Facebook boomers and Sup Forumstards (same thing nowadays) will actually fall for this
>be American
>go to school
>your solution is to have more guns
Can't make this shit up
They are right. Law is social construct. Imagine if they do this to pancasila.
that girl has to be murdered. Anarchism can't have a place in any democratic country.
If that's true then why did your country legalize cannabis?
Why do Americans care so much about their constitution?
It was written by white slave owners.
>anarchism can't have a place in any democratic country
>appeal to mob violence
>"hurr america is a republic not a democracy" - Sup Forums
very democratic of you.
It's a photoshop you inbred cunts
Explain to me why this is supposed to be particularly triggering.
France literally did that in 1958.
muh libs boogeyman
Why is it so hard to simply change the constitution?
Are you retarded?
>what are amendments
Not easy and not worth it
better immigrate to similar countries.
They do it all the time, but it requires the consent of the people, not something the EU is familiar with.
>not even the same color as the paper
Is this Sup Forums's idea of a """""redpill"""""?
And we all know you're using a proxy, leaf. You made this same thread yesterday.
They do not attend school in an Internet school.
fucking russian bots FUCK OFF
>That shitty photoshop
They ARE symbolically ripping up your constitution by wanting to ban guns though.