Was he a cuck ?

Was he a cuck ?

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No Abdul, he was hero.

va te buter abdul

No, he was a hero whit a true european blood.

>giving your life up for a roastie who probably is banging abdul as we speak


non, par contre toi t'es un sacré fdp

what the fuck is wrong with muslims

way to making fun your countrymen's sacrifice whiteflag.

no wonder everyone making fun of you.


Dis bonjour à la prison : rtl.fr/actu/debats-societe/un-ex-candidat-france-insoumise-en-garde-a-vue-pour-s-etre-rejoui-de-la-mort-d-arnaud-beltrame-7792770559

ah ouais c'est le genre de péquenaud qui fout le feu au poubelle et s'étonne de se faire décaler la mâchoire par un CRS


>Dying for a country that died 30 years ago


Try 50

Attached: publishable.jpg (1024x759, 85K)

Kys, Muhammad

He came in without his gun. Any questions?

hostage exchange you fucking imbecile.

with pétain died france itself


terrorism apology is a crime, why dont you understand that monkey ?

couldnt he like do some kongfu karakte kick to disarm the terrorist lol WTF is this kind of militairy police when uncant even disarm people..

>apologie \a.pɔ.lɔ.ʒi\ féminin
> Paroles ou écrits destinés à justifier ou à défendre quelqu’un ou quelque chose.

Il n'a ni justifié, ni défendu.