Truly our best ally
Truly our best ally
Hitler said that he'd rather lose teeth than talk to Franco
he looks like a retard
we arrested this criminal puigdemont just for you :3
why do u say so?
Why is always the least whites the most obsessed over whiteness?
Based germanbros
Mahmud al-Andaluci lmao look at this manlet
will he get the death penalty? for rebellion?
The Germans back at it again, they arrested Companys and gave him to Franco, now they have done the same with Puigdemont. Two good things can come out of this, that we can make him President again and that if he goes to jail, the chimping out can be memorable. Hopefully this will show people there's no possibly peaceful way to deal with Spain.
And yet they were never at war on the same side together. Unlike Finland and Nazi Germany.
We repelled that shit with the transition to democracy, BUT, right now there are some talks about reintroducing a "revisable" life imprisonment
>BUT, right now there are some talks about reintroducing a "revisable" life imprisonment
Hitler actually said if he could turn back time he would have supported the republic instead of Franco
>Hitler actually said if he could turn back time he would have supported the republic instead of Franco
when did he said that?
>east baltic roundhead thinks his german overlords would have spared him
Good, with a bit of luck the nationalism in Catalonia will become anti-EU, this is the door to many good things.
>Be the leader of the Axis and one of the most influential people in the world.
>Shit on France, one of the colonial powers.
>Get cucked by a fat manlet from Spain
What I want to happen: spanish represion ends up forcing a socialist anti-eu catalonian violent rebelion
What is gonna happen: oooh we are pacifists we only want independence and to be accepted by the european union and continue liberalism, which is gonna change nothing for catalonia visca catalunya
bravo Germany!
speer mentions in his diaries that hitler thought there would be another civil war in spain and they should supoport the reds then. in his table talsk he also said he regretted helping the reactionary franco and the church against the revolutionaries and that they should try to build up some kind of german-falangist alliance after the war that the republicans could be integrated into.
You fucking godless commies disgust me, in fact, you are the reason why catalan identity is a fucking joke.
.>> 87342406
At least he did not make Hitler to lose of war, unlike Mussolini or Japan. Despite the modest Spanish army during WWII, I still think that things could have been different if Franco had accepted to close the Strait of Gibraltar. A little decision with enormous consquences.
Franco cucked the falangists desu
Your God does not exist, but catalan nationalism which will destroy your "nation", Spain, does
Based spaniard
Nationalism and communism are a contradictio in terminis. And Catalonia, above anything, was build upon the Reconquista and on solid christian pillars, don't forget that, I don't really care if you are an atheist, but if you destroy our roots the whole tree will rot.
>muh nationalism is inherently right-wing
Nigga gtfo
he was
Nah, thats what they were thinking first, they noticed that finns were more blonde and blue eyed, and we were promoted and Himmler started to search the home of the aryan people from Kalevala and Finland.
And on opposite sides too
Rhetorical trash, this is the univocal reality of marxism and where it always drives given enough purity spiraling among their enforcers.
Then the axis would have had to deal with yet another, poorly protected, front.
If you're ok with removing up to a half of finns ok then
>reminder not to breed with F*nns
t. German propaganda leaflets
>nobody said everything about whitneess
>mexican brings it up
i guess your statement is correct
That is the worst quote caption I've seen. You can't just connect two parts from different sources like that. Not to mention different goddamn authors! And the wording isn't even correct
Yeah, you can post that phenotype from Savo and cherry picked asiatic looking people as much as you want, but it doesnt change the fact. The people who brought language etc were maby more asiatic looking what people are today in western finland where 80% of the people live and thats how they were when nazies came here too.
The nazi race theory is much based on pseudo-science anyways.
My Comrade! The victory of Socialism is inevitable, indeed. Capitalism's internal contradictions are bringing the Proletarian People's revolution closer every single day. Just as Marx predicted.
Fear that day, imperialist fascist scum! You will have no place to hide.
Socialist Patriotism is just Fascism with even more state controlled economy
Marxism cannot be Nationalist, Marx and Lenin made that very clear
>"Above all, Lenin regarded the right of self-determination as subordinate to the interests of the working class. "The bourgeoisie always places its national demands in the forefront, and does so in categorical fashion. With the proletariat, however, these demands are subordinated to the interests of the class struggle." (Ibid, p.21) And again, "While recognising equality and equal rights to a national state, it values above all and places foremost the alliance of the proletarians of all nations, and assesses any national demand, any national separation, from the angle of the workers' class struggle." After all, the right to national self-determination is a bourgeois-democratic demand, not a socialist one."