Racemixing is good and everyone should be doing it

Racemixing is good and everyone should be doing it.

Except soyboys.

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Didn't think it was possible to become even more gay than I already was

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I take the one on the right, thank you.

>mentally ill faggot thinks he can judge women

I'll take the one sitting in the center of the picture

I want to COLONIZE.COM all of them ;)

Yes, every white girl should try some BBC at least once in her life.

>Except soyboys.

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of course you do, I bet you wish you lived in the time where you could just put on a feathered hat, walk into Somalia or Eritrea and get laid

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I want children from the top left girl.

Ik i love fascist not because I'm fascist but because of african goddesses...

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fascists are cucks who hate African goddesses
besides the Italians were in East Africa since the 1880s long before fascism, so you what you should really love is Imperialism

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I want all those girls to have me at the same time.

Race mixing is disgusting and no one should do it.
Plus, blacks are unattractive and loud.
Nothing tops white beauty.

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trust no thot

Disgusting nose ring.

countryfriend why do you disappoint me so

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>Plus, blacks are unattractive

Why did you pick the ugliest fucking white girl to prove your point? I'd rather fuck a negress than that

Gr*Ek thinking he can reply to a Finn when not spoken to

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Racemixing is justice.

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I'd rather be celibate desu.


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1 shekel has been added to your account.

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oooga buuga uugaaa ooobugaa

thats my maiting call

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>k-kara b-boga white boy...

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Did they all just forget that she's a quarter white anyway?

>no qt black weaboo gf

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No black girls would Never date a FAGGOT

Go drink some soylent.

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0w0 what's this?

How does it feel that i have already pregnated 5 black girls?

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thats rich coming from you

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Real alpha over here, all capsing on Sup Forums

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absolutely pathetic

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>tfw white guys used to have these in their homes
Why did I have to be born after abolition? :(

the Finnish flag is a Somali refugee

But they're both the same race?

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Why Re there so many foreign pimps on Sup Forums

Even cave man can do it.

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oops last one was the wrong webm

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Snek next to a plen

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hopefully he grows out of this phase

Being heterosexual isn't a phase.

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he's clearly not black enough

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I dont understand this.

When you say to white girl they good asses they get shocked and violated YOU ONLY LIKE MY ASS BUT NOT MY SHITTY WHITE HAG PERSONALITY UUGH MEN

When i was with black girl i told her ass is from haven and she is goddess she just laughed and got super horny when i started to play with ass, her nipples were so hard they pierced through her bras and she was getting so wet. She was my first sex with blakc girl and i made oath to myself only fuck black girls after that.

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Ask me anything.

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How do non-mixed white people treat you and how do non-mixed black people?

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I'd spit on you if I saw you


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El AbominaciĆ³n Mulato...

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The whites usually think that I am some kind of swarthy Italian while the blacks tease me for looking Mexican.

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Her boyfriend is black HAHAHAHA


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Please respond, I'm fapping.

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can you tan?

Probably some instagram slut, there's loads of those.

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Do you love your dad?

But I want her, Igor. I want her.

Why? She looks so boring.

My penis is erect because her.

Even if white women do it m8? ;)

Find someone better, like that really mixed one with grey eyes, smug face and ass of a goddess, whatever her name is.

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Join the club lad

Do you look boring as well?

I want her name, please.

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You're talking to a nig m8


Yeah but I prefer to stay pale. Looks more natural as I have mostly European features.
Pops died, he had 1 white son and 2 girls like me. Like pic related.

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