Why are Muslims more respectful than Europeans?
Why are Muslims more respectful than Europeans?
Because Allah grants them 99 virgins.
I'd like to know why. Mind going back to your respective Islamistan and tell us about it from there?
t. sandnigger
And than they will blow you up
Can you explain why you were triggered, Schlomo?
You should tell about it because you invented all those religions.
What happened, didn't like my post?
It seems that his mere presence triggered you. hmm.
Yesterday I was walking with the gf and a Islamic couple was crossing our path, I just walked first without stopping but she waited to let them pass first, they then allowed her to pass first, maybe because I already passed, maybe because they're better mannered.
My gf thanked them and they actually thanked her back and wished her a good day.
Kinda made me feel like a dick desu because they were really nice people.
>You can't form a real relationship with a westerner or someone on Sup Forums
Who the fuck is trying to "form a real relationship" with someone on Sup Forums?
that sounds extremely arrogant if you ask me
Can you explain what about the tweet that triggered you?
Is it because it proves that Muslims aren't savages like all those Israeli/zionist-funded islamophobes have claimed for the past two decades?
Your gf is a cuck
Fuck off, Mohammed
islam does state giving to the poor is a pillar to islam, and they also are very sanitary.
everything else is bad though
May you "have a good day" brother ;)
btw إسرائيل = Israel
Overstatement and insincere flattery is characteristic of dark-skinned peoples.
muslims ought to be genocided
It says "God curse Israel".
Where did you learn Arabic?
You know Arabic too, right Shlomo? Otherwise Israeli posters aren't this triggered.
> Arabs still write SMS
Vowels don't hurt, you massive faggots
There was a course at my uni.
You sure you aren't a FSB agent?
My cover is blown.
based David Schlomo Horowitz
teach those sandnigs a lesson
Is it worthy learning?
As someone else who learned hebrew for theological reasons, no.
If you pursue a career in academics in that field, yes. If you want to live in israel for the rest of your life, yes.
Apart from those two very specific instances its not worth it because it has really limited areas of usage.
>calling VUZ uni
Go die, virgin scum.
Just ask anybody around you, sandnigger.
lol noticed that one too