When will Pooland realize that they are only improving because of the funds that Western Europe has provided them with?
From where did they get this nigger mentality of "Give us stuff, but we don't have to give anything back for it"?
When will Pooland realize that they are only improving because of the funds that Western Europe has provided them with?
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What can one do in Lithuania? What did you do this weekend? I wasted it on Sup Forums.
Stop giving those idiots attention. That's what they want more than anything... Because in reality, their are irrelevant.
how are going your Sorbian studies?
w jadnej ruce hanku
w drugej ruce kanku
wew, it could be picture about Ukraine.
Why is it only in Poland? South Korea and Japan also received considerable capital and technology from the United States. But no one treats South Korea and Japan as it does to Poland.
The US doesn't have to economically or politically hobble South Korea and Japan every five or so years to remind them who's boss. We have aircraft carriers for that.
EU funds we get is 5x less than we lose at the same time on membership in the EU due to capital outflow and economical exploitation. Besides 85% of these funds we get come back to German companies anyway because of tenders. Daily reminder that Lithuania takes more EU funds per capita than Poland but still is a shithole.
Everybody wants something from Poland lately: EU, Russia, Jews... Could you all fuck off of us, please? Thanks in advance.
>we didn't get anything from EU!
>its the EU that benefits from poland
lmao if you actually believe this
>western europeans letting poor starved eastern europeans into their little sekrit club if it didn't directly and indirectly benefit them
I seriously hope you don't actually believe this.
EU was never a fucking charity mate.
>western europe invites Poland so it wouldn't fall under Russian control and would threat them again and give them stuff so they wouldn't be monkeys who think that EU = Soviet Union
>he actually believes that EU's sole purpose is to protect muh poor eastern europeans from muh ebil russia
hahahaah what a massive faggot you are.
>profiting from a shithole
yes poland has so much to offer
Considerably more than Lithuania if you look at how much of a better place to live Poland is compared to Lithuania.
>take german railways and cities
>we wuz rich an shieeet
How is it my fault that Germans knew the value of railways for modern industrialized society better than the Russians did? Shouldn't you be posting this picture in /rus/ or something?
>how is it my fault that the only good part of "my" country was german and the only reason why it isn't a total shithole
The "bad" part wasn't Polish either.
Why are you so butthurt?
the eastern part of that is the only original part of the polish state, the one being a total dump
>polish state
Пpивиcлинcкий кpaй was region of the Russian Empire just like Lithuania.
I bet Russian Empire would be a much better place to live if it weren't for Shituanians.
>its the russians fault that my country is a shithole
A great summary of Lithuanian foreign policy since the 1991 lmao.
the only way EU has profited to far from accepting Poland has been you sending your people as slaves to western europe