Now that this is settled, can we stop the "x is white, x is not white" trolling?
Now that this is settled, can we stop the "x is white, x is not white" trolling?
Very good bit make Malta and Sicily white as they are the progeny of Greece
We are not white, Manuel
Who gives a fuck Sup Forums isn't a race board
>Corsica is white
>Sardinia isnt
Well sharted my mutt
how did you know my name?
only hispanics consider spaniards white
I don't think Portugal is considered Hispanic, though
whiter than you muhammads
Is Paris Burning?
thank fucking god
Most Gr**ks I've met are darker than Indians.
Hungarians are a bunch of Turks, how can they be white?
How dare you call me wh*te
Greece is white
(and the girls are qt)
Cease your rude comments
france is a pathetic country
if only germany wasn't as pathetic so they could end their misery
pure slavic race
>posting finns
thanks god I'm not considered as wh*te
i'd put half of spain in the red and upper italy in blue
We drowned kek
Look, the other arab countries like morrocco and algeria arent depicted either
Fuck off we are not wh*te
>half spain meme again
be original for once
ironically you can't do that
Spain isn't white, my ameritarded friend
fixed that for ya, bud
fuck off we're black. KARABONGA whiteoids
I am white, everybody else is not white.
We arent wh*Te
LMAOOOOO all the Wh*toids trying to fit pur proud black country in your shit list. we're not. fuck you.
t. Mario Rosatelli
looks like somebody in antifa
anyone have the map that has portugal as "negro" and spain as "el abomination" etc etc?
pfff you are like little babies compared to the dalmatian KARA BOĞA
we shall slay the wh*Te d*Gs
I won't even spit at your direction you worthless wh*toids
Nobody wants to be white anymore and that's a good thing.
Wh*tes will be replaced and Europe will belong to Southern Europeans and Slavs plus Finno-Hungrics.
What's with right wing American media screeching about no go zones in Europe?
>Split isn't wh*teoid
feels good you disgusting z*greboid
>wanting to be wh*Te
I'll never understand Am*Rimutts
The peak performance of American empire happened when most of population was white. Now, when they got mutted, the USA slowly begins to resemble Brazil with nukes. That's simply nostalgia.
delet this wh*Tey
Darker than you Szimonski
> Soviet khazaric kikes riding on backs of dumb servant mongols turned whole Central-Eastern Europe into shit due to Jewish-luciferianist ideology of communism
> All affected nations mirically stopped being white in opinion of the mutt
Can't wait when whole USA begins to look like one fucking big favela, and not only 50% of it, then you will get your taste of jewish communism too.
The Anglo impregnated enough of your potatonegresses over 1000 years I think
> half
How would you do it? It would be a pretty unreadable map.
A few tips: most Galicians are darker than most Navarrese, there are thousands of gypsies in Andalusia and Catalonia, Canarians are related to Berbers but also to Castilians, Basques look different but only if they have pure Basque ancestry, most Spaniards like to get tanned at the beach, and pic related is Leonese.
we northern italians are not white, KARA BOGA!!!
You unironically offended. At least You could have put the South as non-white.
Because European cuck countries let them fester.
thanks for not including us with wh*Toids
also Fingolians are honorary Asians and Greece is KARA BOGA AKTION
Greece has denbts.
You got it all wrong m8’s
>Greeks are white
>Slavs aren't
nowhere in the world are slavs considered white
Italy isn't white but spain is
Oh you think Visigoths actually intermixed with the iberians... Even though they got Arabbed for almost a thousand year. I guess North Africa is white too.
we are lusitanians, therefore we moor
Europe is burning. We have like brown death squads running around everywhere.
>that flag
it's more the opposite
>can we stop the "x is white, x is not white" trolling?
Yes. Europe(western and eastern) = white . Argentina = white, USA = white. Everyone is happy now.
this "wh*te" meme is an american invention, it basically means (in the broadest sense) germanic+celtic+(maybe)mediteranian, or if you want to be more strict than it's wasp - white anglo-saxon protestants.
fuck this "wh*tey" meme, i'm EUROPEAN.
Anyway, in the end the white population will become extinct, the non-white populations are much higher in number.