingle and get hard and make me want to rub it up and down for a good few minutes until it releases fluid

Personally could not use one of these apps. I'm not bad looking but I don't have any pictures of me with friends.


what has you so angry friend?

I'm white, can I move to your country?

so this is the saturday night /brit/ crew this week

l've think we've got a good one lads

Attached: smugmelonman.jpg (1000x730, 775K)

having second thoughts about going to town
drank too much at home

People raped little girls and they got arrested for it.


Attached: the godless orient.webm (960x712, 2.99M)

who is that

Attached: 1506887883132.jpg (480x360, 52K)


Why is the self styled "alt right" full of gays and women??

Attached: 1521673866292.jpg (629x735, 300K)

Tired of being chubby lads. Time for a change.

Attached: Hitler vs Soyboy.png (842x512, 54K)

PJW posts here

I never went to school and have no formal qualifications. I taught myself programming and currently make a living in freelance webdev. Now I want to move away from that and get a normal/local/office/9-5 job, but I imagine that's going to be quite difficult with no education section on my CV. I don't want to become a full-time student for 3 years either, though (especially considering that the Open Uni would be my only option there).

I'm considering grabbing some revision books and sitting an English GCSE and Maths A-level as an external candidate. Then I could at least have a small education header where I describe my autodidactic programming skills alongside something like "English: GCSE, " and "Maths: A-level, ".

Is this a sensible and useful thing to do? Does it look any better than having no education section? Would it at least help get me through automated filters?

until Dave ruins it by crying about yanks or Tories or some other shit

do you love japan?

Attached: 1516862812191.webm (1920x1080, 2.58M)

Why are there kids on scooters everywhere

Attached: 9b2.jpg (1078x713, 247K)

so does sargon

>the further towards socialism/nationalism/globalism you go the closer you get to stagnation, tyranny, oppression and destruction you get
>the closer you get to freedom and liberty you get the closer you get to progress, happiness, higher living standards, technological advancement and peace

really gets the noggin joggin lads

isn't there a pic of pjw floating around where he's sucking off some nigger?

feel like this might be a copy and paste off a post from reddit

both are immature and childish so silly far right nonsense appeals to them

The left supports mass migration of Muslims. Muslims aren't really good friends of women or gays.

>I never went to school

How does this even happen?

you're confusing him with moly

business idea: CouchSurfing site for 4channers where people can choose potential hosts based on the memes they like

dave losing his nut over fake tits the other day was hilarious 2bh

we're all apart of the problem lads

cute spanish girl texted me saying long time no see

good sign

skrr skraaaaa

hope she replies to my snapchat soon

It's not. I considered posting it there instead, but I sometimes get work through my reddit account so don't want anyone browsing my profile to see this. And also can't be fucked making a new account.

I was expecting her to puke it up or something like that.

virgin freak
qu'est-ce que c'est?

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kek sauce

call her a nigger

Come on, lads. Is this it or do I have to go to /gif/ for my wank? Where are the slaaags??

My parents "home educated" me and then never entered me for GCSEs/etc.

>gun control marches in Edinburgh and London today

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Download a language learning app and talk to Chinese qts. When she's gagging on your cock you'll think 200+ hours was a bargain


Attached: 1. The Lipstick Stain.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

>Why is the self styled "alt right" full of gays and women??
They realize that immigrants coming to Europe are overwhelmingly opposed to gays and take to right wing politics in order to oppose it.

Why do retards globally believe that American issues are their issues?

tell what's the big deal of posting frogs

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she is quite tanned actually ahaha

Attached: si.webm (1608x1080, 1.55M)



get fucked lefty commie subhuman cunts

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nice try janny

Someone edit this but with him watching blacked.

Imagine living in Mexico. Imagine being the shit version of YANKS. Like if yanks had never benefited from British rule and instead been colonised by lazy Spaniards. That is who Mexicans are.

we need a war lads

not sure what this webm is but it's in my slag folder

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just tried to roll a joint

Attached: IMAG_0001.jpg (900x1200, 304K)

with whom?

[sadly go-karts]

shutting your eyes and lying back whilst pissed is fucking mad


God told one of my eyes look bigger than the other. Checked in the mirror and sure enough they were right. never actually noticed but its quite visible

might post a pic