Europeans of Sup Forums how many arabs or africans did you have at your high school?
Europeans of Sup Forums how many arabs or africans did you have at your high school?
A couple.
They were very nice though because I'm not a wh*Toid
We had this yesterday though.
Almost none compared to Middle School (literally hundreds).
High School in Denmark is only meant for people who want to go to college/university so no Arab boys and just a few Arab girls.
One Arab guy (a stoner), a few Blacks (mostly from the West Indies). Never had problem with any of them, except one time, when a half-black guy called me a dirty Jew (that was confusing since I'm not even Jewish, I only have a Germanic last name).
>Middle School (literally hundreds)
*literally hundreds of Arabs at my middle school
>that was confusing since I'm not even Jewish, I only have a Germanic last name
Sup Forums also thinks common Germanic last name are Jewish names.
Literally and honestly 0
there were 4 Vietnamese though
t. eastern Germany
There was about 3 people in the whole of my school desu, a few pakis, some Indians.
It was a grammar school so black people wouldn't pass the 11+ to get in.
Elementary school: 40% (But mostly albanian and turkish)
Secondary Education: about 30% (Had to go to a public school)
"High School": Only about 30. The very religious ones you can coexist with. There is no constant violence/threats from them.
And I was lucky. Nowadays the percentages are around 70-90%. They hunt German children. My nephew had to change schools already because it was too much. Turks/Arabs are basically like a pack of dogs or rats. When they are in superior numbers they will start to gang up and prey on Whites.
There was like 5 blacks in a 2000 student school.Never had one in my class.
In my class there were like 24 people.
1 of them was turk, 1 polish and like 6 Russians.
>high school
>middle school
I had an Albanian that looked from South India, otherwise 0
No Arabs that I remember. There was an African though. Keep in mind this was at least 8 years ago.
0. Went to school in northern Sweden.
I was one myself and I am intelligent, *dabs*.
>Had to go to a public school
That's the norm in Germany, retard
>Secondary Education:
>"High School"
That's the same, we don't have three tiers of education in Germany.
>that made up story about Germans being hunted
Get off your proxy, you dumb fuck.
>You Doodle
Nigga stop browsing this board, you underage dweeb. Go play with your friends like normal kids your age.
Honestly less than the creatures you let take over Kim. 3 years ago, 2 GIs killed two Korean girls for fun on night out. Their punishment? nothing. As of 2017 there are still 37,000 soldiers (trained murderers) stationed in Korea. I've talked to Korean women (in Korea, not America) who have openly said that they didn't know why any woman would date a Korean man 'when white men are so much better'. Sometimes they even make penis jokes.
The fuck you talking about you Nepali slave? I am 23.
ur underage.
Africans/jamacians where around 25%
Turks/Arabs/gypo Romanian 15%
like 15 of them i guess
a good third of the whole school
>That's the norm in Germany, retard
Maybe now. But that changes.
My cousin in Berlin spent some extra money to send my great(?)-cousin to a private school because it also was too much violence.
>That's the same, we don't have three tiers of education in Germany.
Grundschule --> Sekundarstufe I (Gymnasium/Realschule/Hauptschule) --> Sekundarstufe II (Gymnasiale Oberstufe)
>Get off your proxy, you dumb fuck.
Fuck off and stop pretending you know what you are talking about Mehmet!
I’m from a rural Turk colony. We have almost no Arabs other than 3 Tunesian sisters who all did Gymnasium.
Regardless like 5-10% of the pupils were Turkish, and another 10% were various other
0 during 1-6(roughly 80 students)
1 + a mixed girl 7-9(roughly 200 students)
I dont know, maybe 30-50 in highschool(roughly 2000 students)
>post my high school matriculation from years back
>Nepali slave calls me underage
Same here. We had bunch of of people from thailand though
Arabs are hardly spread out over our countries. You either go to a >50% Muslim school or
I went to a nice school in my town so we didn't have any minorities.
I don't think we even had any blacks or Arabs in the town (70k population) at all. Only gypsies and Turks.
Kad jau vakar klausei, debile.
fortunally i live in a small town and i never had a muslims in my classroom
It's because of the *dabs*
Thats some 12 year old meme shit right there kiddo.
Parents in Amsterdam are willing to die so their kid gets into a specific highschool that isn’t completely blacked and basically a drug dealer training centre
>I’m from a rural Turk colony.
I honestly wonder what our leaders expect to happen after filling our countries with brown people...
It's so strange and senseless.
the best part is even the open borders leftists refuse to send their children to 'black' schools
I attended a serious school, there were 0 niggers or arabs.
Huh, no thais for me. Just some Finns, Sami and Norwegians but that was it.
I dab daily and I also do stuff like the mannequin challenge and the ice bucket challenge, it's called being hip, grandpa
I'm in London. 90% of my school was foreign and it was very fun.
Antoine Griezmann is it you?
Be specific.
How's life as an underage refugee with autism in Netherlands?
>Parents in Amsterdam are willing to die so their kid gets into a specific highschool that isn’t completely blacked and basically a drug dealer training centre
And people still won't see. I mean it's already too late to change anything.
We are undoubtedly going into a genocidal conflict and it's hard to decide which side to root for.
On one hand the brown people are literal scum of the Earth on the other hand western Elites are completely deranged and secluded from real life and these western Elites (Pseudoleftists/Jew Servants) have deliberately created this situation.
Sometimes I think it might be best to join the Mudslimes.
He doesn't want to get locked up
Back to work, Nepali slave. You want that passport back, don't you?
get out, sharia doesen't approve shitposting on kefir's boards.
Grew up in one the now called "no-go zones" in Stockholm, our class in middle school was about 75% foreign, secondary school had a lot of mixed kids, luckily I got in to a good gymnasium so i didn't see as many there.
Was it "survival of the fittest" in there or it was just fine?
At high school about 30-35% turks and kurds.
Funnily enough i had only like 10% muslims in primary school
>my wh*te ass is on FIRRREEEEEEEE
>are you shitting me?
As far as I am concerned Whites are gonners. You can't repair this smear from my people anymore. You can't clean blood.
But what you can do is use every method possible to take revenge on the creatures who forced millions of brown people on us. Once we are dead Multiculturalism degeneracy must never repeat itself.
We should do everything we can to take revenge on Americans, Jews and Anglos. Hurt them so that they never recuperate again.
>or it was just fine?
High school: 1
Everywhere before high school: 0
There were 1 fat arab, and 1 black guy and a couple jews.
I went to a catholic high school so it's mostly french people going there.
During high school probably 10-15%? but I went to "ASO' which is basically standard education for people who want to study at a university later on. In "TSO" (education for more practical disciplines, eg welding) and "BSO" (education for disciplines that require even less thought) you'll find the number going upwards to 40-60%.
mellanstadiet var lugnast
högstadiet var lalligt
gymnasiet var kaos
We had like 2 Africans but they were will intergrated so you cant really count them. We had some arabs. The guys werent well intergrated and only sit with eachother but the girls were just chilling with everyone else. I think in my year we had 120 people and 10-15 were arab.
I went to 3 different high schools actually
(Parisian region)
>Private Catholic high school
It was very good. Mostly white but about 1/3rd jewish, they can be obnoxious but they aren't aggressive.
There was 2 black kids who acted white, and one rich chinese exchange kid too.
>Regular public school
It was very large and had thousands of students and like a hundred rooms. Like a student factory.
It was pretty much every race, even the less common ones like mexicans or pajeets or chinese. Not memorable but not bad.
>Professional school
Schools of mechanics, i went because i wanted to get into robotics but it was actually full of bydlos who wanted to do tuning on their t max
Shithole full of blacks and arabs. I'd say like 1/3rd arab 1/3rd white 1/3rd black, most of the white were Polish. It was still ok because it was professional school (so there was no women, there is discipline, you are paid, the teachers are not bullshitting you) but holy shit i learned how dumb those people are during those years.
Back to your contaiment board, dog.
Hes right though shit can be absurd here
He speaks as if "brown people" aren't even people.
>"Forced brown people on us"
>"The brown people are literal scum of the earth"
>Associates brown skin colour with islam even though there are more non-arab muslims than arabs(muslims+christians)
>Filling our countries with brown people...
>Thinks that very religious muslims are the ones that are non-violent
>"They hunt german children!"
>Turks/Arabs are basically like a pack of dogs or rats
Arabs & Turks had more history than his people ever did.
And he’s correct. Your people haven’t accomplished anything since you’re busy killing each other for centuries.
3 or 4 out of the 25 people in my class were ethnically norwegian, including myself. This was true every year regardless of switching classes. Hung out with quite a few Sri Lankans who were cool though.
Basert vestkantposter ;^)
You think I am going to reply seriously to your uneducated comment you did there?
Stay mad, retard.
One, she was my gf.
I've loved blaqqqqq chicks ever since.
The sight of my white dingus on her dark chocolate asscheek made my blood boil.
She was born in poland, she spoke polish without an accent and everything. Her parents were immigrants and came here in the late 80s
At elementary 1 tunisian kid who was perfectly integrated and quite adorable. In middle school none. In highschool we had 1 congolese girl in the whole school.
Vestlandet-poster, også er det jo åtte år siden.
Skjonner. Tenker at man må dra opp til Nord-Norge for å finne videregående skoler med bare nordmenn nå til dags.
Total, bullshit mate. I had 3 foreigners when I was in school (1 from Ukraine and 2 from Russia) And nowadays there are maybe 2 darker persons when I see classes outside.
Also, I was in a school close to Leipzig
Min vgs har 1000 elever da, og nå i herrens år er det garantert noen sandnegere. Faktisk vet jeg at det er det, ser de på busstoppet når jeg kjorer forbi. De er vel """""18""""" ikke sant?
You should learn the local language/dialect. Small nationalism is always ethnical. Now everyone can become "german", but noone can become sorbian or bavarish.
I visited Germany last month. When I came there I said to myself WOW, where are the germans? I looked to each side, and I could not see any. BUT THEN, I saw one. But she was suddenly taken by a flock of africans who only wore leopard-skin and they had spears too. They made weird noises. I quickly ran into a taxi. At least that man was turkish, and not THAT foreign in comparison. I told him to drive me to the most luxurious hotel around, and then I finally saw germans. I stayed in my room for a week and then I rushed through the jungle-like airport and back home.
Probably because I went to a catholic school that was also half monastery
>He speaks as if "brown people" aren't even people.
Why should we consider you people? Tell me please!
>Arabs & Turks had more history than his people ever did.
The people you replaced in the Middle East had a rich history. You Breeders are not the same.
fellow muslims, could you tell me more about your wonderfull arabic system of superstitions
worshipping pedo and murderer always seemed sooo exotic to me.
meanwhile stupid whites execute them you remember and exalt them for centuries, it's wonderful!
Didn't you post a pic with white beaten a hour ago?
Leave Saudi Guy alone, at least he has some common sense. I hate this board so much already. It's not even fun to post here anymore, because of all this racist bullshit everywhere.
No one. Only one sudaca girl from Ecuador and one Romanian guy.
>Small nationalism is always ethnical.
People think that will help lol.
I have seen that in the city I grew up in. It's such a joke. Instead of being Germans the poor creatures try to seek solace in identifying with their particular city.
These pathetic tiny islands will only be crushed faster.
In his country even arabs from different countries have less rights. But yes, repeat about "racist bullshit".
Real racist and real nazis are destructives, agree.
But when you want to stay european, save your culture - it's not even racism.
Learn the local dialect, as I wrote.
0. Also 0 at uni.
But I'm and oldfag. Nowadays there's surely quite a number of latinoamericans in high schools plus the occasional chinese.
one arab girl at elementary school
she used to bully me though :(
In the end only your own success counts. You can be whoever you want. If you are a looser, you are a looser, no matter if you are white or not. If you earn enough money and pay your taxes, you contribute to society. I despise the average white basement dweller as much as welfare leaches.
>I hate this board so much already. It's not even fun to post here anymore, because of all this racist bullshit everywhere.
Racism is the only truth that exists. All others are just leveled shades to hide it.
Religion is nothing.
Ideology is nothing.
Nations are nothing.
Racism is everything. That's what you fucked up brainwashed drones and your american-jewish multiculturalism perversion have taught me.
Large quantitiy-immigration creates racism. This board got more critical to immigration as the demographics in europe changed. It's a cause and effect kind of thing. Everyone is seeing what's happening now, and everyone has an opinion on it now. Before people didn't think much of it because it wasn't visible everywhere.
Nazism can end as an illness. But saving your culture isn't nazism or racism. And moderate your culture, to make it better.
Honestly the angry German is not the one at fault. When people are in such a situation it shouldn't be a surprise some take things emotionally and just have to vent.
That dissent or criticism of immigration is censored, especially in countries like Germany, is the explanation : people have no release otherwise.
In places where casual racism is more common, even when there is a brown problem such as say with american posters, you see much less overly emotional people going hysteric.
People will say they want the shitskins to fuck off which is fair but nobody is going on very dramatic speeches about the coming of the apocalypse and the end of the world and so on which frankly i think is fucking stupid and we could do without.
The extreme reactions are the backlash of too much repressed speech.
this too
>In the end only your own success counts.
In the end we are all just tiny grains of sand and what you consider success is also just another pathetic level of deceit.
You probably believe this american braincancer about social darwinism, right? That is if you really are German.