What is your dream job?
What is your dream job?
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Mine, but more paid.
wh*Toid removal technician
Porn star
forester in a place where snow doesn't exists
B чypкocтaнaх лecники вooбщe вpяд ли бывaют. У нac их вooбщe в CHГ пoчти нeт.
tractor driver?
в дpyгoй cтpaнe тoгдa. нeт, я нe игpaл в фaepдpoч.
To be a senior officer in secret service
B дpyгoй cтpaнe этo и ecть в чypкocтaнe. Ecли тeбe нyжны бeзлюдныe пpocтpaнcтвa, тo тeбe нa Taймыp. Зaoднo ceйчac глянь тaм пoгoдy.
I'd like to be an IT specialist in the police, meaning when the police seizes someone's PC then I need to go through it and check what illegall stuff might be there, this way I'd shortly become owner of the biggest loli collection in the world
>t. another anime-scum from Poland with these fantasies
I don't watch anime
So you're just a pedophile.
>What is your dream job?
maybe designing comfy beautiful houses for people
i should be able to do that within 10 years
Are they not built on model projects? And why 10 years?
only in suburban developments like pic related do they use pre-chosen designs
within 10 years is a rough time estimate it would take for me to get enough experience to open up my own office
>pic related
>no pic
forgot pic JUST
>these houses
>my another butthurt on the basis of poverty
I want to be a IT specialist charging absurd amount on Unsuspecting Business owners
if your goal is making these postmodern monstrosities, please find a different profession
You know he's just measuring to make concrete, right?
Literally the job of 90% of Sicily's population
holy shit I was going to write about the same
where are you from? let's open a business together
Vedo che sei sulla mia stessa lunghezza d'onda xd
Io son di Padova, te?
Being psychiatrist while being GA pilot (dont like schedule lol) while being artisan.
having only 1 job is lame
un po' più a sud, Pistoia
è veramente increbile quanto la gente sia disposta a pagare pur di non imparare tre cose base al computer
l'altro giorno trenta euro per un recupero memoria: collega hard-disk, verifica integrità e malware, copia-incolla
lavoro finito in mezz'ora e mi ha anche ringraziato che ho preso così poco, ché se andava dal rivenditore gliene partivano 60
no i said i want to make good houses
not garbage shit
Equity research analyst.
già hai ragione meglio hehe
io non ho mai fatto assistenza tecnica in proprio perché non ho idea da dove iniziare...
ma hai tipo un tuo laboratorio dove prendi clienti?
Io pensavo di più a creare siti web responsive 3.0 (e altri paroloni) per baretti, negozietti di provincia.
per ora lavoro da casa
se vedo che nel prossimo futuro le cose cominciano a partire dovrò farmi venire la voglia di inoltrarmi nell'incubo burocratico che è aprire una piccola attività in Italia
inizia facendoti conoscere tra amici/famiglia come quello che si intende di computer, fai qualche favore in giro e poi inizia a farti pagare qualcosa
I want to be forced to commit war crimes on a global level for the greater good of humanity while no one knows me except other high level officials
The guy girls dad pays to take your virginity
now i'm thinking if those two niggers actually secret agent on boko haram neighborhood.
>africans are too dumb to find ways of slacking off at wo-
I dreamed of such in a 10 year old. Enough infantile.
YouTube video reviewer.
Climate change scientist.
Already working on it.
My dream job is that I get so rich that I can buy what ever I want and yet never have to work more in my life.
What a coincidence. Are the job possibilities good in Brazil? Here it’s next to impossible to get a job within that area.
wtf that's my dream
being an actor so I can pretend to be someone who isn't me
I'd want to be one of the irrelevant ones so people don't recognize me in public
I'm doing my dream job right now. I'm just managing my online store and provide it with new content. I earn about 10000€ / month in average. I don't do much anymore, I just lean back.
Professional musician/violinist.
A full-time orchestra member.
my friend does this
by this meaning, all police IT is pedophile.
i wish i was a fbi IT worker so i can fap to cp
kys pedo scum
To be an economist for the government. I think they make large impacts in people's lives, advising economic policies.
>Sup Forums
actually, there was an affair long ago where exactly this happened
wish I knew
What do you sell?
I'd like to be a literature teacher in some foreign country!
Being a teacher is comfy desu~
>inb4 kids suck
Probably. Teaching still looks nice tho.
A Jew hating film producer/director
cool lathe
What things have you made?
No it's because he is collecting the cp instead of deleting it after the investigation.
digital products
NEET. I reached my goal.
There are 30 job opening every year. It's a hard exam, but possible. I graduated, with honors, in International relations at the best uni here. I think I have a shot.
Too kek
Good luck to you.
One of these guys but im starting uni next year and i have no idea how or where to start
Military, probably
Un mio amico si fa dare 250 euro da pizzerie e negozietti del cazzo per qualche ora di lavoro.
black market biotechnician mutating girls to sell to perverted saudis, and I get to take free samples
Data Scientist
Sound Engineer in a spacious recording studio in England
Either NCO in the military or make my parents happy and have one of those jobs where you make 10 grands a month and you get to linve in singapore or australia
Bravo lui, non so se riuscirò a fare una roba simile troppo onesto sono...
I applied to my dream job today. I even have all the right qualifications for it, I was literally top of my class. It's an automation maintenance/logic programming job and I know the logic the facility uses better than my own pockets. So for me it's big money, easy work.
This feels like my last chance at life. Tomorrow I'm going to go and buy a fresh pair of jeans and a coat that doesn't smell like cigarettes and despair just in case I get called in to be interviewed for the position.
>tfw shit hack student
can't wait to be unemployed
locomotive driver
locomotive driver - instructor
locomotive depot chief
railroad department chief
world class porn artist earning grillion dollars on batreon
procrastinating fucking sucks. if you're not aiming to get a conventional job, at least start hustling electronics or grow weed or something.
Something related to politics or the military. I am not sure exactly what.
>dream job
>not even a commissioned officer
My dream job is eccentric dictator.
>being a forester in a desert
enjoy the unemployment line
Looks like one of those abandoned laboratories in Stalker.
I always wanted to be a train driver, but I don't have an education for that, it would be expensive af to do it now, so I'm thinking about driving tram at least.
I was at first about to say truck driver in North America but I already know that my view of it is idealistic and that in real life it sucks, so instead I'm gonna say bush pilot with a seaplane, but I'm probably simply not aware of the downfalls yet.
Literature teacher in a country where the government respects their teachers and it's also a utopian society where the vast majority of children aren't shitheads
Just make sure you don't do it here, our government has never listened to an economist in its entire life.
>respects their teachers
Why should anyone respect teachers?
>Waah, I have a BA in French and work 25 hours a week for 9 months of the year! Treat me like a hero!
army officer
>dream job
>everyone posting their own mundane jobs
i'm a software developer
sure as hell isn't my dream job
I wanna be the guy in the bottom left