Why is France the only successful Romance country?
Why is France the only successful Romance country?
It's a shithole.
italians, iberians, they're all subhumans
that's why
Because we civilised them. Compare Aquitaine then to today, Calais then to today, etc.
guess we have to thank the French kings of England for occupying Calais and Aquitaine then
You were ruled by French kings at the time.
>we civilised them
your talking a retarded version of our language tho, if one civilised the other, its the one who cucked your culture so deep.
The french are some of the most hideous subhumans alive.
This but unironicaly
ferme la ahmed personne n'a réclamé ta contribution intellectuelle
l'orco transalpino...
>le self hating faggot
porobably a sandnigger not welcomed in both France and his parents former country, literally less relevance than dogs.
Romania is the best Romance country.
are you drunk again pooland ?
Monaco is the most successful romance cunt
Mon cher françois, je ne fait que dire l'amère vérité
monaco is france
c'est guillaume pour toi mamadou
>Monaco is the most successful romance cunt
>it's a fucking protectorate state
Apprends à écrire la langue de tes suzerains, merde quand même.
Can you tax their people income? Then it is not France. They just use france as protection.
I don't have the time to learn this shit language
It's worst than that: I'm just kidding
Their head of state had to have the French citizenship until 2005 when we passed a law that made it so Monégasques were eligible as well, but no Monégasque has ever led the country.
we literally make their budget
It sucked out all the success.
You gotta admit it's pretty fucking based, even on global scale.
Tell that to all the Frenchies resigning French citzenship to flee to monaco because they want to avoid taxes
>all the Frenchies resigning French citzenship to flee to monaco
lmao, you fucking clueless, even AS Monaco owner been rejected Monaco citizenship
African country*
yeah that's the entire point of monaco's existence: providing a tax haven for our citizens
it's kinda sad how you blindly believe that you're saying groundbreaking stuff when in fact you're not impressing anyone
It isn't. Vatican And San Marino are
>can't enforce your own rules
>i-it's totally france!
i just said that we can, are you blind or are you retarded?
but France did enforced its own rules to Monaco dumb monkey, Monaco is literally forbidden to stand against France, this is how cucked they are, and if you dont have fiscal paradise your a non country.
Yeah. Just like the jews don't secretly control america. They make you think you are in power to fight their battles.
>let me tell you about your own country
this is why i hate favela monkeys
Frogbros, answer me this: how the FUCK is this woman white? Put a hijab on her and she looks identical to any refugee. How can you deny your southern population got merguez'd 1000 years ago during the Arab invasions?
>Put a hijab on her
I thought she was wearing a hidjab in the thumbnail... She's fucking ugly, who is that?
>t. retarded version of latin
Your gold medalist in skying.
Why is France a country?
and we're proud of it
The french come in all shapes and colors, but no matter what they look like they are the worst
So why are Wuz Troubadours so brown-looking?
Italy and Belgium?
Please tell me it wasn't in alpine.
because france conquered a lot of territories inhabited by different ethnies, you cant understand your country was inhabited by ice and snow.
frenchmen and dutchmen in denial
Italy is very underestimated desu, they have a really good economy
>meme acrobatics
Thank god.
>Why is France the only successful Romance country?
If you call that multiculturalist shithole where more people are speaking arabic than french a successful country, i don't know what could be more wrong with you.
That country is lost, i had some hope when i read 5 years ago that this generation was the most extremist one, sadly it doesn't seems so, i was disappointed when i saw that granny fucker winning the election.
If this continue morocco/algeria/tunisia will become whiter than that shithole called France.
Looks cute from the thumbnail. That nose, tho
Well memed, Mamadou.
Based axis brother
Because we have some white admixture to counter the medshit lazy mentality
>Well memed, Mamadou.
>tfw i wasn't meming and this is the true situation of France.
i miss the nazi occupation during WW2, atleast France was still white at that time.
Kill yourself.
>Kill yourself.
>I don't have the time
>I miss the nazi occupation
non mais tu dois te suicider c'est tout y'a pas 36 solutions, en plus d'être un merdepeau qui se fait passer pour un français tu es un collabo
Was expected from a nigger, seems like your parents never taught you the good manner, that was expected from you subhuman invader.
joli samefag mais je t'invite à lire ceci:
English Aquitaine - Wealthiest province of Angevin and greatest wine producer in the world.
English Calais - Jewel of Western Europe.
French Aquitaine - Stagnant old persons' home.
French Calais - District 9 with wogs
>en plus d'être un merdepeau qui se fait passer pour un français tu es un collabo
Implying that the 21th century France isn't worse. I'd rather be occupied by the Nazi than being invaded by niggers, goat fuckers and girls in burka.
this but unironically
you were not even born, back then
>il répond en anglais
s u i c i d e toi
Je peux te répondre en français si tu y tiens tant que ça, user trop fière de son pays pour admettre que la France est un 'shithole'.
>même macaque qui fait ce genre de thread:
putain je serais mal dans ma peau à sa place
>you were not even born, back then
And i wish i was.
>trop fière
ah mais le français est vraiment ta langue secondaire en fait, j'y croyais pas trop
Their history does not revolve around sucking the dick of the pope
Non, je te guarantis que c'est pas la même personne qui te parle. En géneral c'est juste des mecs de Sup Forums qui viennent pour shitpost.
Are you sure their ancestors weren't raped by Arabs?
The Arabs were stopped at Poitiers.
And then, they invaded you later with the consent of the EU, how ironic.
t.Le cuck français moyen qui se croit supérieur en corrigeant une simple faute que n'importe qui pourrait faire. Juste pour se sentir supérieur.
limite un peu tes anglicismes aussi mamadou; merci
I guess India is successful
but monaco isnt france
sur un site internationnal et majoritairement anglophone ?
Si t'aime pas ça, j'imagine que tu connais déjà la sortie,
C'est part là.
Cletus got his hands on a computer again
Your in the same situation canacuck and it's probably even worst except that your country is being sold to the chinese.
Tfw vancouver is the biggest asian city outside asia