This is fucking bullshit how am I just supposed to not eat I'm starving all the goddamn time I try to snack on an apple...

This is fucking bullshit how am I just supposed to not eat I'm starving all the goddamn time I try to snack on an apple on an empty stomach and it gives me a stomachache what kind of meal ends before you feel full this weight loss shit is a scam I want a fucking donut so bad I've never wanted a donut so bad in my life

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eat slowly.

eat tomatos

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meh i can only eat tomatoes with cheese and mayo, the texture is just too weird

Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Consider suicide

atleast i'm not eating monkey you spear chucking subhuman

also you will go back to your original weight after you're done with that diet because, shocker, your regular diet is what turned you into a fatman to begin with.

Why is eating monkeys such a taboo for you?
You aleady eat sea spiders, sea scorpions and sea cockroaches.

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It's not hard, I'm only 51kg

here's my menu for today. no snacks and I only drink water.
3/8 cup dry worth of white rice
half a can of black beans
4 marshmallow choco pies for desert

1/3 lb dry worth of pasta
1/8th jar of pasta sauce with 3/16lb of chicken
4 marshmallow choco pies for desert

i don't live on a coast, i don't even know what those fish are in the picture.

i feel bad for you

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wtf is a sea cockroach

at least i am not a disgusting fat full of acne

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Eat a couple of slices of lemon for lunch and dinner . I dont care if you dont like it just do it. Throw some salt over it it makes it taste better or squeeze it whole and drink it as liquid. (dont throw sugar) . Also eat a good breakfast so you dont get hungry before lunch.

fucking shrimp, nigga

People in first world nations have no excuse to be fat. You have access to lots of outdoor activities, gyms, and sport facilities.

>People who do vegetable diets to lose weight.
How dumb do you have to be?

Why? Fish is basically meat but for women/vegetarians. I'm a man so I eat real meat.

>eating pre-slaughtered livestock is manly
>he will never know the joys of fishing and eating what you caught

I'm 173cm 61kg and considered as a chubby in Japan
Am I also fat in your cunt?
t.a girl

Yet you need a mobility scooter to get anywhere instead of walking like a human.

This is the big brain way of stopping obesity, but it only works when people are kids.

I love a good steak but some fried or smoked salmon beats it any day.

This, smoked salmon is great

Dried sea fish is tasty, lads.

shouldn't you be mowing my lawn paco?

If you're actually a girl, chubby by about 10 pounds. If you're a guy that weight is fine

No. you're perfect
post some pics please

>t.a girl
I doubt it

You become girl if you wear a skirt

>never had smoked fish

Nobody have an "excuse" to be fat. You don't need outdoor activities, gyms or sport facilities to not be fat.

So what you're saying is that you have the food preferance of a 6-year old?

Honestly, it's the equivalent of addiction especially for the morbidly obese. Cleary, the reward system in their brain broke and needs actual fixing

>wonders why he's fat

I get that europeans are against hunting, but you should try some venison or a nice steak. You would probably like it.

Oh don't get me wrong, I hunt every fall, and self-hunted moose is more or less best thing there is.
The thing is that I can also eat other things aswell.

How does a diet in the land of the free even looks like when all the food is utter garbage?

Maybe your problem is that you're trying to go cold turkey,instead of suddenly eating healthy,try eating the same but only eat a bit of fruit at breakfast and nothing else, then after a month of that start drinking more water and less cola slowly,when you only drink one cup of soda/coffee/alcohol/etc per day,learn to cook simple things(because going to a restaurant for healthy food is expensive,check out /ck/) and once a week have a small healthy meal,then twice a month,then three times a month and so on.if you take your time and go at your own pace you can become healthy,hell even your palete gets used to it and slowly likes bitter vegetables more and sugary things like donuts become to can do it man

What are you fucking stupid?food is for enjoying.dont say shit like that,different types of food should never be for a specific group exclusively,I'll dip my fries in caviar and drink red wine with oj if it tastes good you ignorant tasteless redneck

Nope,to be fat in my country you have to have a double muffin top