Does your cunt have elite universities at the level of the Ivy League?
Does your cunt have elite universities at the level of the Ivy League?
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Are they still relevant in USA?
My grandfather graduated princeton
Some elite firms only hire Ivy
No where near as much as a few decade ago, but they're still relevant, especially Harvard.
Yes even more elite.
>Go to elite private school
>You and your friends go to elite universities
>You graduate and all your friend work at top banks
>You get government position
>All the ministers and top bankers were your school mates
>Send your kids to elite schools and repeat
Isn't Harvard still considered best in world?
Yeah but I'd say Oxbridge is only topped by Harvard, Princeton, and maybe Columbia. They're leagues above Brown or Cornell for instance.
of course not
In most recent rankings Oxford and Cambridge ranked top 2.
Harvard is just larping as Oxford anyways.
>elite private school
wanna know how i know you're a fucking retard?
Arrrrrrghhhh venting blogpost incoming:
My cunt is very ambitious. I work in a public uni. We are pushed to get on those world uni rankings. Publish or perish, you know the deal. The problem is the typical research grant is around RM100k-250k which is supposed to:
1. Produce 1-2 masters student and 1 phd student
2. Produce 2-10 peer reviewed journal articles with ISI indexed impact factors bla bla
3. Produce one patent
4. Produce a prototype product that can be in theory sold
5. Be in line with whatever sexy new scientific field du jour that the gov are into
We are supposed to do all this on a USD25k budget. Bear in mind almost all of the machines, reagents, instruments are imported and we pay a premium due to the P.O. system in use by gov agencies.
No, because just about anyone can get into our top universities
>Harvard is just larping as Oxford anyways.
Are Malaysians smart asians or dumb asians?
that list has harvard at 6 kek.
Harvard was founded by John Harvard. A Cambridge graduate. Amerifats are always LARPing as us.
Honestly speaking I have never heard of Dartmouth.
What about Rose Hulman?
Harvard, Yale and Princeton are the only prestigious ones. The rest are meme-tier.
50% are dumb and another 50% are smart
How? Im excited to hear this
And the rest?
Less prestigious doesn't mean "meme tier". They are not exactly public school level .
MIT isn't in the Ivy League.
Don't they have racial quotas?
Us Ivy Leaguers look down on the trade school known as MIT
Well you shouldn't. MIT is the easily the best university in America. Maybe even the world. It overtook the Ivy League and Oxbridge a long time ago.
those code monkeys and engineers will be working for mr. Harvard
Both of my parents went to MIT and there's a running joke that goes like, "Yeah if you didn't get into MIT you can go down the river with all the other dummies"
The school down the river is Harvard.
i go to oxford for physics
you can ama if you want
Did you to go a private school prior?
yes, a good one too
in my year of 90 kids, 26 or so went to oxbridge if i remember correctly
Are you a chad?
UBA argie here
not in the traditional sense of being 6'3, on the rugby team, etc
but i guess im pretty successful
Is the picture taken in a church?
Do many international students go to Oxford?
Even though they're not ivies, MIT, Stanford, and University of Chicago are all pretty elite schools.
almost all of the 40 colleges that make up Oxford started off as being run by monks about 950 years ago. As a result, every college has its own Chapel, although they are so rich that oftentimes the chapels can be larger than an average church.
The picture is of the New College chapel, which is a rather lovely 14th century affair that I like very much
Yes, lots. Probably 40% or so are internationals.
>University of Chicago
Literally who? Should've said Berkeley.
Gotta love that "elite" education that you can only get in Fatfuckistan!
Wow, I didn't expect that many. Many Chinese/Korean students come to my city (Boston) for education, but they predominately attend the second-tier schools.
the uk government caps student fees for brits at £9000 maximum
there is no such limit for foreign students
so uk unis like foreign students becausw they can rip them off by charging 5x as much in fees and (theoretically) use that extra money to improve the university
Don't forget all the global elites will send theirs kids here.
We have the same situation in the US, a lot of middle-tier/lower-tier schools take huge amounts of international students because they can pay exuberant fees. From what I can understand, a lot of wealthy Chinese parents know their kids won't do well on their entrance exams, so they send them overseas because a foreign diploma looks good. God knows how long this situation will last though. A lot of my Korean friends told me its getting harder to find a job in Korea if you attend a foreign university.
How many student are in the physics program at Oxford?
Can I get a tour of your department if I visit the campus?
Most 'elite' universities here are public, and they're nowhere near the ivi league level. I go to decent uni here, tho not the top three and I think were still miles away compared to Singapore, Malaysia and maybe even Thailand in terms of higher education
Pretty much the same here, elite unis here are like that and that's kinda sucks
Every sitting member of the supreme court and both the last four and the current president attended them, so yes they matter. Honest;y, they're a domestic threat to our democracy, but they enable the right people, so no one would ever mention it.
Columbia is very prestigious
No, those are illegal here.
>Pretty much the same here, elite unis here are like that and that's kinda sucks
YEah, the Ivy league and a few other schools (Stanford, UChicago, etc.) PRetty much exist to groom the upper classes and justify our social hierarchy. Any sensible person in this country should despise them.
t. University of Chicago graduate
The school I attend is so shitty I'm embarrassed to even say it. I want the alumni of those schools barred from holding office above the county level and taxed into poverty. Their endowments should also be taxed too, and penalties should be levied against firms who have their alumni in executive or board positions.
It's not that bad in science-related fields here, but in social fields like law, only few unis are dominant, is it the same in USA?
We have the University of California system. Although they weren't designed to be "elite" schools. They were more designed to bring Ivy League tier education to the masses. Some have gotten a bit hoity toity like Berkeley or UCLA, but the majority still keep things on the original track.
There's plenty of good schools outside of them even if they aren't as good. Even plenty of otherwise unimpressive schools may have a great department or too. The elite law schools in this country have amassed so much power it's disgusting, and the alumni of these schools just dump money into them. Hell Harvard's endowment was greater than the GDP of Bolivia in 2016.
That's cherry picking.
The current president, speaker of the house and pretty much most top political figures aren't ivy leaguers.
Things used to be much worse, but I think we are going in the right direction. Competency matters much more than university attended.
Trump went to UPenn
Not disagreeing with you but U Penn is most definitely ivy league.
Schumer is an Ivy Leaguer too, and every Supreme Court justice
yeah, for some reason I thought they werent.
But it's good that ivy's are not that important anymore.
It's actually become more common in recent years to have Presidents with Ivy League credentials. None of Reagan, Carter, Nixon, LBJ, Eisenhower had them while every President since HW has
Does it matter if your Ivy League degree is a graduate one as opposed to an undergrad?
Only real uni over this upper middle class citizens factory