Were you on the LSD, Sup Forums? I was on it February 2017.
Were you on the LSD, Sup Forums? I was on it February 2017
where you from OP?
I would like to try microdoses of LSD
I was. It was funky, probably cut with a lot of speed. I sat in my car in the rain and played guitar for like 6 hours.
I'm straight edge I don't drink or do drugs
oh yes. when i was younger i tripped every week. now i just eat shrooms sometimes
Any side effects in the long term?
Can one still play competitive sports?
LSD cut with speed? what the fuck? are you retarded
my last time was probably a year ago or so, did 200mcg with 600mg of DXM
you go mental. doesn't affect physical performance. t. former pro-sportsman
candyflipping is fun user! just don't look in the mirror :DD
Can you still remember shit? Meaning, does it affect your "memory" or CPU? What about critical thinking, math, programming, etc? Or you just have mental moments.
speed doesn't mean MDMA
i have once tried candyflipping but i blew it by taking the mdma too late, like 4-5h after the LSD and it just felt like frying my brain which i also did back then
good times, mostly
no. acid is actually a very safe drug to take, unless you do some idiotic shit while high. in my case i feel i had a tendency towards mental illness anyway so it probably just sped up the progression towards final form. haven't really felt anything hindering my math/programming skills, just interpersonal problems etc.
oh, ok. no idea what that is then. we just do mdma or amphetamine around here when talking about tablets
>dont drink
he wasn't talking about tablets
he said LSD cut with speed that probably no one does ever
also if i come to tallinn next summer how easy is it to get drugs? and what kind?
it's too easy. everyone knows either someone who deals or someone who knows someone who knows... just a matter of asking some young dude. mostly weed, shrooms, mdma and amphetamines. for the harder stuff you might need better connections
those i can get here
how about good amphetamines? amph or meth?
how about heroin? preferably not cut with fentanyl/carfentanil or something
i think the quality here on the street is rather low for chemicals. i mean, if you see pressed tablets you can bet that they are mixed with some filler material. if you see a minigrip full of powder and it's a bit moist you know it's good shit from a nice lab. heroin is difficult to find because the needlebois keep to themselves, they're not like other junkies imho, they shoot somewhere behind a corner while other junkies just do it in a social situation. and afaik fenta is the big thing nowadays
same here, in the eastern-middle part of finland 50e/g for something like 5-10% amphetamine is the norm
i'm not even joking, it's fucking pathetic and then when it's something like 20% and 0,1-0,2g dose works people go apeshit over it and are willing to pay even more
and what a shame, i have nothing against fentanyl but i'd rather get to try JUST heroin at some point in my life
i haven't dared. lost two friends to that. both of them "i'm only gonna do it once"