5:00 am

>5:00 am
>The germanic wakes up and leaves his home towards his job proud of his protestant work ethic
>His wife however, stays at home alone, once again
>Staring at the window she only sees darkness and a general cold wasteland
>Suddenly a spanish flamenco guitar can be heard in the distance
>The clouds start do go away and a warm breeze fills the air
>The windows are opened and a handsome dark man enters while the white curtains sway in the breeze
>The germanic wife is astonished in front of this deity of passion and lust
>In a suave yet firm way he embraces the germanic woman and whispers to her hear in the smoothiest voice a human can conceive:
>"hmmmm... Hilda mia. Te acuerdas de aquela noche por la ventana quando te he dado por todo el culo y la luna bailava en tus senos"
>The germanic wife can't take it anymore, despite her usal frigid way she makes the hottest sex she had in her life
>"ohh si hija mia" - said the handsome man
>The woman, passes out after the most intense multiple orgasms and the handsome dark man kisses her in the forehead and departs
>The germanic man comes home, exausted and proceeds to vent on anime imageboards about his racial superiority and based work ethics
>The woman wakes up and while his germanic husband his masturbating to scat and furry porn a little note his left beside her
>"Adios querida mia"
>"Fernando Martinez"

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damn you, fernando martinez

you can't even fuck your own women
what makes you think you can fuck ours?

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what are condoms, butthurt pig fucker

That's a women's problem. Not men's problem.
Only the best deserve our semen

lol, I got a Spanish girl pregnant last summer, her boyfriend thinks he is the father

>The room was dark, the computer screen was its only source of light reflecting on Bob's glasses as he stared at the computer
>His country, and his germanic heritage needed him in the internet, in order to fight the jewish and islamic comunism conspirancy that threatened his culture, his life and his wife
>Meanwhile, his wife was out in the bar feeling depressed and hopeless over a failed marriage
>At that time she noticed a change in the jukebox
>The music was warmer, more passionate and "naughtier" than before... a spanish guitar could be heard blasting the sound of pasion and amore
>A galant handsome latino man sits next ot her at the barstool
>"Perdoname pero una chica sola como tu hace mi corazon llorar lagrimas de dolor... Dejame que te ayude" - said the gracious man
>As the man's fingers caress the woman's body she could feel a tight and firm body... a rare sight in a country of obese man
>The man went deeper and deeper until the woman unleashed a scream of pleasure that incarnated the spirit of bluesgrass and rodeo in a single feeling
>She passes out with a smile in her face, she knew that she discovered passion for the first time in her life
>Meanwhile, Bob already won an argument in his favourite racist internet board... However, he couldn't understand why there was a speechless post with the pic of rose
>In the bottom of the pic it read:
>Fernando Martinez

>Te acuerdas de aquela noche por la ventana quando te he dado por todo el culo y la luna bailava en tus senos
Fucking lel.

Do you remember that night, at the window, when I was fucking you in the ass and the moon was dancing in your breasts?

stale pasta

>Denmark never heard of contraception

Those fucks can't manage to buy it.

based anti germanic poster

fuck all of you, spain france italy portugal, all of your DREAM of having my milky unblemished pale skin, I fucked women from your countries and they paid for the plane ticket, fuck you

fuck you
fuck you
fuck you

Comtraception is the heretical scourge of the west. We need to outproduce children against the germanics and immigrate to their countries

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>meds are so incompetent that they can't make a woman want to have a baby with them

Why are southrons so obsessed?


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What is wrong with whites?

hello my fellow iberian brethren

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They had enough of being cucked

dios mio...

Spreading LOVE


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this song is unrionically great




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You aren't southern european or my race ahmed.

A nordic from gotland is closer to me than a rifian.

You arent southern european but African.

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But in real life only the most handsome and competent with English language can f*uck the wh*Te woman.

>Muttmerican telling legit Iberians they aren't european
I tought that was just a meme

That's not true, at least here.
I remember perfectly.
>be me 2014, in Algarve
>scandi girl with white skirt jumping through our road
>me seeing her perfect ass
>some portuguese approached her and the lasses followed him
I was mad because I wanted to have a few more years

>be me
>in Algarve on holiday
>Portuguese see my glistening unblemished pale skin in the sunlight
>literally chase me through the streets asking me out

portuguese girls are disgusting desu. I don't care about them.

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Please end the g*Rmanic race.
even the nordicks are better than us

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ins'allah brother.

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The Dutch are honorary Iberians.


Germanic women are hideous desu

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>Sven left his wife, Ingrid, in order to attend another pro-immigrant rally
>Once again, the poor Ingird was left alone while her husband contributed to the decay of her country and culture
>She usually would go to the forest and write poetry of her own, it was in a forest that she had the most astonishing encounter of her life
>After a while, she started to feel warm and heated up, it seemed impossible since everything was covered in snow...
>"What's happening" - tought Ingrid
>Suddenly a lascive Em chord echoed troughout the pinetrees
>A dark handsome man appeared in front of her holding a rose in his teeth and in a exquisite and gracious way he offered her his most precious flower
>"Como tu, esta flor es la inspiracion para mis canciones de amor, dolor y pasion, querida Ingrid" - said the luxurious man
>Ingrid was mesmerized... Never she witnessed such demonstration of "amor ardente" in the frozen cucked lands of Sweden
>The man, filled with lust and pasion embraced Ingrid like a passionate, strong and gracious bull from the warm plains of the mediterranean
>Ingrid just let herself be possessed by the angel of luxury and her orgasms became a perfect simbyose with the pro-immigration rally portests
>Ingrid passed out after such pleasure and was now riding with the valkyries in the chariot of joy
>As the immigrants raped inocent swedish women a single girl was left pleased and satisfied in the snows of Sweden
>Her name was Ingrid and her lover was
>Fernando Martinez

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