ITT: Ugly Flags

Ugly flags. Post' em.

Attached: 1521991300586.jpg (4238x2562, 1.52M)

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Lithuania.svg.png (1200x720, 932)

Attached: main-qimg-2df17ccf3458af3f510a058d03bb53e4.png (602x401, 49K)

do they have to be country flags? heres the Basque region flag in spain

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_the_Basque_Country.svg.png (2000x1120, 15K)

Attached: pt.gif (16x11, 361)

That’s a weird Japan

Rioja region

Attached: Flag_of_La_Rioja_(with_coat_of_arms).svg.png (1200x800, 67K)

Attached: images.png (470x313, 528)


Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Palau.svg.png (2000x1250, 10K)

Attached: ptpepe.jpg (800x800, 105K)

This is how I used to draw the sun when I was 4 years old but I would place it in the corner of my image and put a bunch of m shapes in the sky next to it to represent birds

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (986x720, 15K)

Maybe he is comparing to your imperial flag? That one was clearly superior.

Same, I would also give the sun eyes and a smile

great son

Yeesh any flag with red and green should be burned on sight
I used to draw them as a curved v

Hello there Portuguese user and others in this thread,
Would you kindly install extraflags? Please see pic related for details on what it does.

Install instructions are over at if you are interested. Thanks!

Attached: file.png (359x237, 46K)

||\ ̄口 ̄||||
m```` ̄~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Attached: she_send_me _map.png (1434x807, 1.71M)

Stop your kirikiring finger.

Based kimuchi

...) .x..(